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Last thread has reached the bump limit. Post about your favorite food, hidden towns, and things you like (or hate) about Vietnam.
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Do not teach english in Vietnam.

>Amy, who has been teaching English in Ho Chi Minh City for nearly two years, is preparing to return to the U.S. due to steadily decreasing salaries for foreign teachers like her. The 30-year-old lamented arriving in Vietnam at what she considers the wrong time, noting that the heyday for "Western teachers" in Vietnam has passed and competition has driven down wages.

>Jenny Petrova, a 43-year-old Russian with a teaching background, arrived in Vietnam with high hopes but faced rejection after sending out 100 job applications over nearly a year. Despite a bachelor's degree in education, a TEFL certificate, and seven years of experience, Petrova struggled to find stable employment, even considering positions in suburban and rural areas.

Its over for white dorks. Say goodbye to your $22/hr wagie. Pinoys will replace you; they're happy with $4/hr wage.
Guess expats in Vietnam will just have to get a real job.
There is no "real jobs" for white foreigners in Vietnam. Vietnam has a protectionist policy that hires locals over foreigners UNLESS its highly skilled foreigners. Foreign doctors, engineers and such don't work for pittance (local salary). International offices are mostly Chinese, Koreans, Japanese. Its over for whites.
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For a white dork, $1.5K USD a month in Vietnam is making it.
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White dork ESL day of reckoning.
Isn’t that the dude who fucked Khánh Vy and posted her nudes?
Who is Khánh Vy, can you post pictures of her? That guy is a brown mystery meat.
>Ohh look, ricels from /aznmasculinity are trying to demoralize White bros.
For anyone that is White and wants to come to Vietnam give it a try. Its a cool place.
T. living in Hanoi, self-employed with a cute Taiwanese gf.
Just go to Cambodia if you want to teach English. Viets are workaholics and get their conversation practice in by working at a bar for 20,000/hr and business practice in by getting outsourced remotely for a tech job. They want teachers and tutors for specific English tests that native speakers have zero training in. Still lots of opportunities and a laughably low cost to start your own business. If you can’t adapt to the jungle stay your ass at home.
>Ohh look, ricels from /aznmasculinity are trying to demoralize White bros.

You do know that only whites browse /trv/, right?
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what is your job anon
I have an import company. Basically import commodities by bulk from the West and sell it to the Vietnamese
Whites don't say White dorks 50 times a day.
So, ricels and jeet are also present in this board which is unfortunate.
it's the insecurity guard who is a suspected jeet
he's off to thailand this weekend so hopefully these threads will be slightly less shit in a few days
>I have an import company. Basically import commodities by bulk from the West and sell it to the Vietnamese

Do you bribe at the airport to get your commodities in? I heard its a headache running an import/export biz in Vietnam.
Well, for importing I use containers that are loaded in cargo ships. never used air fright before.
I sell with CFR incoterm, so the Vietnamese buyer needs to do the import process
Makes sense, he cant stop seething at White people.
Well, hope he fucks off from /trv for a while
How much net profit you make a month if you don't mind me asking
yearly, my company net profit is around 200k usd.
I am quite new to the business though, my company has less than 5 years.
I insist on driving in every country I live in. How difficult is it for a foreigner to get a driving license in Vietnam?
How did you get started? Did you have previous experience running an import/export biz? What do you sell? Thanks for answering my questions in advance <3 I hope to learn alot from you
Only if you are a white dork like cuckshed
Is it hard to date in VT for 40 year old white dudes? How bad is the language barrier? What's the Expat community generally like?
Why are you so obsessed with english teachers? Did one fuck your viet crush or something?
>is it hard to date in VT for 40 year old white dudes
>40 year old white dudes

It really is more accurate to be honest and say WHITE DORKS
I'm staying for a month in December. I'll be departing to Laos by plane but I plan to go to Cambodia overland. Will anyone give me trouble at boarding?
Why would anyone pay a lot to someone to teach English? Everyone speaks it nowadays and people from places like Netherlands often speak it almost as good as natives. Of course it will pay fuck all if your only skill is speaking English.
>Everyone speaks it nowadays
Funny seeing people who have never travelled on /trv/. Goodluck speaking English in Laos dumbfuck
I mean that there's shitloads of foreigners who speak English, so even if you bring in people from abroad to teach the market must surely be matured. Considering that teaching English in a 3rd world country isn't exactly what most people think is a great career path, I don't think half of the people who teach English have any other useful skills. Every English teacher I met was either a weirdo or a loser if older than 30.
Saturated i mean
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She’s a host and TV personality on some different shows, but definitely has some scandals
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>What's the Expat community generally like?

Very bad. Imagine being middle aged, making $1.5K / month teaching english. The "expat community" is full of middle aged white dorks, poor, bitter. They hate Vietnam but can't escape b/c they have no assets or family back home.
Vietnam has the most bitter expat community. Weird middle aged english teachers barely scraping by. They end up poor, crying on the streets like this guy:

presumably rich people who need to learn english and are willing to pay a lot of money for a good teacher? idk when I lived in china I had to shop around a while for a good, experienced teacher who actually knew how to make a lesson that wasn't just "conversation practice". it's not a common skill. not really sure how this is blowing your mind, assuming you're not the same ricecel faggot spamming this thread
I'm from Europe.
My impression is that most English teachers are teaching in English schools, etc. rather than having rich private clients. At least that is what every english teacher I've met has done. I don't know why it is surprising that a basic job like that pays fuck all in a 3rd world country. Sure if you got some kind of rich client who pays you stupid money for lessons it sounds great but even then I can't see it as a sustainable career. I guess the guy who spams this stuff is triggering English teachers who are just there to get laid because they're losers back home? All of the SEA threads are more or less about whoring and have very little travel info.

My question for Laos crossing still stands. Will my airline care if I don't have an ongoing flight from Laos when flying from Vietnam? Like I said I want to travel overland to Cambodia by taking buses and trains where possible.
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How come you never see the sexpats dating the younger/fairier viets like this?
I have rich relatives, kids who are rich go to international school where they are immersed 24/7 in english.
because they are white dorks and CHEAP CHARLIES and she knows she can do better
It’s so bullshit how Vietnam has the best coffee in the world. Everywhere else I’ve gone since the coffee is absolutely shit.
same reason you never see them with young, fair, well educated Thais and Filipinas. Sexpats are all low class and beneath such a person. Sexpats rely in exploiting the desperations of the ignorant and impoverished. This is why everyone on the planet, including the moderators of this board, looks down on sexpats. Literal scum.
sexpats would date this woman’s maid and abuse the maid and rage on 4chan about how he is racially superior to “ricecels” because he can’t get a woman like that
Making $21/hour in Vietnam is giga based, stop pretending otherwise. Having double the spending power required to live a comfortable tourist lifestyle in the region for only 70 hours of work a month.
could've sworn it was artificially flavor enhanced when i had it in Taiwan
To any White men in here, dont listen to the endless butthurt posts made by ricels and jeets.
Vietnam is a great place to live comfy and bang viet girls.
>Jeets/ricels wont stop crying about being incel
> They want to drag White men to their misery
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>comes to a poor country and pays women for sex
>calls others incel
yep. white dork delusions
Dustin is such a perv
I spent two days and a night in Hue. Explored the city a bit and the imperial palace. Aside from the Imperial tombs, which I decided not to go see, is there anything I should have done/seen in Hue?
I plan on returning to Da Nang this winter and want to explore the countryside on a motorbike again.
Just gotta decide if I go South/South-West beyond My Son, or head North/North-West beyond Hue. If I head towards Hue then I'd probably stay a day there.
I don't need to pay for sex, I am not a ricel.
I have a gf as I said before
yes but arent you paying her parents to rent the shed and drive you around?
I live in Vietnam, I have my own apartment. I have my own motorbike.
My in-law are on Taiwan, why the hell I would rely on them?
You are obsessed with cuck shed, pinoy ricel
sounds like a rich fantasy life. Now I am curious what type of motorbike? I am looking to buy one myself.
The 13th emperor’s tomb was pretty impressive imo, especially if you get the backstory on him (literal faggot drag queen diva living in France, found out he had a few years to live bc of cancer, raised taxes massively to build the tomb and everyone hated him, made a booby trap so no one will take the riches, and imported metric tons of ceramic from China and Japan cause Vietnams wasnt good enough
Might have been from the condensed milk. Taste is too consistent for it to all have the same artificial flavoring, be it instant, bean or store bought imo
I miss Vietnamese coffee
Ayy lmao, I never gave his video 5 seconds of watch time. But you know he's a whinny mystery American brown meat that is breaking down. Man is literally breaking down and crying on the sidewalk.
>How come you never see the sexpats dating the younger/fairier viets like this?

White dorks can't compete with Viet zoomers

Yea but I literally have a viet kieu buddy who got engaged to an upperclass girl and he also on the older end.
>Yea but I literally have a viet kieu buddy who got engaged to an upperclass girl and he also on the older end.

He's a Viet Kieu, not a white dork.
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>I don't need to pay for sex, I am not a ricel.

Indian women are canonically perfect for the 4chan chud. They're autistic and a bit weird, but in a good way. A lot more chill than white women in particular.
If you've got to travel to a third world country to get a gf you might as well be paying for escorts back home desu
I can never understand people who brag about banging literal 3rd worlders
If you can't fuck in the west you're an incel
That's hilarious
Agreed. Vietnam needs to boycott tourists like this:

You dont get it rice boi.
I came to Vietnam because I saw an opportunity for doing business, not because I want it to get laid ( though fucking Asian girls and making ricels seethe its an interesting bonus)
Bet he’s wishing he was still with Vy
Based. White dorks seething!
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based australian anon. how do you generate sales for your business? do you call leads, buy ads?
I do B2B. I sell agricultural commodities.
Yes but what is the preferred method of making sales ought? I find making sales the hardest part of business :( would be grateful if you can talk how you generate sales on a consistent basis.
the smart people are making their salary and doing private jobs for much more money. you need a low effort day job and then a $40 dollar and hour private tutoring a rich kid who is going to study in australia.
people are not going to advertise this as they don't want competition but every decent tefl teacher is doing this, everywhere.
I'm white and from Northern Europe. The competition in a country where average height is 5'7" is very different from here where you see 6'4" tall guys with insane facial features. Many women are 5'11". You being able to fuck some mediocre, ugly Asian women is laughable. It's like bragging about being a good boxer when you've beat up your drunk uncle once. Delusion.
Yeah sure "Nordic guy". You are White yet you forgot to capitalize White.
Totally not a ricel.


Your obsession with race and Asians is bizarre. IRL you'd look like a short, ugly incel next to me. Imagine going to countries, taking advantage of their cheap living conditions and climate and then mocking their people. You're no better than those migrants fresh off the boat in Europe who have the audacity to beg and cry persecution while simultaneously making every place they inhabit shit. It's no wonder fellow tourists despise your kind. You're a loser through and through.

I'm going to be in Vietnam this December if you want to meet and let's see if you're as brave in real life.

To a 4chan chud, everyone who opposes him is a pajeet or ricel. Very bizzare and strange.
Of course he didnt answer that one lol
People don't want the emotional complexity and gynocentrism of western relationships. Men can say "no" just like women can.
In Asia you find a graceful, pragmatic confluence of needs between foreign males and local women. The culture is all about maximizing social harmony, not asserting individual freedom and uniqueness like in the West.
I fucking hate walking on a crowded sidewalk in America. Americans are constantly apologizing for impeding your right of way, or taking up all the space and not giving a shit because they don't recognize your right of way. In Asia, despite the far higher population density, nobody apologizes, and it's very rare I have to say "excuse me". Everything flows according to an intuitive natural order.
Marrying into those countries is like being a walking ATM. It works well if you stay there. The moment you go back to your country with your new found wife she fucks you over through divorce, finding another man, etc. There's loads of cases like that, you can read about it online or maybe youve known someone like that IRL. It's incredibly naive to think that you can make meaningful relationships abroad when you completely fail at it at home. Not to mention you will have a hard time finding a decent wife. Most conservative cultures look deeply down on marrying a foreigner, never mind someone from another race and continent. I've seen it too often with very naive guys thinking these women are somehow more 'traditional' when they're spreading their legs to rootless foreigners for vague prospects of making something out of it for them or their families. All good looking and decent women almost exclusively date their own and if they date a foreigner, I can guarantee he'd have no problem with women back home.
I've been in several relationships in the West and I've never experienced any of the shit people complain about when they get no luck in the West. It isn't so much that the dating market is broken but they they're not competitive. So you end up with sour grapes situation. You'd never have these issues if you were better looking or less socially maladjusted.

In short sex pats are losers, but they'd benefit from being self aware.

Literally NO attractive and successful man travels halfway across the world because he thinks that his own women are too "gynocentric" and "emotionally complex". Why would he when he has never lost out on anything when it comes to dating?
Isn’t this the guy who fucked Vy?
Is there a sex tape?
Just pics he posted
Dustin has a French last name but he looks like brown mystery meat. No wonder that fag is crying on the site walk, broke and jobless, teaching english in his 40s kek
Hi ricel. Still seething at White people?
Well, if pajeets and ricels can flood the West while bitching about discrimination, I see nothing wrong with White men flooding Asia and taking as much money as we can while fucking as much Asian pussy as we can.

Sure rice boi. I will be waiting for you
Well if you are so interested in me little ricel boi. I can tell you
I used to work for an import / export company for some time. In there I learnt the basics of the business.
I sell agricultural commodities as I said before.
Now go and keep doing your wagie duties
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>Sure rice boi. I will be waiting for you

picrel is you, isn't it :d
Poor ricel, you are so obsessed with White men stealing "your" women that you have a folder with random chuds to feel better about yourself
>White men stealing "your" women

You must be a retard. Asians outnumber whites, globally. There is no shortage of Asian women. White genes are weak; the moment a whitecel breeds, his kids look 90% asian.
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How come you never see white guys with these type of girls in vietnam?
Because those are high schoolers
In a country where hot girls marry at 20?
31/36 photos have heavy filters on them. Here's what you're really getting.
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Real Vietnamese Girl. Not unlike the "real travelers" on this site.
The "real" Vietnamese girl is something in-between these two
They look exactly the same, anon
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American "Vietnamese" massage parlor girls. do u like? short time $200 + tip
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Pls come to Vietnam. Viet zoomer girls are pretty
If they're so pretty, why the need for so much filter on their photos? That looks like a boy to me honestly.
I think it's Korean/Japanese make up
Copypasta FUD, blah blah blah
I saw an old guy with a young Filipino wife at a free rock concert in Alpena, Michigan last weekend. Knew she was Filipino because she preened herself in the selfie camera every two minutes like pinays do. No, she wasn't a looker. Mock all you want, but smart guys settle for a humble wife, they don't try to lock down a piece of eye candy who has spent her whole life leveraging her looks for gain. My dad recently married a homely Chinese woman who is happy to cook his meals, stay at his side, and accept his difficult personality.
Overall, the rate of failure for WMAF marriages is likely no higher than western marriages, and it just might be lower.
>no attractive and successful man tra
you're arguing like a female with the bullshit appeal to peer pressure and social status. men who don't find success by mimicking Chad's behavior have always had the same choice: LDAR, or blaze your own trail.
I hate sexpats as much as the next guy but you cannot say that Western and Eastern women are after the same thing. Western women focus on masculine traits such as height, musculature, tattoos and status. Whereas Eastern usually just focus on status, money and security. They don't give a shit if you're short if aren't built like Zyzz. I've dated in both and they both desire different things. Lots of sexpats can get away with things they couldn't do in their home country due to language barriers as well.
You can't mimick Chad behaviour. Either you're born one or you're not. If you can close the gap by surgery or other means it means you had very good base to begin with. You can't will yourself into having physical and mental attributes that you don't posses (which probably come from good genes and good hormonal profile), the same way you can't wish your cock to be bigger or your height taller.
My point is that people who get an Asian wife are settling with what they can get, and that it isn't really a choice, but some people here are larping as if they're Chads when everyone knows what I said previously is true. If that's what you got to do it's cool man but don't brag and pretend you're some kind of a slayer.
Fundamentally all women are whores, culture is only a thin veneer. If you live in a more conservative country of course divorce is less likely because of social stigma and all kinds of reasons.
What is your advice for a 6'3 white man with blue eyes and $22,000/mo passive income? I want to buy some land a build a comfortable air conditioned vila and have viet girls come live with me in a harem. How does a dork achieve this dream?
Western women just select by attraction, which is more natural. In East women are poorer and have to select for wealth and status, but that doesn't mean they're genuinely attracted to you. This is why Westerners are taller, better looking and more intelligent, i.e. better in everything. This is why I made the point that if you can't get no luck home and now you've got options abroad it is because of your wallet, not because you're suddenly more attractive per se. I'm fine with honest sexpats, but trust me there's genuinely men out there who think that the women they're with are actually attracted to them. Despite being old, fat, etc.
I'd like to think they aren't retarded enough to really believe these women like them for their good looks. They're having a transactional relationship. One gives sex and the other gives status/security/money
Do you guys have to do border runs every 30 days or is there some way you can extend the visa from within the country? seems like visa hassle is the biggest barrier to tourism in vietnam
Nope, I got the viet kieu visa.
Most get married around 25, if not older
How is Vietnam compared to other SEA countries? My only experience with SEA is Thailand and I’m honestly kind of burnt out going there. So this year I want to try something different and Vietnam is at the top of my potential list. Not going for mongering.

Just seems like a nice place. I’ve dated a few Vietnamese girls and my best friend is actually married to one, and they’ve given me a good impression of the people and place. Obviously can’t judge just based on those few people but they’ve never said anything negative about the country.
I’ve heard it’s just a dirtier Thailand but have always been kind of curious about it. Obviously a popular spot for solo guys looking to party but is there stuff to do outside that?
Again don’t know much about it but looks like a chill place to visit
Had several Japanese friends who vacationed there and loved it, but when I asked them about it they mostly talked about the food

Anyone have any experience with those countries compared to Vietnam? If I only had two weeks in Vietnam which cities would you recommend visiting?
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>How is Vietnam compared to other SEA countries?

Only 5% of tourists ever re-visit Vietnam. People either LOVE IT, or Hate it. There are no sidewalks. You have to bike everywhere. Some people say its too dirty with trash everywhere.

If you're burnt out on Thailand try bali
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I KNEW you're a retarded red*itor

picrel, your thread on red*it

You're a creepy white male
I read further into the comment, turns the "import guy" is a muslim brownoid.

Jesus christ.
I don't use reddit, security guard non white subhuman.
I don't come from a war-torn country.
Besides, the only faggot that keeps using the reddit spacing it's you. You must be busy at /aznmasculinity
this is travel board, we travel, not live there
evisa has been valid for 90 days for almost a year
I live here. Where am I supposed to shitpost? /int/? Actually I do that too but this is still good.
WTF man. I agree with a couple things you said, but there's alot of shit takes here. You're right that white guys are seen as an advantage (read: ATM) by many Asian girls. Beware. Family expectations are respected there much more than in the West, so they're more likely to marry their own. Yet they absolutely prefer to fuck White guys or higher tier Asian men than their own.
>All good looking and decent women almost exclusively date their own
White Western women fuck low IQ subhuman niggers/refugees, and are proud of it. Yeah, the ones you are simping for. Nice own goal.
>in the West. It isn't so much that the dating market is broken
WRONG. It's completely broken. Birth rates below replacement, women are openly whores with zero traditional values. Completely unworthy of commitment or marriage which has been reduced to a scam that only benifits women. A false accusation can and likely will ruin your life without evidence. I'm shocked anyone could be this blind to reality.
>Literally NO attractive and successful man travels halfway across the world because he thinks that his own women are too "gynocentric"
WRONG AGAIN. Western men are becoming passport bros in record numbers precisely because fat pig feminist women are indeed too gynocentric, like the cucked society that spawns them. Only the most hopeless simp would think the western feminist post #metoo dating disaster is in any way good for a self-respecting man. It's a minefield at best.
>he has never lost out on anything when it comes to dating?
Absolute retard detected. The top tier men in the West are getting divorced raped no matter how successful they are. Gates, Bezos, Brady, Depp.. all lost more than you will ever have.
>In short sex pats are losers
Every single sexpat on the planet is smarter than you. They avoid the traps you advocate for while smashing prime pussy whenever they want, even when they're old fat and grey.
You get a niggers feminist leftovers. Shows who the real loser is.
Why not just get a residence card? Good for two years and no hassle
I have one.
tl;dr chronically online essay, but I can tell you're average looking (read: ugly) incel coping with gooks. Attractive men have relationships, kids and families back home. Passport bros are incels without exception. 4chan really is the bottom of the barrel.
>kids and families
Having children is for pedos and I'm not a pedo. There's literally no other reason to want them.
you're head is completely scrambled and deranged if you can't see the purpose of raising children or cannot understand the joy derived
and by relating it to pedophilia you have outed yourself as a pedo
>no u
Pedo detected.
Ok and? I was responding to the guy on a tourist visa.
And I was responding to something you said in that post.
Again, this does not apply to you. You’re on a residence card and people living here on tourists visas have nothing to do with tourism
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>this is travel board, we travel, not live there
I was responding to this because you can get fucked, nigga.
If they prefer to fuck foreigners you're going from one type of whore to another. What kind of a self respecting woman will marry a rootless foreigner? Most women from good families won't even consider it.

>2nd bit
Western women mostly fuck white men, many of whom you would call Chads. Most of the time if a non European is doing well is because they are a Chad within their own race.

That birth rate shit applies to Asia too, especially developed countries. China is struggling but do you think they struggle with feminism and whatever terminally online only issues you described?
I've literally never heard of any women accusing anyone of rape falsely, etc. This stuff mostly just happens to celebs who have no discretion. I've met guys with 100+ slay counts and they've never been accused of shit and they're disrespectful dickheads lmao. If there was anyone getting accused it'd be them from some bitter woman who got pumped and dumped.

They're getting divorce raped because they are successful and there's something to be gained from it. It has nothing to do with whatever you're ranting about. The same thing can AND has happened to people who married some third wonder thinking naively they're any more traditional than western women (here's the truth: women are literally the same everywhere).

There is no prime pussy in Asia. Maybe one in a thousand. The best looking women are white. There's a reason why every single beauty standard is euro centric. There's reason why when you Google hot man or woman it shows an attractive white person. Average SEA girl looks like utter shit compared to a random girl from Germany, Italy, etc.
Fucking a decent looking Asian girl is like fucking a plain, fat white woman in terms of looks hierarchy.
>women from good families
I'm not trying to fuck her whole family, anon.
>What kind of a self respecting woman will marry a rootless foreigner? Most women from good families won't even consider it.
Skill issue.
No, but many people act as if they're going for more traditional type of women when they're just incapable of getting any action home.
It almost always seems like they are girls from poor background or unattractive when they marry expats. They're not really traditional or from good background. There's a reason why it is exceedingly hard to go to a place like Turkey which has good looking women (way better than any Asian country at least), and even though they are somewhat westernised, they're genuinely conservative. Closest you can get is picking up 2nd generation girls living in Germant but their relatives make it hard. If you're a foreigner and you can marry into a country it isn't conservative or traditional. I'm sorry but your wife has been run thru by a few other expats who pumped and dumped and she couldn't secure them as providers.
>Turkey which has good looking women (way better than any Asian country at least)
That's just, like, your opinion, man.
>If you're a foreigner and you can marry into a country it isn't conservative or traditional.
I'm not a chud. I just like that they're not American/western.
Just shut the fuck up already. Go to /int/ or /pop/ if visas bother you so much
They don't bother me at all. Where did I imply that they did.
just stop already. this is a board for travel, not to babble about visa issues
I'm not even talking about visas. You have a real problem making sense of anonymous communication don't you newfag?
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don't waste time replying to a roastie
just look at pic related and check how many points matched with previous post
How many of these accurately and unironically apply to you, senpai?
none since i'm not a roastie
I guess I've been btfo and will go kms
You must have Aspergers
Pajeet shitflinging aside, has anyone here ever been to Óc Eo? I'm very much into historical stuff, and visiting a place of supposed contacts between Rome/Greece and Funan would be very fun, and it's already on my list for my trip to Vietnam, but I'm curious if anyone else went there.
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As a Việt, for the love of god if you are teaching here you should learned vietnamese, student here are ingrate piece of shit that will caused chaos in your classroom unless you yelled out their name in vietnamese.
Another thing is that you shoud start smacking them, vietnamese parent have a very high opinion of teacher especially white one, as we believe that western white don't practice corporal punishment much so if you actually smack them on their buttcheek with your ruler the parents instead of going full helicopter will believe that is 100% his fault that he make you that angry to punished him like that.
Unlike chinese, vietnamese parents still believe all the white teacher come all the way from their countries to teach their ungrateful brats so if you start complaining to their parents expect the kids stop their shitty behaviour extremely fast.
I got chewed out by my manager because I shouted at some misbehaving students and they told their parents and their parents complained. I wish you Christ what you said here was still true but social media is westernizing these parents into pussies. I've only been teaching for a year but I'm told ten years ago, student behavior was completely different.
Thing really has changed huh, I graduated a decade ago and social media has lionized student to be bigger brat than they were back in 2014.
My nephew is actually an assistant english teacher for westerner and his class was extremely mild manner, maybe he just got lucky.
should i book tours online in advance or in hanoi? i want to spend like 10-12 days in the north for the ha giang loop, mai chau, ninh binh, ban gioc and whatever else i can squeeze in. does anyone know any reputable operators or hotels that can arrange that?
because at least in the north, they think whites are losers, as they beat the shit out of the whites in multple wars. They viets were to tough, particualy the women.
well, you will find yourself pretty much dead as you will fuck the wrong girl and her family will havr you offed.
There's a lot of interesting stuff in the Mekong delta. I haven't been, but I have been to My Son and the towers near Quy Nhon. It was very cool. I highly recommend My Son because it's never crowded and it's clean. Comapred to Chichen Itza for example, it mogs hard. Chichen Itza may be impressively big, but it's always crowded, full of trash, and random stalls selling chinkshit trinkets at a huge markup.
Definitely looking forward to exploring the South's archeological features
Check out Klook and Agoda for anything tour related. You can save some change that way. Keep in mind the savings aren't huge - it's the difference between 200k and 160k. Which isn't that much if you have western money, but it's the price of a solid lunch.
I've been considering doing a 1 month trip to Da Nang just to check it out and figure out if it's something worth pursuing longer.

Not looking for pussy or engaging in sexpat behavior.

What's the general vibe there?
Or just avoid teaching kids
>Not looking for pussy or engaging in sexpat behavior.
No, those are drugdealers anon.
Legitimate businesses have little need to bribe to get goods into the country
if the tour has an english website the price will be double or triple
book locally and haggle a lot
the company selling the tours isn't the one running the tour, all "travel agencies" that you see will just sell tickets to tours run by the actual operator
My extended family lives there, its nice this time of year if you like beach and hiking and you can get a grab to go to hoi an for a day thats dirt cheap.
I don't want you guys to visit our country just to fuck the womenfolks, go see our sights , eat our foods, enjoyed thing other then getting your dick wet here.
Turkish women are hot as fuck. They're similar to Italian women, but more middle Eastern aka white passing. Mid white bitch > any Asian hoe that isn't a Stacy.
Mid Vietnamese girl > 90+% of white women
>I don't want
Did somebody ask you what you want? It wasn't me.
>As a Việt, for the love of god if you are teaching here you should learned vietnamese

Nah, retarded advice for foreigners. I don't teach little kids anymore but adult students are fucking insufferable once they realize you can speak Vietnamese. They instantly stop caring about learning/speaking/using English at all and will just ask retarded bullshit questions incessantly for however long the class is. I've had a hundred classes completely derailed the minute I translate anything for my students (or respond to them obviously talking about me five inches from my face). Foreigners speaking Vietnamese is the most hilarious novelty to them and way more interesting than whatever you're supposed to be teaching them.

>As a Việt

Also dunno why people do this cringey shit where they switch languages for one word. Makes you sound like an idiot backpacker

>omg yesterday I went to the cutest cafe and had the best cà phê sữa đá! It was so ngon!
You know now that you say that it was kinda cringe but I just want to show that I'm an actual vietnamese and not some seething pajeet or azn viet that doesn't speak a lick of their mother tounge.
>You know now that you say that it was kinda cringe
Don't agree with him you pussy. Be a man and insult him.
>azn viet that doesn't speak a lick of their mother tounge.
Literally me
Sorry anh
Da Nang is a great place to chill and a solid base of operations for day trips inland into central Vietnam. Hoi An is a stone's throw away. You can go to Hue, or My Son sanctuary which are both pretty close. The Son Tra peninsula just north of Da Nang is awesome if you rent a bike a tour it (they don't allow automatic bikes there so you gotta rent a semi-auto or manual, or bribe one of the gate guards. I was quoted 100k to get in with an automatic bike)
Da Nang itself is not too shabby, most of the expats and tourist seem to gravitate towards the My An area. A lot of digital nomad types.
I stayed there for a while and I enjoyed the city. The night markets are a bit underwhelming, but it might have been the time of year so who knows.
>forgot to capitalize White
nobody did that until americans started capitalizing "black", and I am not in the habit of copying leftoid behavior
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You will never have a trad viet gf call you anh with baby dog eyes…

It seems like anh isn’t used unless your viet.
fair enough
>It seems like anh isn’t used unless your viet.
That's absolutely wrong.
I've been watching a lot of YT vids on the area, and a lot of expats seem to gravitate to Da Nang or Saigon. Now I just need to find locals or other expats who would want to hang out.

Based on what I've researched and seen, it's definitely caught my attention and I would like to at least do a 2 week-1 month trip there to see if it's worth making long term commitments to staying longer, possibility even retire to when the time comes.
Saigon is stupid hot. I much preferred my stay in Da Nang. I did a month and figured it was worth to return this winter for another month or two.
>hang out
When will you be going?
i looked on klook and agoda and the offers seemed very limited. klook for instance has only one mai chau tour which departs from hanoi. taking travel time into consideration it feels like a tourist trap (guess all group tours are to some degree). i do like the peace of mind of having stuff figured out in advance though so thank you.

ideally i want to book a hotel in hanoi that also handles organizing the trips. i don't mind paying extra for leaving an empty room for a couple of days while on the ha giang loop for example since vietnam seems very cheap and to have a place to keep extra luggage. but i couldn't find one through google. i assume VN is still very offline in that regard. do you happen to have a suggestion for places to stay that also help travelers with that? thank you for taking the time to reply!

i also looked into agencies like intrepid and gadventures and while their reviews are good they seem like rip offs and very rushed. i'll be going late oct to early nov probably.
Still trying to work out the details, but I'm thinking March or April at least. I work remotely, but I have EST hours, so I would definitely be working from 7pm-4am Da Nang local time mon-fri.
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Fair enough man you seem pretty based
I'm in VN on holiday right now. It's pretty great. Basically worshipped for my white skin.
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lets hope da nang doesn't become another bali. white tourists ruin everything they touch. Spain locals are protesting against tourists:

>i want to book a hotel in hanoi that also handles organizing the trips
you aren't able to walk 50 meters and find a "travel agency" that will organize the trip for you? it MUST be a hotel??
service in general is bad in Vietnam, don't except much from the tour
no, i'd just rather have one company handle that stuff because i (maybe falsely) believe that they have more leverage then. my reasoning is that a hotel that handles 1000s of reservations a month can easily change providers when the tour operators piss off enough off their customers. if i book individually i have zero recourse. maybe vietnam isn't the country for me then but i'll try anyway.

like a tour i booked in mexico turned from "we'll pick you up at your hostel" to "can you come to this plaza 40min by uber away" to "we'll be an hour late because the gas station ran out of gas". and i couldn't do shit aside from not tipping.
Turd world countries are like this. Maybe try >>2689138 instead.
Why do expats seethe so hard when they meet up with a rich local?
I'm not a seether (I'm calmly resigned to t the fact that the Demiurge's creation sucks) but this is supposed to be a communist country so the reality is pretty disappointing.
why the hostility? i've been to over 30 countries, wildest experience was kiev during euromaidan. i just want to make the best of my trip which is why i am asking. at least i'm not one of the countless degenerates itt asking how to solicit hookers in VN.
besides i don't have an international driver's license. sure there are rental companies that don't give a fuck but i'd rather not risk splitting my head open and insurance telling me to fuck off or ending up as a vegetable. so i'm dependent on tours/easy riders and i asked for the most efficient/convenient way. if you want to gatekeep vietnam because of that i really don't give a fuck.
Nice man, where you at? what's the best place so far? what do you do in a day?
oh fuck vietnam
scam central
I've never been but I hear tourism is in the toilet
good, hope it stays there
they are going to BEG me to come
where are the best (or worst) streetwalkers
>from rice rags to poppin' tags
asian vanity is disgusting, number one
>I've never been
Opinion discarded.
99% percent of tourists do not return to vietnam
after being scammed silly of course
I'm waiting, to savor it and make it count
and it's not going to be a walk down that stupid bar street
Scams are all over the world, and especially SEA. At least it’s not nearly as bad as Malaysia or Thailand
99% of hotels in central Hanoi are small and won't handle "1000s of reservations"
not picking up at the hotel won't be a problem in Vietnam, especially since most of tourist hotels are in the same area in Hanoi

go to expat board, we are travelers here

Thailand has way less scams
next time ask a Viet girl about it, most likely she has also been scammed in the past
scamming is a way of life in Vietnam, locals are constantly scamming and cheating each other, they don't consider anything wrong with it
Definitely visit HCMC. It's comfy if you enjoy scooters and the main tourist drag is a blast. Lots of eccentric anglos running niche businesses, like one dude had a soul food bar and would yammer on about the Zappa bootleg videos he'd put on. Excellent food in restaurants and on the street. Sort of like the non-skyscraper parts of Bangkok but with flowing scooter traffic instead of jammed up cars.
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Jesus christ, what's with the posters on this board?
Are they r*ddit transplants or what?
roasties and third worlders trying to gatekeep
the western society would collapse if an average white man would realize how better things are elsewhere
>Pinoys will replace you; they're happy with $4/hr wage.
your low IQ race tricked the world into thinking you "know english"
you seriously asking that on the board where the majority of discussion is where involuntary celibate men go overseas to pay for sex? how new are you?
celibates aren't having sex
No man you don't understand how the peak of travel is going to a mcdonalds in niggerville Paris.
Fucking racist transphobe bigot.
Nah, Thailand is way scammier. Just went there once but definitely not going back
in Thailand scams are concentrated on tourist areas and are extremely easy to avoid
in Vietnam they are everywhere
What do you mean by scams?
Getting filtered this easily
You retards deserve it
This desu.
This is really not good. I'm gonna do a proper qualified teaching course soon and I think it could be the worst decision if my life.

On the other hand I did a computer science course and quit half way through, it was fucking retarded. I could try science but by the time I get into anything I'll be 50. Plus everyone's got a science degree these days. Jesus I'm fucked.
great video. kind of wishes for a tour that would make me hate thailand. for the lulz.
like paying too much money to work hard labor in some killing fields type of camp with evil "guards". grueling daily treks carrying water. should be forced to pay more if you puss out.
>just ring the bell farang...pumpkin pie and popcorn all for you...so tired...just ring bell...
would even better with a tether enforced buddy system
>Hear mutts hollering
>They are arguing who tips more
Lol no. In Thailand even in towns, people there are desperate to get money from people.
Thought so.
Extremely emotionally-charged replies.
overcharging is the most common
bait and switch
sometimes when you ask help from the hotel to book tickets they will charge you "VIP bus" price and book on a cheapest bus
in small towns people are friendlier than in bigger ones and everywhere in the market the price is clearly marked
>getting filtered this hard
Here's how you do it. Be nice to the girl working the counter and banter when she wants to chat on a slow day in between your daytrips. Then, when you need a bus, tell her you are a fucking retard and can't use vietnamese apps to book a bus. Have her book you a bus through the app on her personal phone and slip her the amount in cash + a coffee. Boom, you just paid local prices for a sleeper bus.
Most people on this board shouldn't be allowed out of their home country.
I loved Malaysia but desu the food really is the main appeal. It's so reliably good that it really btfos other SEA countries, and by and large it's not funky weird stuff that westerners will get grossed out by. No bugs and shit. Penang was very comfy as was Langkawi, though both are pretty small places that you can see enough of in 4-5 days easily. KL is a very lovely city, well maintained and clean. From what I've seen Malaysia seems to be more popular with tourists from other Asian countries moreso than whities, but you'll still find plenty of the latter. It's unique in that you get the impression that the average malay actually lives decently, which gives it a different vibe as regards tourists and scams and shit. It's comfortable, tasty, but not particularly exciting.
What's the best area to stay in Hanoi for normal tourism shit? aka not cooming, but good food and neat things to see
Lol no, prices aren’t clearly marked at all in Thailand. I don’t get why you keep getting so upset about Vietnam in all these threads.
Fuck off, we're full.
why do you think I was filtered?
search for more information and you will find tons of stories about scamming in hotels and elsewhere
let me guess, you're a local? locals for some reason have a peasant slave mindset where they worship service providers, a total opposite of the "customer is the king" mindset of Thailand
as I customer I don't need to simp for a service provider to get a normal service
which fresh market in Thailand doesn't have prices marked?

>I don’t get why you keep getting so upset about Vietnam in all these threads.
you were the one who started talking about scams in Thailand here: >>2689577

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