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Where is the best spot to travel if you just want to workout for months with a super low cost of living? America is good but a nice house rental is too expensive. Somewhere with raw lifting gyms and trails to run and lots of protein food and 500 usd or less a month for a rental.
I already went there, i need to be able to have sex with girls
just go to thailand man
What part
depends on what you like
I plan on doing something similar up in pai this winter
I do the same thing usually in the winter, just pack some gymnastic rings and live/eat cheap and train daily while getting sun and meeting girls
india is good too, same with central america
What part of central america specifically? Also i need weight gyms nearby
Cheaper in the north/east/southeast. Bangkok and parts southwest get considerably more "expensive." Me personally, I prefer Bangkok, but Chiang Mai cheaper and has a cooler climate.

Costa Rica, El Salvador, or Nicaragua. Maybe parts of Belize.
pretty much any latin american or sea cunt
most cities will have a powerlifting/otherwise hardcore gym but it might be out of the way
Forest gump Baltic. Start walking and running from Portugal and just spin it back around like a round trip journey you shouldn’t have huge visa issues and everything is so close. Just solo everything. Stack up a few thousands for food and a decent tent and just forest gump that shit. Or move to Venice beach.
Portland has a park with something like 100 miles of trails and there’s a shuttle that goes to Mt. Hood.
Thailand,heard it's cheap and you can train Muay Thai
Gym in your home country and self control over what you eat fatty.
>planet fitness 10 USD
>has tons of machines for starting strength
>portions in the US are huge for what you need in calorie inake
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Currently in Bangkok for one month, paying 15$ a night for apartment which is actually expensive but it was really convenient.
Gym I pay 45$ for a month, also highest range.
Food it's between 5$ and 15$ a day depending on if it's western or not. Pic I paid 1$ each.
how did you find the apartment? airbnb is a rip off it seems
also what kind of lease did you arrange?
What this guy said. I had a fat nerd friend who suddenly decided to get his life together. Went to Thailand for just over a month, learning Muay Thai, and came back looking like a changed man. Loved it, lost a bunch of weight, learnt the basics of fighting, and started to look semi healthy. Went back again a few months later (Thailand is cheap to fly from Australia), and came back looking actually healthy and fit. Massive transformation in less than half a year. I didn't think he had something like that in him, and was really pleased for him. He didn't go there to fuck trannyies (not that I know of), and said he signed up to a fighting gym, and went there every day. Once you get there, you just go for it and get in the groove.
not OP but I'm seeking a similar thing
A. planet fitness is a shit gym
B. if he's asking for raw lifting gyms, he's not some dyel sissy
C. high protein diets can be costly in america if you want good food that doesn't make you suicidal, same kind of diet would be significantly cheaper in a 3rd world cunt
hit with the maglight in my head twice
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>A. planet fitness is a shit gym
The equipment is generally on par with most other gyms unless you are looking to do crossfit or some very specific body building type stuff. I agree it's not the best but it is dirt fucking cheap and provides most equipment people need or want, especially if you're asking on /trv/ and not /fit/
>B. if he's asking for raw lifting gyms, he's not some dyel sissy
It opposite is true most people like the way OP has worded things are DYEL mode and probably have no stamina. Willing to put more money on OP looking for an excuse to "do a really long stay in thailand... TO TRAIN! YEAH! THAT'S IT" than anything.
>C. high protein diets can be costly in america if you want good food that doesn't make you suicida
If you do not know how to cook at home for high protein and balanced meals then you're going to fuck up and come back home only to lose all your gains as you have 0 self awareness on how to eat properly. If your idea of "getting good protien" is eating out then lmao. You are seriously DYEL mode then

If OP's only idea of how to get fit is fly to SEA he's already on the wrong track, the plane ticket alone could aptly provide chicken/beef/pork for a looong time in the USA.
that body looks yummy
>The equipment is generally on par with most other gyms unless you are looking to do crossfit or some very specific body building type stuff
I can tell you're a dyel from this alone
I don't even know what you're trying to say in the second part
>If you do not know how to cook at home for high protein and balanced meals
retarded weeb, I said absolutely nothing about that
food is cheaper in third world countries than it is in america
it is cheaper to eat large quantities of food in thailand than america
dumb cunt
what the hell i just had a thought that i'd want to do this and come on here and theres already a thread about it
i wonder if you can rent a place with a private gym somewhere cheap
thailand, probably
if you can avoid meme coaches, steroids and meth and do your own thing, i.e. starting strength and gomad
Just don't do a Zyzz
A friend of mine swears by the Balkans, specifically Bulgaria (where he is now and won't shut up about it). Says the gyms are world class and supplements are dirt cheap. He spent a few months in Thailand like basically every DN but doesn't like SEA so he went back to Europe.
>I can tell you're a dyel from this alone
Freeweights, Decent enough racks, enough machines. I never said it was great but it's more than enough for OP if he thinks he needs to go overseas to train. Hell even free bulk food on some days.

Again there are other cheap gyms if OP is above that, but again going off his posts it's painfully obvious he is a human skeleton

>retarded weeb, I said absolutely nothing about that
If you don't know that diet is a huge part of your fitness routine, you're a retard. Enjoy Gaining some muscle for a bit only to come home and fuck it all up because you didn't understand the first step
>food is cheaper in third world countries than it is in america
>it is cheaper to eat large quantities of food in thailand than america
So what happens when you come back home and have no idea how to adjust for dietary changes?
How do you plan to maintain your diet and exercise without planning from day 1?

You're going to spend +500 dollars is like 2-3 months of food in the US if you aren't a retard. This is before OP also has to pay for a gym and other costs of living.
>If you don't know that diet is a huge part of your fitness routine
you are inventing statements and saying I made them
I'm talking about food being cheaper in third world countries, thus making bulking cheaper
>So what happens when you come back home and have no idea how to adjust for dietary changes?
see "inventing statements"
you are mentally retarded or speak cartoon english, I'm not going to entertain you further unless you post body
this is true but it could be tricky for an american right now and you will 110% get violently mogged by bulgarians that smoke cigarettes between sets of snatching your deadlift
I spend almost that per month in Japan. I miss food being reasonably priced in America. Back home, you can spend 50 dollars per person per month. 50 dollars per week in Japan, you're gonna be malnourished.
Fat fuck I knew it. A ramen bowl in Japan is like 4 dollars, that's more than enough with a snack for a day. I bet you're over 175 pounds lol.

You can NOT eat anything for 50 dollars a week in the US btw.
I've plugged my diet into cronometer ensuring I get all of micronutrients and my grocery bill is way less than that. Whereas, in Japan, that shit that you just said, you're not going to be one of those Japs that live to 100, and in total, it would be 3 thousand yen a day. That's insane. Sure, eating out at a restaurant in Japan is cheaper, but groceries is more than twice as expensive.
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Here's what I eat everyday, and it would cost you about 25 thousand yen a week. And about 20 dollars back home.
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Nutrient breakdown part 1.
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Part deux.
You can not be fat and in shape retard go back to your mobility scooter
Why would I need a mobility scooter. I walk 5 miles everyday, and run two. When I lift, I do 15 reps, giving equal amount of time for both the eccentric and concentric phase of the movement, and each set is 60 seconds of tension, with 60 seconds of rest. After 5 sets of back squats, I have trouble walking to get water. But still do 10 more sets. So that I look like I have cerebral palsy when I walk back to the hotel at the end.
>you are inventing statements and saying I made them
Anon your statements have something usually called CONTEXT to them as part of the conversation in this thread. If you are familiar with working out and fitness than what you said implies you have some context to the larger situation at hand. You aren't just spouting random 'facts' you heard off the internet right? Eating whatever you see off the street might hit a calorie # but what about fiber intakes, what about some vitamins you normally get at home that you don't in Thailand. I had to work out and do work out in Asia, compared to home it's actually harder to balance things much like >>2689919 states

>I'm talking about food being cheaper in third world countries
This is fine however just EAT MEAT LOL PROTEIN GOMAD BRUH is not how you balance a diet, the quality of the food you are eating might adversely affect gains or workout performance, as well as you diet needing time to adjust to said new diet in a new country. Knowing where to go get proper vegetables and meats that aren't worm filled shit daily and understand your calorie intake is important. Doing that with "eh cheap food on the street should be good for bulking" is crap.

>"inventing statements"
Again, anon CONTEXT, OP said he is going to go abroad for a few months work out and come back. So, foods that he might have gotten use to along with diet, exercise, portions, and so on; will be drastically different. This will adversely affect most people unless he is either cooking at home or can find ween off them to a more western style intake. Doing a lifestyle change by living abroad, while balancing a physical change in an unfamiliar place, only to go back home once familiar with diet/exercise balance is asking for trouble and simply stupid.

This is pretty much why it's so easy to spot DEYL faggots, they spout basics but have no concept of how it is in practice.
In America to rent a house and a car is like 5 grand a month retard. Not to mention food, also you would be living in a concrete jungle. I’m trying to train somewhere cheap and nice, I’m already in good shape
I never mentioned anything about SEA and specifically didn’t want to go there because they sell kids for sex you stupid faggot. Now onto how i can lift more than you and probably crush your head in between my palms cause I’ve been lifting heavy for years.
If you can rent a house with a kitchen somewhere it’s no different, i work months on months off for 12 hours a day and still lift while traveling the world for work. I have no place in the states as i live at my job, and was asking if anyone has been somewhere somewhat relaxing and cheap with amenities. post your lifting stats you stupid faggot since you’ve ruined my thread with your mentally retarded autistic spergout.
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If you've been lifting heavy, then you haven't been focusing on cardio, and I'll just run away.
>putting tap water on your macro list
>only drinking 2 cups a day
holy retard
Two cups, times 4. That's half a galleon. That's enough, if you're not consuming 3500mg of sodium a day. I never get cramps. And do 15 thousand steps per day. My lactate threshold used to be really low and it almost felt like cramps, but that's because I was consuming around the recommended amount of iron aday. I've since boosted that way up to about 30 mg a day and perform like a pro athlete.
Thailand, Mexico, Russia.
Where's a good country to learn traditional boxing?
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Some Irish ghetto.
the quads have spoken

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