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Japan really does truly mog and it's not even remotely a meme.
Food portions are unfilling and generally unseasoned.
Overtourism that ruins the experience.
Locals are generally boring as fuck, finding anyone charismatic is rarer than most other countries.
Women aren't as good looking as the Europeans.
Technology is overrated, it's not an advanced nation at all.
Netherlands mogs the fuck out of Japan.
they know it too, they dedicated a giant theme park to copying our greatness.
Agreed. OP is the type of tourist who has either yet to visit Japan, or went and never left the hotel, or possibly left but never interacted without outside of the tourism industry. As someone who works in the automotive industry and has travelled to Japan regularly since 1998, there is very clearly a reason why suicide rates in Japan are so high.
if i ever go to japan it's only gonna be for nature, idgaf about the locals.
might go laugh at some meido's standing in the street but that's it.
>Food portions are unfilling
obesity detected
Japanese men are weak manlets because of their unfilling diet. Any normal adult non-manlet human male wouldn't find their portions filling.
Obese and seething Jew upset the country isn't as swarthy as Europe or America
Ugly permavirgin neckbeard weeaboo upset that his bugman food results in midget height, frail undeveloped bodies and tiny microdicks. Maybe if you ate more per meal instead and got enough nutrients you would actually grow to being an adult. By the way, I'm Danish and I smash 10/10 Jap brats all year long. Post kik if you want proof. I'm white, I'm hung, I'm tall and I mog your entire life. LMAO.
Shame about the daddy issues though.
Japan is just sorta it's own thing.
It's asia, but has seasons.
It's asian food, but you won't shit your pants.
It's asia, but isn't corrupt.
It's asia, but has evergreens, apples, salmons, vending machines in every village.
It's what every asian nation wants to be. Western tech, quiet, clean, safe, yet very insular and preserves it's own culture without becoming western values.
the difference is japan has always been able to periodically ignore the typical asian complex of being ashamed of being behind westerners. they were like
>oh guns, well shit if we dont start copying and making these now we're gonna get colonized ourselves instead of colonizing others.
> I'm Danish
This was evident from the mental illness, the fact that you need to brag about getting stds from a bottom of the barrel hanako like it's an achievement even further shows you are not really sentient
Those all apply to Korea and China as well. And don't bother malding. It just proves you haven't visited them.

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