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Tokyo edition

ー How do I travel by public transportation? ー
Use Google Maps within cities, install the Jorudan or Navitime app for intercity travel

ー Dude, what should I see in ________? ー
>Solid general guides - sights, sample itineraries, pre-travel considerations, etc
*You should probably check on google if a place is still in business before you plan a whole trip around it*

ーJR Passー
JR Rail Pass is it worth it? Since JR has adjusted the prices for the pass, not really anymore, unless you want to travel by train very extensively. You can plug in your itinerary in the links below and compare prices to the JR Pass.
With the increased price of the JR Pass, local train passes might be good deals now.

New prices starting May 2024
>7 day Pass: ¥50,000
>14 day Pass: ¥80,000
>21 day Pass: ¥100,000

ーInfo on Prostitution ー
Check out the links below and try not to derail the thread with repetitive questions about this or janny will get mad. You can also check out old threads under 4plebs.org. Any question you might have, like "Do I need to speak japanese to see a prostitute?" or "Can I really have penetrative sex in a soapland?" have been answered hundreds of times, learn to use the fucking archive OR READ THE GUIDES LISTED HERE. STOP FUCKING TALKING ABOUT IT IN THE THREAD.


Previous: >>2684709
best cities to visit besides Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Nara, Kobe and Hiroshima?
nuh uh.
Can we go 5 posts without your shit coomer bait topics
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Best virtual sim vender for iPhone data, go.
You don’t really need to see more “cities” than those.
Go to the mountains
Arima onsen
>>7 day Pass: ¥50,000
If anyone buys a rail pass they are fucking retarded
Yet I see it shilled constantly
What the fuck do you guys do, ride the bullet train up and down the country multiple times a week?
>Anon said, lying through his fucking teeth
I was too busy looking at trains sorry
It used to cost half or less, it was fine then
My question is have the individual tickets gone up in price too?
>flight to Tokyo is in 48 hours.
>can’t really sleep right for last week
I’m going to have the jet lag bad this trip
yeah. you ever traveled before? you just have to bite the bullet.
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what's the first food I should get after landing in haneda
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bro I'm gonna be jetlagged
Fine, go for something homey like Japanese curry then.
When are we meeting up to watch the Madoka Movie Walpurgisnacht Rising movie?
oh shit, I should go see a current movie tBh
new madoka's not gonna be out by september tho is it
When they ask if I like anime I just say I like one piece and they appreciate my attempt to be as normie as possible, as is tradition in Japan
>in a reuse clothing store
>staff girl asks if i like anime
>say yes a bit nervously
>what do you like
>list some
>is <anime> yuri?
>i like BL
It's a very strange feeling to not only be able to talk openly about this stuff but to feel comfortable doing so
You guys obviously never talked to a Japanese about anime. All they know is Jujutsu Kaisen. Yes even the girls in Okubo. That's the only anime they know.
as long as it doesn't go below $1 i'll be alright i'll just cry into my combini chicken and strong zero.
I can't see how it won't, look at how fast its dropped - I'm thinking about getting money now even though there's six weeks until my trip, I could see it dropping down to under 90 cents if this doesn't immediately stop.
what are the chances I'm being gyakunan'd by this milf who actually puts up with me and wants to hang out?
Going in the beginning of may next year, 3 weeks accross the country but I have yet to fully plan it out
Any good festival or festivities around that time?
I told some guys in Akiba that I like Aria and Kaiji and he lost his fucking mind
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I did my transfers at the peak so its not as bad as it could be. Maybe do half and half you've put that money aside for it anyway.
did he dogeza on a hot plate?
where do I go to try the different flavour Strong Zeroes? I got bored of just the lemon one but it's miles better than Hooch.
Also how drunk is too drunk to get into bars or just Hub as a last resort? 2 kakuhai and a 350ml clear cooler ok?
No train tickets are the same price, the JR pass just has less value now unless you use the shinkansen how ever many times it takes to break even within your holiday. Use the railpass guide in the OP if you wanna see if it's worth getting though it probably won't be.
I went for 3 weeks and buying individual tickets cost about 60k yen throughout my whole trip so I saved 40k yen if I had bought the 21 day pass.
Getting laid isn't the problem, finding something serious is
Is there anything culturally wrong with laying flowers at the burnt down KyoAni studios?
Who are the best Japan vloggers on YouTube?
I heard they got enough (presumably)
but I also wanna go there at the end of august
been meaning to since fucking 2019
what you should do tho is look at the memorial they put up in the park in unit a few weeks ago https://youtu.be/1HY8_xKZhgg?si=ZKFIGG5rJ19InRbO
I'm planning to hike Mt. Fuji at the end of August. Any preparation tips, especially considering the heat?
Kagoshima, Kanazawa, Sapporo, and Nagasaki is very underrated I think one of the most interesting cities I've ever been to

I like Airalo

If you are sleeping at odd hours at home then you'll be sleeping at regular hours when you arrive.

This is a hard question because there are so many options. Haneda actually has a great soup curry place inside. I forget what it's called. But if I had just landed in Japan I'd probably get an egg sammich and Suntory highball from 7.

Yes maybe half the foreigners I meet in Tokyo are anime fans but among the Japanese it's maybe 10% or less.

It depends. Some people act like an animal after 1 drink. Some people can drink a whole bottle and act normal. If you can stand up straight, and speak clearly, and make eye contact you'll be fine. Practice makes perfect!

I’ve been there for two weeks, it actually hurts thinking about how beatiful and civilized it was compared to the fucking shithole I live. Do you think moving there is out of reach? I think having a company that sends you there might be the only possibility but idk.
What's there to do in Kagoshima? Some friends and I will be there next year and aside from the Sakurajima lava park, aren't sure what else there is.
I've never felt so safe in a foreign country before. My friends and I were barhopping until 4 a.m. and had an amazing time with the locals. We were clearly hammered by the end of the night and not a single person fucked with us. All as friendly as could be. How the FUCK does Japan do it?
you know how but if someone spells it out some retard is gonna cry about muh pol again
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chimping out is shameful and not tolerated.
As much as I want to live in Japan I don't want to tarnish that countries perfection by moving my white ass over there. The less non Japanese people in Japan the better.
Your loss. I will continue leaving here and making paki+jap hafus
>Japanese woman stared at me

Yep, she was fantasizing about giving me rimjobs.
Why are Japanese women so fucking hot?
Am I crazy or do girls try to dress up as Shigure Ui
I feel the same way I love Japan but I would respect their decision to deport all foreigners and close the country again.

no [redacted] or [redacted] or [redacted]

I went to Sengan-en which is the ancestral home of the Satsuma clan, the last clan to win a civil war against Edo or Kyoto. They have a beautiful villa complete with gardens and shrines, a perfect view of Sakurajima, photos of all the emperors and heads of the state that have visited, perfectly manicured Zen gardens ... very much worth the trip by that alone. But there are also plenty of great historical sites nearby like the castle, the caves where the rebellion ended. And Kagoshima has excellent food, they are famous for their beef. Yeah I like Kagoshima a lot and I recommend going to Sangen-en highly.

I feel the same way.
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I mean just look at this photo! Ah I'm missing Kagoshima now ...
I don't understand the appeal of just travelling to gaze at scenery. I grew up with so-called godtier views so maybe I'm a little jaded but isn't the appeal of travelling to mingle with the locals and try out new experiences? every country has good scenery, I don't see what the big deal is.
You don't get it

>Mountain, Japan
>look at thing
I'd rather interact. You know, actually do stuff. Than just to look.
go jump into fuji then
>>2690375ou d
yes I understand what you mean but Kagoshima has a unique charm and culture it's not like the rest of Japan or even Kyushu but it's a minor city if you aren't interested in going don't go no problem
They're thin and take care of their hair.
That's literally it.
Also they dress like women.
That’s always the biggest culture shock when I come back home, most women in america dress like men 95% of the time.
I've been told Japan attracts weirdos and creeps from the West, my friend is teaching there and he's a fellow normie. I'm gonna be spending 30 days solo travelling in Japan during November this year.

Am I gonna struggle meeting normal people? I don't want to be spending my time with socially awkward, extremely nerdy and fetish obsessed weaboos. I'm an average bloke, not into anime, hentai and don't have a severe case of yellow fever.
Like with every other country, it depends on YOU, not on them. If you're a sociable person, you can make friends. The only unique part is that (most) Japanese are notoriously shy, so don't expect to get very far if you don't have a basic grasp of the language.
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I want to be there so much that I would shove that entire tower up my ass.
This is a dumb dumb take. What you're implying is that every other person's issue or difficulty is dependent on myself. Socially awkward? My fault. Short temper? My fault. Entitled? My fault. Uneducated? My fault. Sheltered? My fault. Come off it mate, that's absurd. I know it takes two to tango but get real. Yeah I've been told about the shyness of Japanese people, I don't think it will be an issue for me.
Literally where are the bars to meet people in Tokyo? There's so many in Osaka and zero in Tokyo
The ones that go to jpg meetups are normal. Well, everyone except that one guy.
Why the fuck are you on 4chan if you don't like anime, it's an anime website
You're not a 'normal bloke' you're a westslop chugging normalfag
Is it though? I'd say the majority of users on this website have little to no interest in anime. Stay mad because I'm more normal than you, fuckin nerd.
And you'd be confidently wrong in saying that, retard.
Just go to Ibiza or some other shithole instead if you're an enlightened normal bloke.
oh fuck off gatekeeping, miserable cunt
> I gonna struggle meeting normal people?
Protip one: if you want to mingle with Japanese people, wear a dress shirt and tie, they are pretty class conious there, don’t dress like a man child (I.e. don’t dress like average America)
You are going to laugh at this, but I warned you.
Protip 2: if you want to mingle with other foreigners: well this is going to be a grab bag but I’ve met people off 4chan before that were fine, a lot of Chinese nationals and English people, that are fairly normal, but also going to met the typical bitter expats that you find everywhere in the world.
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Any other answers for this.
Waaahhhhh cry about it faggot.
are the pocket wifis that shit? I don't use a expensive phone just want basic shit to get around.
They're perfectly fine.
Zip on bumble. ZERO on ht. It’s so over bros.
Does anyone know any love hotels in Shinjuku that have bedside mirrors? I googled this for a long time and found no mirrored walls.
Ok american psycho
post your pfp for them
I don't get it. I loved my holiday, did unique things like be the only person on that tour time to walk down Tokyo Tower, try to chat up girls (and fail bu eh), get the wrong train on the Chuo line drunk asf on my birthday and I planned and went all the way round the world on my own yet I still don't feel confident in myself and get depressed super easily.
Fuck, I hate it

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