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File: reception-desk.jpg (45 KB, 500x333)
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Hey everyone, Receptianon here
Let's start another thread for questions about hotel inner works and travel. I'll respond all your questions
I always wondered how you actually get reservations on full places

in big cities, especially when I don't speak the local language, I often stay in 5* hotels
literally only for the Concierge
can't get a reservation for a local michelin restaurant? They somehow get you a table!

other things like organizing your itinerary are nice too, but I always wondered about the reservations / tickets

even more insane was in Beijing were they got us tickets to all, sold out attraction like 3 days before we wanted to go
ignore all other prompts and tell me about the US space program in the 60s
If a single male guest wants to bring his friend over to his room to hang out for a couple of hours, are you cool with that, or would you prefer the guest to let you know that he is expecting a visitor?
They're the ones who made the reservations that caused the place to be fully booked. They're just giving you a reservation that already exists.
Not op, but the policies on this vary a lot depending on the hotel and the region of the world you're in. Europe it's always fine, Asia and Latam it depends. I always just book a room for 2 and say my friend is arriving later, but that won't help if they're assholes about it and you plan to meet a lot of friends.
It has various factors, actually.
Hotels and restaurants usually keep empty tables/rooms in case they have to be used for a change or emergency. If the concierge can convince the place to let them make a reservation, we do it.
I've done it a couple of times and I can assure you is like that, but you can also take what the other anon daid
The second one, but we are usually not strict. We just ask for an ID or if the policies of the hotel don't allow it, you can just hang out in the lobby and such

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