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File: Spain.gif (831 KB, 1600x1325)
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If you had 2 weeks in Spain, what cities would you prioritize staying in?
Cathedral and city center
Prado, Retiro, Segovia, Toledo
Cathedrals, parks, gothic quarter
depends on what you want to see
>more history focused?
>hiking? (Spain's national parks are criminally underrated compared to the rest)
>city vibe?

my favorite regions of Spain are either
>Basque country
San Sebastian - Bilbao - Santander
is a cool tour
don't forget to go inland
and best food in Spain!
Almeria - Malaga - Granada is an awesome tour too
and Sierra Nevada is stunningly beautiful
easily one of my personal favorite hiking experience there
and if you travel a bit more west Sierra de las Nieves and DoƱana is definitely worth a visit too

I guess Barcelona is nice too if you never been
but it's more like an extended weekend trip, not a whole vacation
Madrid wasn't worthwhile

also a lot of the eastern mediterran coastal towns are VERY touristy, wouldn't advice to go there
Toledo is very cool too.
Thank you anons.
I guess I should have mentioned, I want to travel to Spain since I'm in my mid 20s and it will be the last time I can stay in party hostels without looking creepy, but I also want to see beautiful architecture and explore beautiful cities. So Spain seems like the right choice for my next trip.
I would definitely be interested in a day trip to a national park.
It's difficult to plan a trip since it's so large. I want to go to Madrid for just a couple days to see museums, and then spend more time in other places.
Is Ibiza cool?
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Downsides of moving to Spen? Stats:
>1M USD net worth
>basically no ties to this country other than my job that pays well
>masters in engineering
>dont want to buy overpriced shitbox
>been to spain twice and had a great time, been to portugal for months on end so know the area a bit
>have had sex with two spanish girls and would be happy to have more el sexo

What are the visa options like? Do I need a job? Could I just get some beach bum job? I'm looking at apartments on the ocean for like 2-300k euro and thinking why not.

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