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Has anyone been on a Carnival Cruise before? What should I expect?
carnival is the sign that the US is bringing their ghetto.
Serious answer:
If it’s 3-4 days it will be a booze cruise full of rowdy passengers who want to get wasted and go to the night club. If it’s a 5+ day cruise you’ll have a good time and it will be a more relaxed crowd.
a nightmare? It's basically a polluting, drunk, overcrowded, unregulated, floating disaster. There is absolutely no reason to ever take a cruise. If you enjoy the activities stay in an all inclusive hotel, if you enjoy the food go to fucking mcDonalds, if you enjoy being on the ocean take a tour on a boat with people that actually enjoy being at sea. It's not even cheap too. Why would you ever do this?
Some cruise lines have access to excellent private beaches/private islands. Perfect day at coco cay is great
I did a 5 night Carnival cruise and it was fine. The ship was clean and the passengers were a wide range of people from seniors to teens to families. I didn't see any problems, everyone was very relaxed and in the mood to have fun. I enjoyed the cruise, I think Carnival gets an undeserved rep overall.
Aka to invade cities like mine
i took a carnival cruise with my wife and inlaws and it was fun. Inlaws are boomers and go every year. i am not sure if it is something i would do every year. but i did enjoy it.
it honestly depends on the length, time of year, and price of your cruise.
length: shorter cruises tend to be booze cruises
time of year: going when school is out will lead to more kids on board
price: cheaper trips attract cheaper people. more expensive cruises filter out undesirables.
tell more about what you are looking into. what's the ship, what's the itinerary? are you looking for a basic inside cabin or a balcony or do you want to splurge on a suite for some reason?
>I think Carnival gets an undeserved rep overall
Yeah poor lil Carnival. Not their fault they don't pay their employees for overtime, import low level nobodies from Asia to work for pennies an hour, absolutely destroy the oceans with their polluting ships and lied about it, refuse to take any responsibility for accidents or even murders and rapes that happen on board, letting a ship leave port despite knowing it was not up to code and leaving 4000 people on a dead barge for 4 days without food, water or working toilets, tax dodging the fuck out of every penny by pretending to be a company from the Bahamas or Bermuda or some shit.

Either you are working for them or you are dumb as fuck.
Still, I had a really good time and would do a Carnival cruise again
yeah so you are dumb as fuck. You can have a good time at Woodstock 99 too, doesn't mean it wasn't a fucking shitshow
I knew people who went to Woodstock 99, they loved it
but it was still a shitshow, how are you not getting this utter retard
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It's a floating walmart staffed by third worlders, but the ships themselves are mostly run by Italians.

I've done 2. It's mostly boomers, goblinos, blacks, and outright drunks with decently okay food. The Blue Iguana mexican food is unironically 10/10. I ate there every day. You can miss this big dining room food.

Most of Carnival's shit is pretty cringe. Their shows, parties, events, etc.

The excursions can be really cool. Make sure you get off the ship at your stop. We went to cozumel and went to a private beach and went snorkeling in a coral reef. It was pretty ebin.

They're going to have lots of gimmicky shit that they try and sell you, and they usually have casinos that the boomers congregate in.

I have an okay time every time but my wife's family loves them, but they are normies and I am a 4chan autist that doesn't like drinking, over eating, or gambling.

The spas and saunas are nice.

Pic related
My cousin went on a cruise, someone smeared shit everywhere
Expect a lot of loud and disgusting children. Fucking everywhere. The pools are literal piss. Good luck!
The pools got crowded with adults and toddlers, squeezing side by side.
>What should I expect?
i wish this were true, id be cruising all day and night 24/7 365
unfortunately theres no way to actually get away from non whites
I just know they had a good time there and I had a good time on a cruise

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