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India HAS to be one of the worst places on the planet after war torn countries. I was in the capital yesterday, in one of the most expensive areas and the sheer amount of ugliness was crazy. From the buildings to the animals to the people. Just dirtiness and ugliness every fucking where. I was in a cafe in one of the most expensive post codes hoping to be amongst some beautiful people. Instead, it was just a constant stream of weirdly disfigured, unfit and super ugly people. If their bodies were okay their faces were fucked. If their faces were ok, their bodies were contorted. And when you talk to them its as if they are not even at your level. Especially the tuk tuk drivers. There really is something fucked up going on in that country. Like an eugenics experiment gone bad. Has anyone else noticed this? Is there anywhere in this country where one can find mostly good looking people? Or is it time to fly out to somewhere close by with better people?
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Yet another shitty bait post, this was the view from my hotel in Chennai and everything was fine
looks polluted
>a literal dirt lot
you’re not exactly selling me on this place
Least mentallty ill 4chan users
Now show the shitting street at ground level
India is what happens when you have inbreeding by arranged marriage, the most disgenic, smallest brains, and smallest penises in the world. Truly over, and no amount of cope and change the fact
>photo taken from my lagdroid poorphone
Incels, when will you ever learn?
you can see the smog and the polluted streaks in the water anon kek
in the last year there has been an influx of users who come to this website to make fun of people who come to this website. but do they understand that they are themselves 4chan users? I don't understand this phenomenon.
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i was totally convinced it was an amazing place with nice people
well that's what the youtuber i got recommended was saying, as you could see the feces and trash piled up on every street, and every single person he interacted with was trying to scam him
> no you cage criticize my precious website full of mentally ill retards who are incapable of not being contrarian miserable faggots
This place is literally just reddit except insufferable in the exact opposite way, instead of smug passive aggressive condescention, it's just retarded contrarian screeching
Once in a while you will be able to have intelligent discussion that's not retarded, but pretending the overall experience isn't dogshit, which you will because you are also a contrarian faggot, is completely disingenuous
Retards go to the normal spots in a third world country and get upset rofl, truly some of the most seasoned travelers
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if you go to the non "normal" spots in a third world country you 50/50 end up dead moron
I was specifically talking about India you retarded faggot not that it matters since you are literally a polcel incapable of basic thought without rattling out some dumb shit anyway
I'm sure you know far more about India based on memes from pol than I do
I just want to know what the hell is going on with the complete lack of any general maintenance in the country.

Everything is dirty, unkempt, worn, and usually covered in trash. No one ever picks up the trash, paints something or repairs something. Everything is just poorly rigged and re-rigged together on a 40-50 year old broke down building that no one gives a shit about and everyone seems to be cool with that. Why is everyone cool with shitloads of trash everywhere?
They lack a high enough IQ to consider bettering their environment
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I made an explanatory graph related.

Large societies follow a sloped graph in terms of success/failure. Once a society reaches a certain critical point of shittiness it can never really recover. At this point anyone with any remaining molecules of brain tissue tries to flee to a safer and better part of the world (usually the smarter they are, the better the place, so Canada gets the creme de la creme of pajeets while Thailand would get the retarded ones for example). At some point everyone just decides "fuck it" and tries to extract the last bit of value they can before fleeing the situation, like a mcdonalds store thats closing and laying everyone off...the employees just do whatever for their last few days because who cares. The toilets at my work are cleaned by pajeets and they're cleaner than dinner plates in India so its a massive step up just to flee.

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