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Battle toads edition

ー How do I travel by public transportation? ー
Use Google Maps within cities, install the Jorudan or Navitime app for intercity travel

ー Dude, what should I see in ________? ー
>Solid general guides - sights, sample itineraries, pre-travel considerations, etc
*You should probably check on google if a place is still in business before you plan a whole trip around it*

ーJR Passー
JR Rail Pass is it worth it? Since JR has adjusted the prices for the pass, not really anymore, unless you want to travel by train very extensively. You can plug in your itinerary in the links below and compare prices to the JR Pass.
With the increased price of the JR Pass, local train passes might be good deals now.

New prices starting May 2024
>7 day Pass: ¥50,000
>14 day Pass: ¥80,000
>21 day Pass: ¥100,000

ーInfo on Prostitution ー
Check out the links below and try not to derail the thread with repetitive questions about this or janny will get mad. You can also check out old threads under 4plebs.org. Any question you might have, like "Do I need to speak japanese to see a prostitute?" or "Can I really have penetrative sex in a soapland?" have been answered hundreds of times, learn to use the fucking archive OR READ THE GUIDES LISTED HERE. STOP FUCKING TALKING ABOUT IT IN THE THREAD.


Previous: >>2682009
A Japanese dude paid for my meal last night
The golden days of japan travel are over. Every normie and their grandmother is going to Japan, we will never be special gaijin again
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This is who's complaining about Japan being too crowded.
Literally just go in the 99% of the country where tourists don't go and you're golden.
There is tourists and jeets everywhere. Even in the inaka
Best website to find cheap hotel rooms in Japan? Booking.com?
My recent trip was fun, so far I've been to Japan 3 times. I'm considering going back, not now but in 2026 if I still have an income, but since I've seen what I wanted so far I'm considering doing a big trip to visit cities far away from Tokyo. Not sure how to organize all of this yet. So far I've lived in Tokyo for a semester (was supposed to be longer but covid happened), I've visited Osaka and its surroundings, Yokohama, Kamakura/Enoshima, etc. I don't see myself doing anymore cultural visits like museums and temples, besides maybe a few gardens here and there if the weather is good enough, a few weeks ago my favorite outings were related to otaku shit like going to collab cafes or fan events.

Anyway, I'm considering going back to Tokyo for a week when there's a new con/fan event and to eat nice food and shop for clothes. But I'm also considering staying in other regions this time. I'm considering Okinawa but I have no clue if visiting Hokkaido in the summer could be interesting and for how long. A friend of mine told me to check out the Ushiku Daibutsu for one day from Tokyo but I'm sick of temples now so I avoided it this time, idk. I thought at that point I might as well visit other countries nearby too one after another to not waste time and money on several separate trips. How is traveling from Japan to Korean, Taiwan or Vietnam? You think I could do all of this in one month?
don't make a new thread until the old thread hits page 10

>>2682009 keep using the old thread for now it will be up for a few more days and the duplicates confuse the schizos and jeets
This, just hike up a random non-famous mountain.
I saw less foreigners in Tokyo than in Kyoto
There were many times in Tokyo I was the only non jap on the trains
Google Maps or Tripadvisor automatically compare them all.
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Fuck me bros. I need to change a bunch of money in under a week.
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>have the opportunity to do a japanese course in Tokyo in august
>but also supposed to work again in may after one month break so I don't take it
>then the job shifts to june
>then to july
>and now no more precise date
I fucking hate my country and its shitty system so much. I should have said fuck it and taken the internship.
Fuck everything.

On a Japan travel related note, is Mount Takao really that great? Planning to go there in november, for the kouyou
>Mount Takao really that great
It's just a mountain. Has a nice shrine though.
I like to hike. Mount Oyama seems nice. Mount mountain.
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142/142! I can write Hiragana from memory too, now just need to write Katakana.
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I was sitting by the river in Kyoto last night when a drunk japanese dude in business casual came and started singing yanky doodle and say how he no speak good Engrish but he loves me and how he is sad he has no gf. His buddy who was with him kept apologizing to me for his behavior and and kept saying fuck you and flipping him off. These dudes were almost 40 years old btw
That sounds hilarious.
I've used Booking twice, Maps tends to make it harder to find specifics, I don't want a 6-bed dorm room. I've also found really good deals on there, I've got 18 days booked out several months in advance for like $45/night for minimalist business hotels. I'd still check Google to compare, but catching a room that was cancelled and opens for a steal price on booking has gotten me a way longer stay for cheap.
Any britfags been? How much did you pay for a return flight? Trying to work out what the going rate is
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I see old white boomers with very young looking Japanese girls alot in Osaka. It's very creepy
Has anyone been/planning to go to Comiket? What's the procedure like?
Looking to buy online tickets for the upcoming one, probably Sunday (which I assume is the busiest day?).
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Recommendations for places to get handcrafted Ainu goods while I'm in Hokkaido? Or handcrafted Japanese goods (esp carvings and MASKS) ?
Would really really like to get a straw hat while I'm there.
Great now you need to remember about 1000 kanjis and you will be Japanese
walking in adachi-ku at midnight was surprisingly comfy
why is Kabukicho such a shit hole?
Here for the first time went to Osaka Kyoto and Tokyo and after the initial culture shock I've noticed jap city's are pretty bland and boring if your not into clubbing
Is it legal to bring Cialis to Japan? Been trying to confirm this all day and found nothing online.
i guess as long as you won't declare it on custom i guess youre fine
Nigerians. I wish the police could/would crack down on these filthy nigerians.
They also need to make these ugly old bitches fuck off, in Akihabara the maids used to be more aggressive in handling you flyers until Chiyoda's local government told them they couldn't do that anymore. Now they passively stand on the street and for the most part don't bother you unless you make eye contact or talk to them because if they get reported for touting they get in shit. Shinjuku should do the same, put a few of the underemployed cops in Kabukicho and tourists can complain when they are followed by these dumb cunts going "MASSAJE??!"
Enough complaints and they can drag them off the street and toss them in a dimly lit back room for the night, maybe fine them a bit too.
at what point do you get some yen, the airport?
do you just pay for everything in cash?
From an ATM, usually 7Eleven or Post Office.
Usually I have some yen left over from a previous trip.
I know this is pol infested but just want to point out most Nigerians in Japan are pretty well adjusted and assimilated. They operate becuase the local yakuza (they aren't actually yaks, there's other criminal gangs) have control with the local police so long as shit doesn't spill over the Japs are fine with keeping it a containment zone.
Also if you talk to people from the pre bubble and late 90s early 00s. That area was way more sketch and prostitution was even more blatant.

Not that I care getting a brat here is easier than SEA
so? its still a shit hole
Would it be less of a pain in the ass to go from Oita to Osaka rather than Oita to Hiroshima
There seems to only be direct buses to Osaka
maybe Japan could use some immigration...
On my 7 day here it's definitely not as good as Europe for solo travel the only people who say otherwise are people obsessed with jap pop culture shit
>Hot and humid as Florida
>Hostels don't have good common areas to meet people
>You can't actually go inside any of the historical places and buildings
>Most of the historical buildings aren't even the real ones because the real one burnt down in 1895
>Entire city enjoyment revolves around shopping
>Can't actively enjoy the culture because you're a outsider and feels fake to try too
The food is good
They aren't. Having went to "legitimate" Nigerian businesses - they still scam the fuck out of you at every turn. Nigerians are all the same, no matter how long they live here you can never take the Niger out of a Nigerian.
Are the bars / kyabakuras that the girls advertize on the main street in Kabukicho just normal places or more scammy than others? Has anyone gone to one of them?
If you see older Nigerian guys out on the streets advertising a place, those are the good bars. They always have hot girls inside.
Newfag here, What is a brat?
>Nigerians in Japan are pretty well adjusted and assimilated.
LOL no
They are collared dogs who are reminded daily that if they fuck up they are on the first boat out of Japan and back to whatever shithole they are part of. Often with their assets completely seized by the police/customs and thrown under the bus for who knows what issue is happening that month.

Keeping your head down and shutting the fuck up, is not the same as assimilated.
Underaged prostitutes. I'm surprised that guy hasn't been sudoku'd yet considering how much he brags about being a pedo
I found the American who is shitting up these threads constantly. Your women are ugly by the time you are sex with then
I gave in to temptation with a lady of the night this weekend after my friend shy'd out of going clubbing. I mean, on paper I should be good, right? Protection provided. 0 bodily fluid exchanged. It's actually kind of a funny story, and it ended up being a confidence booster since I haven't had sex in a while.
>getting confidence from paying to have sex
It takes high test to walk up as a foreigner (where it can be a robbery) to muscle through the gruff for a soap shop and get a girl to kiss you on the lips (which is rare) and get cooming done. I lost my v card to a JAV level girl who people back in LA could only dream of.

Yeah I think that takes some serious balls though you wouldn't know virgin...
I find standing clubs and bars to be far better desu, but I guess the novelty of soap land is a one a done kinda deal. If your in Japan for more than a week get yourself a Papa-katsu girl. Hard but fun mode, try to do that at a maid cafe just be subtle. Buddy of mine got a QT girl from a medio cafe but has enough swagger to say fuck the rules and ask her directly for a sugar dad deal. Keep in mind as long as you aren't fat, clean, have some stable income, relatively /fit/ and most importantly you can speak or at least put the effort into speaking Japanese you don't have as high as an uphill battle in getting a fun fling. Be direct and nampa gently, just don't bring up anime and weeb shit at first, jap girls are into cute core doesn't mean they are obsessive fans of i.e touhou.
ywnbaw, if you didn't self castrate themselves you could probably enjoy Japan

Rule of thumb no, if anyone is touting they are trying to get people to go inside because they don't have customers, this applies to any kinda of store, restaurant, bar or sex club

top kek reposting for effect.
I've never been there and decided to go to a Comic City event instead, all I know is that ever since the pandemic there are too many people in each Comiket each day so there's a lottery system in advance and if you can't get a ticket that way then you have to buy a ticket first come first serve. You need to check the schedules for that on their website though. I went to June Bride Fes a few weeks ago and it was very simple, we all got in one of the waiting line (which depended on which circles/pairings you wanted to see first, there were two lines, one for the East building and one for the West building), the ticket was 1500 yen and I paid in cash but you can also pay with an app.
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Why would I harm myself?
Dolla general Su is pretty good. Think I might become a fan.
Where can I buy these in Japan? Any issues with bringing one home? I live in the US
Pretty much all buses to Osaka will pass Hiroshima or a place where you can change to Hiroshima, e.g. Kokura or Shimonoseki.
How to be funny in Japanese?
Lots of stores in Osaka have them like this: https://x.com/DVDtyuukoosaka/
Just booked my ticket.
How the fuck can I find a place to live in Tokyo?
Poor neet looking for a cheap share house
staying 6-12 months
I have a contracting gig here so I’m here till I let my terms expire. I am a bad negotiator, these girls just ask for more and more money.
Also I’m bordering on fat, my mexican genes blessed me with the early dad body, I just need my tummy to go away.
What are the factors to consider when deciding which city to spend more time in between Kyoto and Osaka? I will go to both for sure but I can't really choose which one to get a hotel in for a week. If I'm also planning to take trips in areas around the city, which one do you think has the cooler things to see nearby? e.g. Kyoto has lake Biwa nearby, Osaka has Nara nearby.
Just stay in Osaka and take the express train from Osaka station to Kyoto station. It runs every 15 mins and takes 30 mins to get there. Costs $4 one way. Don't stay in Kyoto. Leave for Kyoto early in the morning (say 9am) and come back to around 10pm at night.
I've been to Kyoto/Osaka 5 times and only stayed in Kyoto once. What I found works best is to stay somewhere in Osaka that is <15mins away from Umeda station, such as Namba or Shinsaibashi. And use that as your hub to travel the surrounding area.
Here's what I did: I booked 1 week in Osaka. I spent 2 days in Kyoto (took JR). I spent 1 day in Kobe (25mins away by JR). 1 day in Nara (took JR). Then 3 days in Osaka. You can split the days however you like.
>What are the factors to consider when deciding which city to spend more time in between Kyoto and Osaka?
do you want to wake up at 6am to go to the exact same "top 5" every website that ever wrote a guide to kyoto lists, before they became completely full of people by 8am? if not, osaka
(also it's just as fast to get to nara from kyoto as it is from osaka)
>e.g. Kyoto has lake Biwa nearby
also you gave me an idea for a day trip. i was half looking for an excuse to go to ruriko-in next time im in japan in a few months. wonder how viable it would be to go there, afterwards cable car up mt hiei, enryaku-ji up there, views of lake biwa, cable car back down on the biwa side, find some shit to do around there for a few hours, then train back to osaka from there
How is Japan during Christmas time? Looking for an experience on par with one I’d get in the united states. Im in Tokyo area
No there isn't. Not even in semi-inaka.
>Hot and humid as Florida
Don't ever go to Japan in the summer, you retard. September and October are beautiful, warm and sunny, without thr intense heat and humidity.
>Hostels don't have good common areas to meet people
Very much depends on the hostel. There are all kinds.
>You can't actually go inside any of the historical places and buildings
You can in many of them.
>Most of the historical buildings aren't even the real ones because the real one burnt down in 1895
True, but there are many real ones too. I recommend Himeji castle, for example. Japan also has a lot of really deep caves you can visit, if you're into that.
>Entire city enjoyment revolves around shopping
All big cities are like that. But you can also find loads of little clubs and strange bars catering to niche interests.
>Can't actively enjoy the culture because you're a outsider and feels fake to try too
Step 1: Learn some nippongo
Step 2: Get drunk
>t. Has never left tokyo
I paid the $300~ to see BabyMetal in Yokohama (both days) and honestly it was such a snorefest that this cover band is probably better value.
Better to use a credit card when possible and incur the ATM fees with debit cards. Standard loss at the Airport if exchanging (~155¥/1USD), 145 or worse outside of it.
Pre-covid memories: lots of lights and trees (called イルミネーション), a few Christmas markets with mulled wine and such. Ppl without a family usually have a date night, ppl with family eat KFC, incels gather for a nomikai. Won’t be time off until new years.
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I have the contrarian opinion apparently, as I enjoyed staying in Kyoto. It is kino as fuck to be staying near all these traditional temples and alleys. It is also fantastic to chill at night by the river. The nightlife is small compared to Osaka but it's very concentrated so you can easily find people, I enjoyed it quite a lot.

But yes, the numbers of Americans and Koreans and whatnot everywhere in Kyoto are disconcerting. Still better than the SEA-occupied Dotonbori though.
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Yeah, with the mandatory drink fee (wtf is up with that?) it came out to under $23. Not counting the other bands, I think they went on for close to an hour.
Do non-Japanese owned companies there prefer the Japanese style resume to the western one?
Almost every venue charges a 600 yen drink fee, just the way business is done here.
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Hi dudes. Gonna be in Tokyo for a business trip in September, and I have 9 days of vacation time. I've been around a lot of Japan, Okinawa, Hokkaido, etc. Only main place I haven't been to is Shikoku, I believe. Is it worth spending 9 days there just driving around? Or would that be the equivalent of spending 9 days of precious vacation time in Nebraska or Alaska, without much to do?
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Shikoku is one of my favourite areas to drive around. I stayed for 5 days and it was enough for most things, although it was a bit rushed at times so maybe I would do 6. Make sure to check out the bridges to get onto Shikoku itself.
Very nice pic anon. Maybe I'll go for it after all (6 days). Thanks bro.
gonna throw anon into the Dotonbori river
>seeing several white people in each city

Trip ruined. I went to less popular places to avoid you fucks, you are everywhere
wait till you see the brown people
Go to Tokyo immigration office. You'll be wishing to see more white people.
I climbed to the top of Mt fuji yesterday guys, I have one more day here in Tokyo and I'm not sure what to do, Kabukicho and Roppongi were kind of awful imho
Did you get sick?

Like elevation sickness? No I was fine
>Just stay in Osaka and take the express train from Osaka station to Kyoto station. It runs every 15 mins and takes 30 mins to get there. Costs $4 one way.

Is that the shinkansen or just the local express?
>9 am
>early in the morning
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costs like twice as much for a place in kyoto tho right. t b h for a first trip id just stay a few nights in each
Yokohama Eki’s main strip has so many more whores now lol. I see the underbelly growth in 2018 wasn’t culled. Government must still be banking on that shitty Casino project in Kannai.
I know I've love it, I got a girl to cosplay for me and Nakadashi inside her for under 30kYen.
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On Gaijinpot I'm seeing some 1 room apartments in Tokyo for pretty good prices (small ones near a station on the subway line I want).
The problem is that you have to pay 3x the first month's rent to move in from all their gaijin service fees.
Is that just unavoidable?
>no deposit
>65k rent
enjoy the paper thin walls and roaches, amigo
Yes, this is normal in Japan. You try to avoid moving as much as is possible - this place is also very likely a 1 year contract.
The idea is that if you spread the upfront costs out over a year or two of renting, it's really not as bad.
Large upfront costs like what you have and “thanking the landlord” are standard. From what I remember tho, they don’t bump the rent up as long as you keep renewing the lease
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fucking loser has to pay for sex instead of just asking nicely enough
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Can anyone reccomend some cool small towns to relax and fuckoff in? Uncrowded onsen towns?
Towns with good nature that willnt be hot as fuck???
Went to japan last november right around and during thanksgiving and had the time of my life.
went to:

I am thinking to go in April during sakura blossom season but not sure if it's worth the long lines virtually everywhere and even more busy than it already was.

Thinking to go to:


Any tips on whether this is a good spread this time or is sakura blossom season overrated?
hao 2 lurn yaponise?????question mark

yes son
>stay in kyoto
>exact second museums stop being open
>All bars, restaurants, and stores filled to the brim with tour group faggots who now have their "free time before bed"
>anything not packed with these mouth breathers is shut off from foreigners or people who aren't known to live there
>Osaka trip means you burn one hour just getting and back if not more
>can't even get to the good parts have to basically go to a shitty mall area for HUB level drinks

NEVER again
What program is this?
I want a cheap place but the problem is I'm only going for 6 months, so eating fees upfront kind of sucks.
I wandered into a simple place called Tosayamuroto (yakitori place) after potoncho was packed. one of the greatest meals ive had in my life and noone else was there.

Wander around a bit more fren, try to go off the beaten path.

Everything I've heard about it makes it seem touristy as fuck
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What are some airlines for Japan->Japan flights that don't suck ass? I think I remember my Jetstar(? the cheapest airline) being delayed for 5 hours and then being cancelled. Fuck that shit.
Look up the Hanami forecasts for the last few years, they don’t all bloom at the same time everywhere and it’s way less crowded outside of Kanto and Kansai
>look up forecasts
>ok its going to be early agan!!!
>march was fucking cold and forecasts were 2 weeks off
>sakura festival starts, complete the festival stamp rally anyway
>opening of the first blossoms declared on the day of my flight out of japan
Sounds like a skill issue desu

>Stay in Kyoto
>Eating alone Izakaya near Kyoto station
>Group of Japs chat me up, end up paying for my tab and inviting me to karaoke
>Have fun the rest of the night getting drunk with japs, 2 of them were qt3.14s singing English songs they choose for me
>They end up paying for my drinks there too, try to give them yen but they refuse
Some debit cards don't incur foreign exchange or ATM fees. Charles Schwab debit card is the one I use, all ATM fees refunded at the end of each month and no foreign exchange fees. The checking account with Schwab is completely free.
Fucking lucky. Gahhhh
Can I ask how you decided where to go? It's been a while since I've planned a trip and my head is spinning...
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any good places up north? Or any ways to beat the heat. Going in august for 3 weeks and not looking forward to the heat but its the only time i got. Already staying in osaka for 4 days and definitely want to go back to tokyo for some time. Maybe a beach town or just some area that gets cooler during the summer. Id assume hokkaido is the coolest place in the country year round, but where specifically then would be a good place to hang around, drink and just enjoy the summer while maybe enjoying some female company. And how long would be enough time to stay in such a place,. I dont want to move around like every two days. Also interested in historical sites, any interesting means of transportation and museums, especially pertaining to 20th century history or transportation like train museums or some shit.
Drank by the river and>>2685146
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Do any of you stay at hostels? If I got my own room at a hostel would it be harder to get to know the other people there who are bunking together?

I usually hotel it but I want to try hosteling, 90% because I want to have fun together (solo'ing it) and 10% because I want to see if I can get my dick wet
>go to Japan
>fuck fat tourists instead of Japanese girls
hey man are you, by any chance, clinically retarded
How to do this as a neet?
I was in Japan for the July-August heatwave in 2018. Going up north does help. Tokyo and Kanazawa were both miserable. Aomori and Hirosaki were nice, Lake Towada was really comfortable. I haven't made it up to Hokkaido yet, so can't comment there. If you're there early August, make sure to see the Nebuta festival. I saw it at both Aomori and Goshogowara. If you don't already have lodging, start looking, because the closest place I could get a bed booking farther out than this was a smoker room at a Route Inn in Odate. I did 4 nights at Odate, 2 at Lake Towada, before heading back south. Nebuta in Aomori led to one of my favorite experiences of my trip:

>festival finishes up, go to grab drink while I wait for my train
>couple nihongos see me heading to the jam-packed station and start chatting with me
>tell them I was headed
>they offer a ride since it's on the way
>Narrator: It was not on the way
>train back to Odate the previous night had been an hour of jam-packed misery, so I said yes to the ride
>hop in and start chatting in broken japanese mixed with english about my trip so far, what I've seen, etc
>they ask if we can stop by the driver's house real quick
>stop by and go in, meet his wife, all 3 of us go upstairs to a little buddhist shrine area
>ask me to pray with them
>once we're done, back in the car to go the rest of the way to Odate
>they give me a little bag with prayer beads, prayer book, and the guy's business card, he's a carpenter by trade
Super nice folks, I'm pretty sure they lived in the Hirosaki area but I don't remember at this point. That was a lot of extra driving they did for me that late at night.
I want to go to Aomori next year, doing both Nebuta and Kanto Matsuri. I could even do Neputa Matsuri in Hirosaki but I think it would be a little too much. I'm carefully planning my bike packing trip for year, I cannot wait
I am a autistic neet, just go for it and expect nothing. Some of the times you will end up sitting and eating alone, but the times Japs are interested enough to start a convo and invite you to their group make up for it
do you have any idea of what the term neet means? or did you arrive straight from reddit and you're trying to fit in?
I hate how Americans overuse this word.
Seems more hebe to me but he should neck himself for being obnoxious regardless.
>a-ackshually technically it's hebephilia not pedophilia.

New to the site?
Normalscum should explode easy
If I go to Japan mid September, would I still be able to hear cicadas?
I wondering right now if I go in August with no Japanese
September with very minimal
or October with very minimal plus
I want to go for at least two weeks and don't really feel like delaying it until next spring / summer.
if you have to ask, you can't get your dick wet. Do you think Chad goes around wondering if he can have sex? No. He just fucks.
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All the cheap airlines are basically the same, and ANA or JAL flights are more expensive.
JAL is very good for domestic and comes with free wifi onboard.
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>90F and breezy
>all the europeans in the common rooms lazing about complaining about global warming and how horrible it is outside
>all wearing dark cotton or heavy fabric clothing and dark jeans
>complaining about cicadas too

Is this seriously the kinds of people who post here saying this is "unbearable"? Lmao try living in the USA where it can be worse than this, at least Japan seems to have decent breezes outside some valleys here. This is just basic summer. Back home it can be 0F and up to 100F where I live, just learn to fucking dress properly and stop wearing long dark jeans and dark shirts. Buy shit or bring shit that breathes.

I was over here expecting something much worse for the hikes I've done this week around Kyoto and Nara. Europeans are literal fucking babies if they think this is bad. I thought it was going to be like 110+ with 0 wind 98% humidity and no clouds, this shit is just normal summer.
This is why I want to go to a rural village when I travel to Japan. All I want is to be looked at like I'm special. I want to see people's faces light up when they look at me. I want to brighten people's lives. I want to be Nathan Algren. I want to have a week long romance with a local girl I'll never see again.
No I can't wear shorts then I'll look like a tourist
>I went to a popular tourist destination and was SHOCKED that tourists were there
Dear God please yen don't go up anymore i leave in october..
ANA and JAL are pretty good, especially if they serve the destination more than two times a day.
am i missing any reason not to use the hankyu (to arashiyama) or keihan main line (to higashiyama) from osaka? also low cost, may be slightly longer but not really since they actually get you to somewhere worth going unlike ending up at kyoto station which will likely need an onward journey
Looking for some insight >>2686696

> Wants to fuck a prostitute, too scared to try and wouldn’t get hard anyway

I feel attacked, this happened to me in Azerbaijan with an escort, but we had an interesting time despite that though… is it a common thing for johns not to get hard for escorts?
It was like 100 a couple weeks ago.
Extremely common. It comes to a surprise to every guy who is sexually active in his 20s. It can happen when you're anxious, or overthinking, or just because you get less excited about sex because you know what to expect so it becomes harder to maintain an erection without constant mental stimulation. This is why most people take viagra or cialis pills beforehand. And while you're standing there, looking at your flaccid cock, explaining to her "this has never happened before, I don't know what's wrong", she's not phased at all, she's seen it 1000 times. Thankfully I can still get erect during sex, but, if I'm not completely relaxed around her, I won't be able to cum. It's impossible for me to cum when I sense an escort is trying to rush me, or if she's doing fake moans.
is it easy to get cooze in Dotonbori?
I need to go back
what for?
Cost of living in Tokyo is way lower than NYC but with imo better quality of life. Get even one or two in-demand tech certs and recruiters will place you in an instant. Good for work experience but bad for setting up retirement. Not a big deal to never feel fully accepted due to cultural barriers, there is a growing expat community and proving yourself through hard work and a ‘when in Rome’ attitude will be appreciated a lot.
It’s going to be a groundhogs day rat race like America. The grass on the other side tastes different but is not greener.
I just got back from my first trip and I want to go back. I want to see osaka
the decrease in salary is higher than the decrease in cost of living
those who went to Japan, is there anything you regret you didn't do? or things you wished you knew beforehand? (apart from the obvious, knowing how to speak Japanese)
>Not a big deal to never feel fully accepted due to cultural barriers, there is a growing expat community and proving yourself through hard work and a ‘when in Rome’ attitude will be appreciated a lot.
Perhaps it's because I'm not an expat, but living in a foreign country just to mostly make friendships and connections with other expats doesn't make sense to me. I understand that a lot of it has to do with being able to relate, but if I were to live in Japan I would like to live as a Japanese as much as possible

>It’s going to be a groundhogs day rat race like America. The grass on the other side tastes different but is not greener.
Another post described this to me as well. It does seem like Japan's work culture is mostly career-driven without much in the ways of going against the gain and doing something different
It does seem like freelancing is a growing concept there however and I'm curious as to how well a foreigner might fare in that field. I don't think have a lot of confidence in that though
Make friends with the locals and coworkers, yes. It’s also commonly a difficult thing to do apart from being barstool buddies. It can be exhausting to constantly be treated like a student, have jokes/western pop culture references fall flat, and have language barriers keep deeper conversations. Finding a community to relieve those losses is healthy as an adult with a fully developed brain
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fuck off, it's literally 56% cheaper than what it should be and you're still complaining. enjoy the collapsing japanese economy
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I may have the opportunity to work in Korea for 2-3 years, are there any advantages to living there over Japan? I would learn the language before I moved
sounds like fun
My bucket list for Oct. includes Osaka, Tokyo, Nagoya, Takayama, Shirakawago, Kanazawa and Karuizama
I love the less visited places although I'm not a "off the beaten path" dork, and I still want to see my favorite cities
Interesting, I've read that your cock gets hard as diamonds with a new girl. Maybe it's the prostitute bit?
Besides Korea being bargain bin Japan with even stricter work culture? Nah, not really
Any good gay bars?
>Pedophilia is le based
Go back
Don't bring your degeneracy to Japan.
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Just get a Chad SOFA job, Hell they are literally hiring cleared HVAC techs and electricians in Yokouska and elsewhere that pay well.
If you are functionally autistic and can somewhat maintain a clearance without immediately going full /pol/tard there are also good paying glowie jobs here.
Best part is you get paid in USD and a housing allowance.
I would avoid Tokyo unless you are really dead set on it, if your willing to commute 45min via train Yokohama, Chiba are so much better QOL imo.

Also fuck the Jannies always... There's nothing like living the dream of easily doing /out/ shit like hiking and some of the best scuba diving and cooming into escorts that cosplay as my favorite catgirl maid animes for 30K yen.
>Paying 30k yen to get laid.
Wew. I knew there were shy artists here but wew. Youre better then that anon
Not gay but most of the ones I know from my gay coworker are members only in lol "noge" Yokohama. Also members only doesn't mean its a sex club, it just means you will always have a seat at the bar. I wouldn't let that stop you from entering just don't expect to have a seat.

Yeah, but its hard to find a girl that will dress up as Vanilla from nekopara and piss on your face kek. Also I do it because it pisses off the prude redditors that now infest 4chan.
>im a defense contractor getting paid in USD and i pay to eat with wrinkly fingered hags
fuck off
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Bucket list? My autumn itinerary is Hakone, Kyoto (specifically, Arashiyama and Higashiyama), Nara Park, Himeji Castle
Give me that packed in like a slave ship experience
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Heisokukan 閉塞感 【へいそくかん】locked up feeling; cooped up feeling; feeling of entrapment; feeling of hopelessness; being in a bind

For those of you playing at home these are 9% alcohol, sugar free drinks that are about ¥180/ $1.12 for a 16 oz can.

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pretty good
i have half a case of the litter sister drink (-196) that's 6%
should get around to drinking them soon
my idea of himeji castle is something like this
>go to himeji castle
>think "wow, look at all this wood!"
>say it out loud
>the 400 chinese tourists around me in the tiny space ignore me
haha, just gotta go before they slap the quadruple price gaijin tax on it

Serious question, do the hags in Japan go do younger guys? Hag casting is my favorite jav

Hey, better than when I walked on that nine turn bridge in Yew Garden in Shanghai, when everyone was so packed in like sardines that my body was pressing the railing and there were cops with whistles barking little electronic voices to direct the throng… I said “holy shit” out loud in exasperation, and all the Chinese who knew English turned to stare at me lol. A family friends niece was guiding me through it, honestly I was probably a bit of a dick because of all the crowds there and I feel a bit bad looking back
The thing that made me laugh about this post is that's all the inside of the castle is. Just wood. I went there and was so underwhelmed, although I don't know what else I was expecting, I looked at photos of it on google before I went...
trade places with me I want to go to korea, you can come to japan
where... uh.. do you find these girls?
koreans are much better at english and koreans girls approached me a lot
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I know THC used to offer it, but I don't like to use the Gajin escort services because they are more expensive imo. I got hooked up with a girl from a coomer club/bar in Yokohama that met the wickets but they don't really offer their services to foreigners without being a member and that was just chance because I knew someone and can speak a little nip.

one thing I learned from living here is that most of these host clubs/ maid cafes and girls bars are fronts for prostitution. Its just hard to make the convo with the girl because its generally against the rules at these places. But 9/10 times if she says yes to a "date " on LINE they escort.
2ch even had a board that listed the maids in Aki that would escort.
Ok, but why don't Japs just go to the store that offers cooking classes at the mall. Lots of cuties, and they can learn how to do more than microwave noodles. Are they retarded. Obviously they are, if they can't figure out how to cook on their own, but that's where I would congregate if I spoke Jap.
So, basically you just microwaved noodles and she was blowing hot air up your ass and you didn't know because you're retarded.
autism has become an epidemic.
>inviting a girl to your house in Japan is basically an invitation to fuck
not really man, you should try and spend time with normal people instead of prostitutes
Okay chad tell how how and where to pickup japano chicks and also tell us what its like
>stop by and go in, meet his wife, all 3 of us go upstairs to a little buddhist shrine area
>ask me to pray with them
thats awesome, thats exactly the kind of trip i want to have, will definitely visit rural areas
Is stealth camping easy? Also considering renting a car and camping in it
The police ride around on bicycles. How are they going to stop you.
Koreans are way more fun and approachable, the food is arguably better (but saying this on 4chan is a great offense to the weebs for some reason), nightlife is better, nowadays even the fucking salaries are better than Japan. they also have a huge coffee shop open until like 2am on literally every street corner, which I really enjoyed
the country is grittier and "rougher around the edges" compared to Japan which can be good or bad depending on how you feel
sure there are also downsides (mostly cultural/social) but if you're just working at some foreign company then I doubt you'll feel them much.
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>gf pregnant
>leaving her alone with a toddler to go overseas is roodypoo behavior
>4-5 years before I can travel again

It was planned but happened way faster than expected. Literally the second nakadashi since she got off her contraceptive.

I was hoping to sneak in one last trip to Japan in January but she'll be pregnant af but then.
what's the salary like?
Tell us some of your highlights and stories around .... DADDY!
Never tried it, couldn't tell you
how's plum blossom season? Thinking of late feb/early march
I went in late nov/early dec and loved the lessening crowds but id like some more color in nature this time.
I broke into an abandoned house last year and stayed their the night. was pretty cool. I had injured my leg and would not have made it out of some rural village to get to the train in time.
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I (>>2686884) confess that I will be staying in Osaka for a month to explore more of Kansai and not just revisiting a Kyoto top 5 list. Like the guy I replied to, I'm not an "off the beaten path" dork so I don't care to go to some decaying city of elderly people but I will go to some new (to me) places that most who haven't been to Japan wouldn't have heard of. So far i'm thinking: Uji, Amanohashidate, Omihachiman, Iga or Ise, Koyasan, Arima Onsen, Kobe, Himeji. With these I can also fill in 3 more prefectures on my travel map
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>CHINKS could be here
>"With wood, you can build anything you want" he said to himself, out loud
So I'm planning to go to Kyoto and Osaka for the first time but just found out that they're like an hour apart. Should I book a hotel for four days in Osaka and four days in Kyoto or should just book 8 days in one city and go to the other everyday?
Thank you ANA/JALbros
God damn I wish I could do this... ;w;
theres nothing stopping you
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I'm East Asian so it's either
1) They think I'm a nip and politely ignore me
2) They think I'm one from one of the countries that they hate (mostly joking but still)

I have been talked to from time to time but never anything like I hear in anon-san's stories here... just like a 5 min chat at most. There's a prestige to visibly being from a country that's waaaay farther away.
ok well I'm trying to get some when I head to Osaka next weekend, and I'm just a straight up foreigner with no nip skills but a will and a desire and google translate.
just act as american as possible
will walk around eating a shake shack burger i guess, thanks bro
you all didn't see anything
That's the word
Nara, Hakone and Arashiyama are cool
I dunno if it is the poor thars disposal system or what but "downtown" Kyoto smelled like stale garbage
fucking trash, trash
kek, blew him the fuck out
>in-demand tech certs
which are these?
where can I buy the funniest hats in tokyo
I recommend arriving in the afternoon, going to the cemetery at around dusk, staying the night at a monastery and then visiting the cemetery again as early in the morning as possible, after which you can return to osaka. the town is tiny and apart from the cemetery there really isn’t much to see or do. The cemetery is incredible though, especially in the early morning when there is mist and absolutely no one around
also keep in mind that everything is geared towards old tourists: you don’t need the bus pass unless you’re a geriatric or a fat fuck. Even the funicular is optional imo, you can just hike up (or down) the mountain.
Found it to be more youthful with better interior design
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Watching YuruCamp is making me want to go back go Japan again. I was there in feb but I'm thinking of doing Hokkaido for a month in summer next year and just do the whole island. Maybe around August? How bad is the bear problem in Hokkaido? Will I die if I go hiking solo?
Travelling to Japan with my sister for two weeks over Oct/Nov.
Any events on in that time? Any cool things to see?
I went by myself a year ago, so I've seen most of the big sites but I'd like to be able to be the cool onii-chan and take her to some good places I might've missed or not know about.
What's that?
Should I do yamanashi 2 or 3 nights? Just looking at kofu for now, seems like there's a lot of nice stuff and I've never visited Fuji san before. I had some bomb wine from there for instance. I'd probably want to rent a car and camp, I heard there's rentals for camping, is that true!
google it retard
Camping in Japan is pretty much glamping. You essentially are renting an AirBNB that looks like a tent
I want to go back to Japan for the 4th time but the internet would have me believe they despise tourists now and I don't want them to hate me my rock bottom self esteem won't be able to take it.
I mean like getting a tent and sleeping bag4WP0
Yes there are gear rental shops
Not sure if you would want to rent a sleeping bag though
Go to don quijote and get a Magikarp hat
Buy a sleeping bag and bring it with you. If you get a good down one they can be really compact.
Well it's over. Got a STD after fucking a tachinbo girl raw.
>inb4 it's HSV1 that everyone has even without sex
Very few big name STD's out there that don't have a cure
Good ol' Slap and Clap
>having sex with a whore
You deserve it desu
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>Thailand where the women are clean
Don't respond to the coomertards anon, they lost a lot of braincells after weeks in hospital recovering from thai superSTDs they caught fucking man ass.
this board also needs IDs because i have been samefagging in japan generals for months now posing as all kinds of different people with different viewpoints

ive been pro coomer and anti coomer in the same thread

ive started arguments with myself

ive argued with others and supported them in the same thread
someone remind me
what are the good museums to go for
I guess they don't got a lot of museums with like WW2 planes
where do people go for car spotting
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>WW2 planes
hayabusa my beloved...
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You deserve it so much.
I viewed a castle outside Lisbon once and went there thinking it was gonna be 'walk around and explore this castle at your place' but it was just a gigantic line penguin filing through the castle for an hour, interesting stuff in there but I find that experience kind of weird.
My condolences, I had an incredible experience in Hokkaido that I doubt I would have had if I was Asian.
Im planning to go to japan to get my broken nose fixed, and probably teeth whitened
What do I need to do to prepare before leaving? Do I need travel insurance or will that not matter at all
welcome to the club
Thank you for the condomlences bro. It's okay, I guess I just have to put my best foot forward. Glad you had fun! What hijinks did you get up to in the 'Kaido?
Sorry to hear that bros.
>Can't actively enjoy the culture because you're a outsider and feels fake to try too
This has to be the most retarded shit I've read here.

Newsflash faggot, you were also an outsider in Europe and the locals knew it.
that should take you like two days to memorise the fucking hiragana
once you are at n2 kanji at least you can open your mouth again
its called real kana

wtf are you bragging about
assuming this is true I have some questions
>what race are you
>what country are you from
>are you good looking
I'm going to guess you're white since they probably wouldn't bother talking to someone who's Asian
>where do people go for car spotting
Daikoku PA. You'll need a rental or a friend with a car to get you there.
Aside from that, Tokyo in general has a lot of interesting cars just driving around, especially on Sundays.
cringe neet
yeah I've seen it
daikoku PA sounds like kind of a pain in the ass with the car situation but shibuya also has some car spotting going on every 1st saturday, seems like
also I think I heard something about itasha meets in akiba before
I want a brat gf after reading this thread
Good for you go talk about it elsewhere
>What do I do
Read the OP
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has anyone gotten a hotel in the very outskirts of a city, without knowing japanese at all?

I can pick up only very basic words here and there, and i'm steadily learning very basic essential stuff. but, i want to spend a night in a very showa-style comfy hotel that has probably never seen a foreigner in years.

i dont want to stay in some stuck up expensive hotel either because they seem boring as fuck, and this hotel is right next to a river, is an hour train ride away from nagoya, and its cheap as fuck
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I've been staying in a neighborhood that has a few dozen maid cafes. I've walked by literally thousands of these girls handing out fliers, and none of them have ever looked at me, let alone give me a brochure. But today, I just got done blasting my lats, and they all kept trying to get me to come their shop, so they could give me a massage. I was half tempted. I thought you just paid for overpriced drinks and they ignored you for an hour. I didn't know they oiled you down.
>itasha meets in Akiba
You'll want to check out the parking garage at UDX.
I wanna go back bros. I've been 3 times already with the last time being 4 months ago but I already want to go back. Fuck Europe, fuck America, fuck Sea, fuck domestic travel. All I want to do is go back to Japan.
it's only so good because you don't live there and can enjoy it in small doses
don't overdo it
I did a month earlier this year and I thought that was a good amount of time. I don't think id ever want to do more than a month in a year.
oh fuck yeah
So, why aren't you saying fuck Japan, if it's the same, once you stay longer and the veneer wears off. Wake up. The problem is you. It might just save your life. Fix your attitude.
Anyone want to hang out?
>stop enjoying things
There are good railway museums in Omiya and Kyoto.
Toyota has a good museum.
Honda's museum is right next to the circuit.
Subaru, Mitsubishi and Susuki museums require prior reservations to visit.
Kakamigahara seems to have the largest aircraft museum.
Tokorozawa is the easiest to access.
Actually there is one in Narita too.
There are some in the countryside too.
>on shinkansen
>about to get off
>look back
>cute girl a couple rows back looking at me
>step into aisle
>she approaches
>takes my seat
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Alright bros, my dumbass decided to book a trip to Tokyo for 2 weeks in mid-August.
As a fat fuck, what can I do to make the summer heat as bearable as possible when outdoors?
For reference, I'm from Melbourne Australia where the summers can get very hot but we're not known for humidity.
Is that what I said. I said, you can enjoy your home, but you want to be a Debbie Downer. You can't be that retarded. So, trolling isn't allowed outside of /b/.
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Bros i don't want to waste time trying for rigged crane games. I know those fucks sell the prizes. Wheres the best place to pick up current arcade merch cheap Mostly in Tokyo or Osaka.

Want to maximize my arcade time without fucking around with the crane games.
Suck it up south sudan cuck, get a fan and a towel live in aircon.
Rookie mistake. The trick, to feel absolute delight, is to where sweatpants and a sweatshirt(it's in the name for crying out loud) and walk at a good pace, perhaps even a canter, or skip to loo my darling, and get nice and wet, then go inside to the AC. There are few things that truly feel as good on Earth.
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oh that's lit
I wanna see a japanese phantom
I gotta take a closer look at this list when I get home
>cooling wipes (bought at literally any store)
>water + pocari sweat/any electrolytes to replenish the body
>wear light clothing
>if outside for a prolonged period, don't walk at a fast pace
won't really matter what the weather forecast says, humidity will be killer even on a cloudy day but you can still slightly plan around that.

just nip into stores or malls to cool off every so often when you start feeling even the slightest bit lightheaded. it's not going to be the end of the world, but thankfully you're in a city with a million things to do indoors so it'll work out for you.
I’m guessing I’m the only person to ever consider getting a hotel outside of Tokyo or Osaka
yeah, you might have to do your own research elsewhere. i didnt have any luck last time i asked (never been to japan before). i think im going to go on 2ch and ask my questions there before i go so i can get a locals perspective/advice. for hotels i would just use google.
has anyone done of those self-guided walking tours/hiking trails where they book your accommodations in advance? I feel like they're getting better prices than what I could book by myself but idk if they're using bottom of the barrel ryokans
who cares, a bed is a bed at the end of the day. thats all youre paying for really, a bed and storage for your luggage.
are you looking solo? usually these kind of agencies put the headline price as per person on the assumption that you're sharing a room (i.e. cost is split), then you look in the small print and see you're paying fk loads more for 1 person
Well my concern isn’t finding the hotel, I already found what I wanted. But I just wanted to know how it might be to get a hotel in the inaka. How well they treat foreigners, how they handle people who don’t know Japanese, etc.

I always hear the same sentiment about “you’ll be fine in Tokyo, Osaka” but how bad exactly is it when I venture outwards? I guess I’ll have to find out
it's a hotel. you check in, check out, that's it. I am not sure what you are expecting
what do the reviews for your hotel say?
All of them are in Japanese, except a singular one that says “very nice lady”

They all say it’s a very showa esque little hotel next to a river, and they enjoyed their stay.

Not sure. Idk how people on the outskirts of Japan feel about foreigners pulling up to their niche small neighborhoods
if i were you id make up some reason to email them (while letting them know im a gaijin), and see how they respond. if its a good response, i know ill have a good time there. if its shit, id ask for a refund and book somewhere else. just me though, youre probably not that pedantic
Ah that’s a good idea. But they only have phone and fax.
uh oh
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]


[Hotel Name]
[Hotel Address]
[City, Prefecture, ZIP Code]

拝啓 [Hotel Name] 様




[Your Name]
If you specifically want WWII aircraft, in addition to the Kawaguchiko museum the other anon listed, you have Kanoya with IIRC the only original H8K flying boat left. Yamato Museum has an A6M5, and the Yushukan has a WWII fighter or two as well. There's another old military airfield museum I'm failing to remember the name of, that had I think a restored carrier plane suspended from the ceiling in front of some big hangar doors.

For other neat museums, I highly recommend the rail museums mentioned already. Gekkeikan has a sake museum in Fushimi district of Kyoto which was pretty cool. There's a small gemstone and mineral museum in Yamanashi, close to the Kawaguchiko rail station if you're into that sort of thing, and Matsumoto Castle has an exhibit of historical Japanese firearms. I think Osaka Castle has a similar collection, but I haven't been to that one. Tokyo Station Gallery has a constantly changing art exhibit, when I went in 2022 they had an exhibit on Japanese railway art through the decades.
I don't know what I'm doing right, but I've been to Himeji castle 4 times at this point, usually midday and afternoon times, and it's never been very crowded. I was in longer lines at Hikone.
Thanks anon. I’ll send them a fax.
>Kawaguchiko rail station
The 1 i linked >>2687174 is next to the maple tree spot on the other side of the lake too if youre gonna send him that way
good luck, im really curious to see what their reply will be since id also like to stay at a hotel not commonly frequented by tourists
4 times? what do you like about it so much anon? horses for courses i know, but to me it really is just wood
>in addition to the Kawaguchiko museum the other anon listed
That should be Kakamigahara, my B.
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By that viewpoint, a shrine is just wood too.

Part of it is me being a military history guy, part is the craftsmanship and materials used to build it, and part is just the aesthetics of the building itself from different angles and lighting, picrel.

It's always interesting to me to physically see how the moats, walls, and gates are laid out and defended, how it looks from both the attacker's and defender's eyes. They're also pretty unique structures in terms of their size and being built in a very earthquake prone area. The log framing is beautiful to look at, and constructed using very intricate joinery techniques that give the structure the flexibility to survive an earthquake while still being sturdy enough to serve as a military fortification.
have you seen this documentary? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bG7oeflLWbY

its really well made and feels like its from the early 2000s. rare to see stuff like this being produced these days
how much do you guys pay for accommodation? seems super pricey, I'm used to traveling in third world places... what would you use? Agoda? Facebook? Airbnb?
Dude, where should I see nature around Tokyo? On my last visit, I went to Mt. Takao about an hour west by metro from Shinjuku which was pretty nice. Nikko was nice too, but a bit too far because a round trip is over 4 hours.
You gotta go to Gunma
Prices shot up a lot this year. I use Booking. Budget hotels in central Tokyo used to be €60 but now it's doubled.
>look in the mirror
>see my receding hairline
>my hair looks so bad
>imagine myself in japan with said hairline
>get depressed
i cant be the only one
Seconding Booking.com. A lot of Japanese hotels are listed on it, not just big chains, guesthouses, and apartments. I've booked a bunch of minshuku and budget hotels through that site.

Mt Tsukuba is a good nearby mountain. Short but very steep hike, excellent views, and far less crowded than Takao. You can also take the funicular or the gondola back down if you're short on daylight/worn out from the ascent. I like Nikko a lot, but it's better as an overnight trip or two night trip. That way you have plenty of time for the Akechidaira Plateau, Lake Chuzenji, maybe hike up Mt Nantai or the Senjogahara marshland. Chichibu National Park west of Tokyo is also an option.

i guarantee you my shits worse than yours, i used to get so many fucking chicks in highschool because of my beautiful hair, my hair was my only redeeming factor. now im 28 and i got the hairline of a 75 year old, i look like a serial rapist

i dont give a FUCK, there's faggots in japan that look worse than me with perfect hair, theres faggots in japan that look incredible with perfect hair, theres faggots in japan that are out there, right now, experiencing what i've always wanted to experience and theyre retarded fat ugly motherfuckers and they dont give a shit. nothing should stop you from just stepping foot in that place and manning up and crossing shit off your bucket list that youve always wanted to do. unless youre a coomer faggot thats hoping to score some cute japanese gf then theres nothing to worry about with your god damned hairline. this world is vast, faggot, and receeding hairlines should be the last of your worries. you're only on this earth for 80 years, max. japan has existed for 35,000.
In March I paid £56.58/n near Tokyo Station and £51.60/n near Shinjuku for basic business hotels. I already made a booking for a similar standard business hotel in Oct-Nov near Ikebukuro for 6100 yen/night (£30/n~) which seemed like a fucking steal. I don't think its doubled, just dorks like me booking everything up months in advance since it all has free cancellation so there is no reason not to

also all on booking.com
Have you considered that more people "travel" during the summer and that drives the prices up. You're not a dork, you're a retard. Big difference. Big.
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>hoping to score some cute japanese gf
Yes but only for like a few days :'(
I'm considering taking advantage of the digital nomad visa to live in JP for 6 months. I meet all the requirements but I'm not sure how I'd go about getting living accommodations for the 6 month period. Any suggestions?
>Not sure. Idk how people on the outskirts of Japan feel about foreigners pulling up to their niche small neighborhoods
jesus christ you have let either social media or this place brainrot you

no one gives a flying fuck, this isn't the 1920s doofus.
I believe it's probably easiest to look into a long-term AirBnB or similar arrangement – as an anon posted earlier this thread or last, there's a significant downpayment towards entering a new Japanese apartment contract (which would usually be viewed as something to spread out across your renting term, but as you won't be renewing it, makes it less worth it for you).
I'm very tall and blonde, so I retain some novelty to them. Got stares even in Tokyo, especially the old people loved me.
She's kinda cute but she does the vapid foid thing where she ends all her sentences on a rising tone to keep you guessing whether she's done with her sentence or not
google the following
>(city) apartment rentals foreigners
then find one (there are plenty of agencies) that does flexible leasing like 6+ months

really, REALLY not that difficult anon.
Oji-san at a rural station in bumfuck-machi, saga-ken was ecstatic to see me, probably the only tourist, white or otherwise, he could offer a pamphlet to in the last month or so.
>Is it worth spending 9 days there just driving around?
Yeah absolutely. Me and a friend spent about 10 days on Shikoku in Sumer last year and we actually had to cut stuff (didn't get to Tokushima or anything South-West of Kochi/Matsuyama)
I'm back and I now have a bad craving for hiroshima's huge and fresh oysters. Really should've stuffed my belly full of it instead of being cautious about food poisoning and now I regret it.
>find a girl that will dress up as Vanilla from nekopara and piss on your face kek
living the dream, anon
Feels like a mogra night
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Since the Jannies keep nuking anything related to activities to cooming. Why no love for Okinawa?
It's pretty Kino here to bad America didn't fully annex it
Annoying. Hate girls with nose jobs so much
I bet she looked just fine beforehand
she may have looked fine, but if now she looks better, then what the fuck is your problem with it
Nobody who got a nosejob ever looks better.
What level JLPT do i need to pass to get a job at a Konbini if I can settle in with a girl and be a part time house-husband for her?
I fucking hate it here, get me out
You’re such a fucking loser faggot, yeah don’t go to Japan. Also just buzz your shit off you limp wrist piece of shit
Letting other entities control your emotions/mental state, is an attribute of a loser.
I have now, thanks for the link. That's a really good documentary and it really speaks to why I love visiting these castles so much. As another example, I've been to Hikone castle at Lake Biwa 2-3 times. It has some unique features out of the remaining castles, like the dry moat defending the lakeward approach to the keep and the long, slanted steps leading up the hill below the keep's gatehouses.

It was mainly the rebuilt Kanazawa castle that expanded my appreciation of these structures in terms of construction techniques though. It's a replica, but it has an exhibit on how the castles were constructed with some really cool examples of the joinery techniques they used to fit all the beams together. It made looking at the framing models of each castle far more interesting, since now I have a visualization of how all those beams were cut to fit together.
still laughing at "wow, look at all this wood!"
I'm going again to Japan next month,last year I did the typical one (Tokyo,Kyoto,Osaka), this time I'm going to the north I have this itinirary I know that it might look incomplete so anyone have any recommendations about things to do in niigata, aomori or sapporo?
Day 1 Akihabara
Day 2 FREE
Day 3 FREE
Day 4 Comiket
Day 5 Comiket
Day 6 Walk at Bandai City,Niigata Manga Animation Museum
Day 7 Toki Messe,Pia Bandai,Ponshukan: Sake Museum Tasting
Day 8 Bandai Bridge,Shinano Riverside Promenade,Hakusan Shrine and Park,Furumachi,Nishiohata Park
Day 9 Omotenashi Plaza,Mount Yahiko,Mt. Yahiko Ropeway,Yahiko Summit Park,Yahiko Park
Day 10 Niigata Niitsu Railway Museum,Niigata Furusatomura
Day 11 Nagaoka Fireworks Museum
Day 12 FREE
Day 13 Aomori Prefectural Center for Industry and Tourism,
Day 14 Yew Tree (VISIT Hachinohe),Hachinohe Portal Museum “hacchi”,Hachinohe Yatai Mura (Food Stall Village),Miroku Yokocho
,Tanesashi coast
Day 15 Kabushima Shrine,STOKED Doughnuts
Day 16 FREE
Day 17 Fujita Kinen Teien (Fujita Memorial Garden),Hirosaki Park
Day 18 Saruka Park
Day 19 Walk at sapporo Sapporo,Ōdōri Park,ODORI BISSE,NORBESA,Melonbooks
Day 20 Hokkaido Dosanko Plaza,KITA KITCHEN,Tanukikoji Shopping Arcade,Nakajima Park
Day 21 Otaru Canal,Orgeldoh® Kaimeiro,Otaru Music Box Museum,Otaru Steam Clock,Kuboya Café,Otaru Shussemae Hiroba,Otaru Beer
Day 22 Biei Senka Market,Biei Shrine,Asahiyama Memorial Park,Tanukikoji Shopping Street
Day 23 Makomanai Takino Cemetery, Hill of the Buddha, Lavender Fields
Day 24 Museum of Northern Peoples
Day 25 Lake Hill Farm
Day 26 Ario Sapporo
Day 27 Cape Ochiishi
Day 28 Asahikawa City Museum
Day 29 Maeda Forest Park
Day 30 Hakodate Meijikan,Onuma Quasi-National Park
Day 31 Moerenuma Park
Day 32 Lake Akan
Day 33 Lake Shikotsu
Day 34 Niseko Takahashi Farm
Day 35 Fukidashi Park
Day 36 Chikyu Misaki
Day 37 Hokkaido Pioneer Village,Nibutani Ainu Culture Museum
Daa 38 Return to tokyo
Day 39 Return to Spain
Wow 10 days and it wasn't enough! dang. i thought most people said 6 days was enough. were you guys going at a very chill pace?
this might be the most retarded yet the most original itinerary I've ever seen on /jp/
If you decided to visit just these 3 cities who am I to judge.
You should definetely go to Nagaoka firework festival in Niigata (this year is August 11th), also don't miss the chance to travel to other major cities near Niigata like Toyama and expecially Kanazawa.
From 16th to 18th August there is also the Earth Celebration festival in Sado island! you can easily take the ferry from Niigata.
Prior to going, I made a list of places I'd like to eat at by searching dishes near our hotel. They're solid places with relatively low prices that seem to be frequented by locals. My wife made a list too too, but using popular places from YouTube videos and the highest Google Maps(tm) ratings.
All the places that she picked had long lines, most were so long that they tell you not to bother waiting because they'll close before it's your turn. She insisted to on going to some dumb traditional breakfast place on her birthday, but you have to get in line when they open at 8:00. We arrived at 8:15 on her birthday and were told we'd get a seat at 10:30, so we had to wait sleep deprived for over two hours. The place was very overpriced and totally shit, a sukiya teishoku tastes better. I'm ranting because it was like this with her EVERY SINGLE FUCKING MEAL. I ended up ghosting my own wife for most of our trip until dinnertime and only if she had a specific restaurant that we could reach before they opened. Otherwise I'd bring her whatever nipslop I ate that day, because this dumb bitch will literally starve due to her stupidity in the biggest city in the world with food being sold all around her. Holes are mentally handicapped.
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the containment zone is Shinjuku 4-chome

I don't know why but I've always found it super easy to get along with Koreans as an American they have that same outgoing tell it like it is attitude. sometimes it's hard to deal with all the japanese Tatemae mind games

I wish I had explored Wakayama more and did more hiking and mountain stuff.

pic related

I have been living in immigrant neighborhoods in America for a long time. if you aren't willing to master the language you will never fit in. you will always live a life as a second class citizen far away from home and family. it will not be worth it unless you are making more money than you could back home. so spend as much time as you can learning the language. learn how to love reading, that's the best way to master a language and culture really. but it is still worth it. I have been wandering for a long time and I don't regret it. it's better than whatever boring mundane life id have back home. so just focus on the language and everything else will work out.

speedrun duolingo. duobingo is really garbage but you can speed run it in a month. if you master all of that you'll known enough to get by and even make friends with people who know some English.

in America everything is uber sexualized but every one has this guilt complex about sex. it's really bizarre.

Izumo is fucking awesome and very rural, not many tourists.

say hi next time


check out sakura house or just use airbnb

just do stereotypical foreigner stuff or get wasted

whew lad this is not giving the impression you think it is

I thought it just meant an annoying girl

too many gangsters

where did you find this picture of me
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should have gone to the poke cafe
These girls are the scum of the earth. The problem is they look good, they're sweet' friendly, the perfect women really, except for the fact that they have no soul and will never, ever care about you (unless you can afford to basically pay them a wage to love you).
>Walks aimlessly in shibuya hoping to meet cute japanese girls
has anyone done this (in shibuya or elsewhere)? how did it go?
bros, the weekend I had in Osaka and Hyogo... one for the books.
YOINK. thanks for the ideas anon, see ya there
gonna need a qrd of highlights from both anon
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I went because some girls really wanted to go and worked really hard to get reservations.
were you paying these girls anon, be honest
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Why would I pay anyone to go to a Pokemon cafe?
so thats a yes
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it's slightly easier (but not by much) to get the reservations in osaka i think. at least the food was edible, the maid cafe food was vile
Doesn't count if you're paying late 20s papa katsu girls to eat with you, bro.
>Why no love for Okinawa?
Too many Americans
>it's better than whatever boring mundane life id have back home. so just focus on the language and everything else will work out.
The thing is, I have no problems living where I am in America. Moving to Japan is more like a dream of mine, but for the reasons I listed I have my reservations about making such a big life change that I wonder if it's worth letting go of everything I have here to fulfill that dream that may not even be all that great in reality
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Everything was overpriced and plain, but they wanted to go for the experience more than anything. They were stalking the reservations every day and managed to get it right before my last full day in Osaka, so I enjoyed the company even though the experience itself was lackluster.
Has anyone been to large idolshit events before?
A friend of a friend is performing at one so she suggested I go to it if I'm free that day but it's like 34~ idol groups at the event it seems large and intimidating
i'm an english teacher in japan. yes i'm useless, at the bottom of the social rung, broke, exploited, no skills, etc., and if you're in finance, tech, whatever, you are better than me and everyone loves you, i'm not arguing against that.

i just want to say that after two years doing this job, while my japanese co-workers are cool as fuck and the actual work itself is really fun and i enjoy my day to day life a lot, you literally CANNOT find a bigger group of antisocial losers than other english teachers. i fully understand why this job has the bad rep it does. three weeks straight begging people to come to the beach with me and hang out or to go on a day trip somewhere neat (I have a car) only to be told shite like "sorry i'm playing dungeons and dragons today" or "it's my discord friend's birthday and we're watching anime together." jfc. i'm over it, from this day on i'm only making japanese friends.
>"""antisocial""" losers
>both examples are of them engaging in social activities, just not with you
I think you're failing to take the hint here buddy.
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I have, it can be extremely cringe if your not a jap or used to hardcore weeb culture. Also expect to be the only white guy there and the idols and people there may try to volunteer you for whatever skit/dance they do since you're likely to be the out of place novelty like what happened to me.
Also they can be full of the Jap equivalent of 4channers.

If its a Jap girl that's going definitely dress up and bring a small gift for both of them. I assume you are dating this person? If I was dancing in front of sweaty neckbeards I'd want some comfort food/drinks.

The Japan as you know it, anime, KAWAII core, tech, and even your coomer idol would not exist for the Americans who helped to literally rebuild Japan. The country would've been a 3rd world shit pit run into the ground by its meth addicted military junta and/or split by the soviets and turned into something that would make the hunger games a reality and North Korea a tolerant and open place by comparison.
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>If its a Jap girl that's going definitely dress up and bring a small gift for both of them.
I don't think the mutal friend is going, but I'm seeing her in Osaka earlier in the trip and maybe comiket if I run into her (already had other plans). The idol's never met me because 日本語話せません lol.
>I assume you are dating this person?
If I was I would have said so, so I don't understand why you ask.
>it can be extremely cringe if your not a jap or used to hardcore weeb culture
I vaguely 'get' idols but I've only ever liked 2d idols and there's a great difference between listening to my waifu's songs at home on repeat and going to a physical place full of sweaty japs in the summer heat while sticking out like a sore thumb.
>i'm an english teacher in japan
i dont believe you
How can I make friends with a hikikomori girl
Learn jap then play VRChat is about your best bet, lots of japs there
Are you kidding. The weekend in any major city blows. Way too many people around.
yes I met some qts you just walk around until some girl gives you "the eyes" then you go up and say hello. half the time it will go no where but the other half you'll usually get a great experience with a local and can go out for food or drinks or just chat a bit about something.

what did you do bro...

I didn't really notice that many Americans in Okinawa especially compared to Tokyo in many places I went in Tokyo there were even more Americans there

be a terminally online loser
I friggin love japanese bar culture, man
>walk up 7 floors to some random bar with an odd name just because I have nothing to do
>completely empty
>feels like im entering someone's apartment
>airheaded qt bargirl with jiggly titties appears from behind a curtain and makes me subpar drinks
>owner comes in, tells girl she sucks at mixing and makes the rest of my drinks for me
>talks to me for hours about the grand human experience
>cooks me 2 entire meals on the house just so he can share his cooking knowledge with ne
>actually goes out and buys me a pack of cigs because i ran out (also didnt charge me)
>some regulars in a jrock band come in and the lead guitarist talks me up after the owner introduces me as his new friend
>says he's jealous i can just buy weed at a store where i live
>bro-out commences
>stay until 2am
>6 drinks ordered for myself, two for others
>$42 dollar bill
>owner refused all tips for his kindness and hospitality
>gives me a free Asahi draft before i leave
For an evening I understood what it was like to feel truly accepted as a person. Thank you, Kuze-san.
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Is it better to spend a week driving across Hokkaido (only been to Sapporo, Otaru, etc. before) or Shikoku? (Never been.)
Language school. Though if it has to be a jp girl, maybe your sol.
experiences like that make you want to visit again, but you know you have to experience other places or else the trip might be wasted.
on one trip i went to the same bar every night for a whole week. did i miss out on other places? yes. do i regret it? no.
What race are you
im curious about this as well
I crave new experiences and constant change. Athough my next trip to grorious nippon will no doubt be somewhere completely different, im definitley going to make an effort to return and spend even more money at his establishment.
White as a ghost. The owner spoke near-fluent english just by coincidence, I didnt even plan for it. Guitarist was very good as well, but more on a college-course level.
Leave your phone and wallet at home and just carry the necessary 5k next time you walk past. What could go wrong?
Organ harvesting is more of a chinese and israeli thing anyway, you'll probably be fine.
You are not white.
>What could go wrong?
Getting escorted back to your hotel by shady individuals to get your ATM card and all that classic scam shit
then learn the route to the embassy and lead them there.
but nothing will happen, youll go in and get a crappy massage and a handjob and thats it. its pretty cheap compared to where i live, (5000 yen is what they would charge for the handjob alone here), but whatever. if i were you i would go in and ask for sex and then walk out when she says no. she might follow you out and say yes. if not, well, you missed out on a handjob which is no big deal because they suck and are a waste of money.
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why is this relatively central area (approx.) just a black hole with nothing in?

I’m not white, just an ambiguous brown guy. I wonder if I’d get treated this way. I think I should just swallow the fact whites can just go anywhere in the world and people will love them
>nooo you must want to do boring normalfag shit with me!!!
The Tokaido Shinkansen has been suspended since early morning today as two maintenance vehicles collided and derailed.

Ironically I'm doing both this summer.
If you had to choose I'd say Hokkaido, because it's easier to see Shikoku in less than a week at a later date..
This guy gets it.
Google oyster consumption in the Americas in the late 1800s.
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You may not like it, but this is what peak male form looks like (in japan)
You can go to the Kurama fire festival, but I don't remember exactly if it's in October or September
Shoukei no Michi in Takehara
I went there last month for two weeks and didn't have any issue, but I know enough Japanese to get by and not give a hard time to stores or restaurants' employees, and I was alone. Osaka and Kyoto were full of Chinese tourists, not tourists who happen to be Chinese but annoying, noisy huge families with shitty brats who were buying crap for their relatives and ruining things for everyone. If you don't behave like them you should be fine.
NTA but I've lived on both sides of what Anon describes and normalfag stuff is way better. Though personally, while I do enjoy company, I have plenty of fun doing things myself and at my own pace as well whether that be gaming or exploring a city
well I'm sure glad I got back to work on time. RIP to my other salary men
How long for a fix?
>be me
>friend points out Starbucks employee
>mentions how he's tall, slender, and long hair
>also mentions he probably gets lots of poon
>now me
>short, chubby, army bootcamp hair cut
its over bros isn't it.
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You can try to pull it off like Nishimoto (left) who literally did it to himself for comedic purposes
People tend to appreciate you more if you've self awareness and by making your post, you've proved you have. I would say however people in major tourist route cities - Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Hiroshima - seemed 'tired', when I was there in January. I was buying something at Doki in Osaka and there was a horde of Chinese tourists being pushy at the tax free counter - the girl at the normal counter was unoccupied and waved me over. I meaningfully glanced at the Chinese and she gave a rueful smile.

I really enjoyed the museum at Yasukuni shrine and found it quite emotionally moving and I'm not usually emotional about things like that.
One day at least, the situation still developes
I'm from Melbourne too and went at the same time last year.
It's gonna suck, but just power through and enjoy yourself. You'll forget the heat.
What should I do in Tokyo this week?
Lose the self-pity, get some confidence. Brown or not, you can have a great time in Japan, but you just sound like a loser.
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Where do you find nectarines in tokyo? or even elsewhere? i've done a couple of konbinis and can't find any.
will i find some till late september?
I now know enough japanese to watch dramas and news without any problems and shit talk my country with my Japanese professor. Still hate kanji though.
How's Nagoya? I still don't know if I'm going alone or not in november, but I want to start planning my itinerary. It'll be the 5th time there, and I want to go to the west. On fence on whether doing Nagoya or Matsue. Tokyo and Fukuoka plus a bit of Kyushu are mostly set.
Ryusei is a rocket launch event that has been passed down since the Middle Ages.
One of the Ryusei venues, Yoshida, will hold the event on October 13th.
The URL below is last year's information.
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Sold. Thank you anon, I too will try the Piyorin challenge.
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They're also known for miso katsu
I'm kind of embarrassed the one time I met some guy from Nagoya in the USA and then said "あっ、その大阪に近い都会ですね" when I knew all this about Nagoya already...
Tried miso katsu once, it's great. This trip will end up being another culinary tour I feel. I should really make a notebook about it.
Kek. But yeah, Nagoya isn't really well known. The friend I might be going with called it "the big city in the middle of Japan". And he only knows about it because his girlfriend knows a girl from there.
Food, shrines, and temples. Tons of that in Nagoya
anyone ever use one of those power outlet adapters
are 2 of those amazon ones for 5 bucks gonna do
t. euro
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Too gaunt + too much facial hair + he's probably selling his anus.
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Going in late September for 2.5 weeks with my wife and 2 year old son (extremely well-behaved, zero screen-time, not a picky eater) and also paying for my in-laws to come for 9 days of the trip in order to provide some nighttime babysitting so my wife and I can go be degenerates, get plastered, etc.

We are considering staying in Tokyo the whole time and making day trips to anywhere else we want to go via the bullet train or other transport, is this retarded? Please consider that money is not an object for me so I am not opposed to this. I am going to be doing a night at a ryokan with my wife and then also get a night at one for my in laws, we will be staying at an AirBNB. I am not opposed to changing where we stay halfway through the trip if this is recommended.

Would it be stupid to go ahead and change my money and bring like 7500$ of yen over on the plane? will that cause them to freak out because of the amount? I have been poor for a majority of my life, I have never traveled overseas, this is all very new to me and now I have been blessed by God to have an incredibly fruitful life, so I am a little stupid and don't know what is normal or not.

My wife and I also really want to do two things, one is go to a concert over there preferably in a medium sized venue, we really like bands like Polkadot Stingray. What's the best way to do this and is there any show-etiquette that is different from the USA we should be aware of? The other is that we are very involved in BDSM clubs in the USA, does anything like that exist in Japan? I am sure they don't let outsiders but I figured I would ask, lol.

Anything that's a must-do for young kids? We are considering moving here for 6 months with the digital nomad visa if we like it when we go so we would like to go do normal stuff with him that would be good for my wife who is a stay at home mom to do during the day to see what it's like.

Sorry for bad English, I'm not foreign I'm just retarded.
>it's easier to see Shikoku in less than a week at a later date..
W-why wouldn't that be true for Hokkaido? gets too cold?
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>We are considering staying in Tokyo the whole time and making day trips to anywhere else we want to go via the bullet train or other transport, is this retarded?
Yes. You honestly can spend the entire 2 weeks in Tokyo, there is just so much in that city alone, but as tourists the next stops you'd probably want to check out is Osaka/Kyoto and the surrounding cities. That is a 3-3.5 hour train ride one way from Tokyo. So what you'd ideally want to do is stay a week in Tokyo and then a week in either Kyoto or Osaka

>Would it be stupid to go ahead and change my money and bring like 7500$ of yen over on the plane?
People do this all the time but I don't think it's necessary. You can get by pretty much anywhere with a card or phone in Japan. You'd only really need at most 10k yen in cash at all times

>Anything that's a must-do for young kids?
Hero show. Though maybe your son might be a little too young for that
Got a girl in Osaka and one in Tokyo that wants to spend time with me.
Do I skip doing Sapporo/Cape Soya in February? It'd be cool but I'd only go see Susukino and Otaru if I went there for a long weekend.
based and fruitpilled
apparently Yamanashi ken produces a lot of peaches so your best bet would be go to Yamanashi antenna shop in Tokyo?>>2688617
They say Nagoya is boring, I've been there only for a day but I hope to go back one day. There are a lot of museums (Toyota, science, Tokugawa) and it's pretty close to Japanese Alps.
Tachimbos and if you are really brave Toyoko kids. also lurk moar
train is convenient in Japan but if you travel with your family consider renting a car. I don't know how much you want to travel but with a kid you could just stay 2 weeks in Tokyo and maybe do some day trip with bus (es. Kawaguchiko)
blowing 7500$ is absolutely retarded imo
for the kid you have le meme Ghibli museum and Disneyland but I would consider doing some activity related to Japanese culture, like I don't know calligraphy or origami. 2 year old is very young though.
as for BDSM your best bet is a love hotel and of course M's in Akihabara but I won't help you with that because I'm not a degenerate like you
go home
just tokyo is fine but realistic day trips are like kawaguchiko, hakone, kamakura, yokohama, NOT kyoto on a shinkansen
yep, this was it. Thanks for the heads up
Hokkaido's significantly larger than Shikoku and the most important sites to see are much more spread out. It's harder to cut down on time there unless you're flying from city to city.
Is there any 4chan related tourism in Japan? I want to see the servers this place is hosted on and also see Hiro moot. Possibly taking a fireaxe to them or Hiro maybe both.
>How's Nagoya?
If you're an autistic manchild like me you can always visit the legoland they have there.
>extremely well-behaved
Every parent says this, your shitty screaming brat is no different.
>Hero show.
nta but where's a good place to find schedules for toku events anyway
t. KR watching manchild gaijin
>the servers this place is hosted on
4chan is hosted in the US
you can see (and smell) what you imagine the average users of this site to look like in akihabara
These seems like a missed market opportunity, a 4chan store in Akihrabra. Maybe even a 4chan park/museam.
silence, childless cuck. he doesn't scream and would also be able to beat the fuck out of any gross frail kids you end up having.

I'm looking for fair skinned japanese girls, not pinoy lol
and toyoko kids are underage/live by the street so it's a big no; i do lurk a bit but never seen mentioned what's the best option desu
Good thinking avoiding pinoys. Most obnoxious and awful people ever made
But is a week enough? I thought a week was already tough for Shikoku desu and Hokkaido is even bigger... Hokkaido would be good for 2 weeks of chill driving I feel like. But then again I've already hit Sapporo and Otaru (twice lol) so I can skip those
Do Japanese people even live in Osaka? Girls seem hotter here but I guess it's just all the Chinese and Koreans dressing more slutty.
Yep, confirmed screamer
>talking bad about your home overseas
Have a little class.
I do actually like Lego so I'll look into it. Will also look at day trips from there, there's quite a few.
We also make fun of japanese autism, but we mainly talk about the difference between our countries. And mine is way more rude for certain things.
i'm going to japan in november for 30 days, going from tokyo to hiroshima.

what apps do i need?
Yes. Be careful though I heard quite a few of them complaining how many gaijins were out. He was just a regular ol salary man though. Probably doesn’t pose a threat.
just buy a boxcutter knife from Yodobashi and you can slash any cunt that gets uppity
I've got good news for you anon, it went down.
Just base out of one probably osaka cause its a bit livelier an hour is nothing you can get a rapid express too.
has anyone done the monster hunter cafe? I know most of the collab cafes are shit, but my wife is obsessed and wants to do it as her birthday treat in October.

Is it worth it or any better places to go?
Just go anon. Whether the food is meh or not the experience itself will make her happy. There's also the Monster Hunter experience in USJ if she's a fan
What are "American Things" that Japanese people enjoy as gifts
Trader Joe's canvas shopping bags are a status symbol in Japan.
This is perfect, thank you
If you have any local/regional sweets or other nonperishable foods/snacks, that goes over well. My brother brought pralines and some other sweets for his Japanese language class and they loved it.
You might, but you rest easy with the knowledge that your death will feed a bear or two for half a day
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feels good man

for historical reasons such as being near Waseda and also during Meiji area it was far from Tokyo city it has always been upper class and more residential like a suburb

this is a twink

x dot com the everything app

if you are still young just pick up girls

if money is no option I would suggest getting a hotel. the hotel service in Japan is excellent and the airbnbs can be hit or miss or even scammy. bringing in less than 10k USD is nothing you don't even have to declare it. if perchance you do bring in more than this you have to declare and if you get caught with it over the limit you will have to pay a substantial fine. the concert etiquette is a bit more subdued, it's more like being in a marching band than a mosh pit. the iron rule in Japan is always just do what everyone else is doing. for the young kid you should go to Disneyland, Pokemon center, Mario world, etc.

yes we do meetups all the time it's fun

line and uber covers 90% of cases

yankees hat
what do you do for train fares in japan for like a 2 week period
just get the welcome suica card at the airport?
>if you are still young just pick up girls
My nanpa game is admittedly not strong, Japanese or otherwise
The best outcome would be meeting someone and miraculously clicking with them somehow
I'm an amateur boxer who lost confidence and was gonna get the medical and carded to fight.. however I'm 64kg and can hit that punching game at Taito for 102kg with my rear hand, is that any good? It's a straight shot, not an overhand. Plus I was kinda drunk
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I've lived in Japan for 5 years, I speak decent japanese, I have a good job, money, a car, a place and am decent looking white guy. How the FUCK and where the HELL do I meet gyarus who speak English please god
ziptie a bitch from Shibuya and spray paint the cunt
Unironically Yokosuka with the Navy and military americans but they may not be in that fashion.

Rule of thumb non pinoy japs that want american dependa status will speak English already.
>just found out you're not supposed to work while on the tourist 90 day visa
the fuck
this cannot be true for people who work remote via their laptop
Are the odds worse or better if you're British?
Is it remote work out of country? I don't see how that would be a no no. I'm 99% sure it means you can't work within Japan and get paid by them.
it is only for work that you do inside of Japan. It's a tax related policy. Same reason why when you sign up for digital nomad 6mo visa they make sure you have zero Japanese clients. It's to respect the double-taxation treaties between the countries.
yeah thats exactly it im a software dev for an american company in another state
thats what confuses me though is whats the point of this second visa then? Just an extended stay?
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can you please name the next general "/jpg/" instead of "/jp/"
the way to get strong nanpa is to talk to so many girls so often that it becomes second nature and you quit thinking about it. it's like learning to ride a bike, you fall down and scrape yourself a lot at first. eventually you can ride across the whole town without thinking about it at all.

it's good

yes and wait until this gets to page 10 first so that there are not two generals at the same time
A friend and I are planning a trip to Japan for Evo 2025 and I have a question about flight prices -- the prices from like September until Holiday Season are below ~1000 on google flights, then from late January and all of Feb the prices are below ~1000, but after that they spike.

Is it because the prices are higher if you're too far out from a trip, or is it simply flight prices are higher for that season?
under dual-taxation treaties you can't be taxed by both countries at once.
I have literally never traveled out and I don't want to fuck up my first time going to Japan.
Is it better for my first trip to be a 2 week stay at Tokyo and nearby places first?

I wanted my first trip to be a brief stay at Tokyo upon arrival, then a trip up to Sapporo, passing by cities first (Fukushima, Sendai, Aomori, Hakodate, etc) by taking the trains, and then the trip back to Tokyo, but I don't know if that would be too complicated for a first-timer like me. I'd have to be on the move constantly and booking rooms on the spot.
just commit to one location
tokyo is fucking massive so you won't want for things to do
if you like to travel light it's perfectly reasonable to do the route you are thinking of in Japan, because the trains are so fast and convenient. if you can manage to keep all of your belongings in a single carry-on size suitcase and a backpack then going to a new hotel every night is no problem and even more enjoyable than staying in one place I think.
It depends. September through December you're looking at fall colors tourism season and then winter sports and holidays, but we're close enough in to the fall months that prices will be lower on emptier flights as they try to fill them. Late January through February is a low season for tourism and travel, so fares are generally lowest then. From March through April it's cherry blossom season, which is a big tourism draw, and you're also far enough out that demand-driven pricing isn't fully kicking in yet.

A two week stay in just Tokyo is fine. I'd personally branch out and stay overnight or two nights at a couple nearby places, but that's up to you. The Nikko/Chuzenji area is good for this if you like hiking.

Going straight to Sapporo then working your way back down is going to be a lot of travel for only a two week trip though. My first trip was 3 weeks, with 6 nights in Tokyo, 2 nights in Nikko, 4 nights in Kyoto, 3 nights in Hiroshima, and 3 nights in Nagasaki. That wasn't too bad, but it really was right on the cusp. My subsequent summer trip was more ambitious and travel really did cut in to what I could do and wore me out.

Personal opinion, I know some people prefer to book last minute, but I hate the idea of booking rooms the day of. Last thing I want to do is find out there's no rooms available or have to pay out the ass because there's some conference or festival going on I didn't know about beforehand. Just a hassle I don't want to deal with.
What are usually the options for baggage? I guess a carry-on and a backpack are fine and easy to handle across the cities and hotels and for two weeks it should be fine. I plan to bring a hold baggage for the all the trash I can buy but is there a service to store it in Tokyo or it's just cheaper to buy one there?
Bring an empty checked luggage. Biggest you can get
And where do I store it? I imagine it would be a hassle to carry it across Japan when I will be mostly using it in the last days in Tokyo
Keep it in your hotel(s)
NTA but what about storing it in one of those storage lockers? I want to consoom some stuff in Tokyo, then store it in a locker then travel around Japan with just a backpack. I’m fine with carrying my shit in a train if that’s ok with the locals too though
I don't think you can use those for longer than 24 hours, plus it's an unreliable method because you're banking on there being a free one on top of your luggage fitting inside in the first place
There's companies in Tokyo where you can store your luggage up to a month. Kuroneko can also store it, but for several days/weeks at most.
Any IC card is easier than fiddling with the awful ticket machines, but depending on your itinerary you could probably look in to reginal passes (not the JR pass, it's almost a scam these days)
I am going to Okinawa at the end of August. I have never been to Japan before. This is in fact, my first time travelling internationally. I'm going to be on the main island. Anybody ever been? I know a little Japanese, so I should probably get by ok.
I wanna go scuba diving at least one day. Any suggestions with that?
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Oh, and best public beaches on the main island? I have one at my hotel, but I wanna get around a little.
I've been wanting to go to the kamen rider cafe, and the monster hunter cafe and haven't found anyone to go with. These places are about the presentation rather than eating a good meal. I think cost wise might be a little higher too.
what are the chances of japanese people being free in the middle of the week? I'm not working next couple days.
ill go with you anon ;)
Hontōni? !
bro did you really just copy and paste that
On the lower end, weekends are better for them.
That's a good point. I think you can still do a Hokkaido trip in a week, but I forgot that you hadn't seen Hakodate or much of the south area either which might make it tough.
If you have a reasonable expectation of 1.5-2 weeks in Japan in the future, then definitely, go Shikoku this time.
>I don't think you can use those for longer than 24 hours
Actually, they're good up to 48/36/72 hours depending on the location. It's still a tossup, though. I'm pretty sure there are places in Tokyo that store suitcases for longer as their business, you just have to find them.
Alternatively, when you arrive at the airport send it to a hotel via Yamato Transport's "hotel takkyuubin" service, set to arrive on the day you think you'll actually need it. They'll store it as part of the transport process.
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yeah ill be in tokyo in mid august, just dont rape me. Last time i met 4chan niggas went well so lets kept it that way
i will be staying in tokyo for 2 weeks later in the year. for reasons of autism (so i can fill it in on my travel map), i would like to day a day trip somewhere in saitama prefecture. what the fuck is even there?
Omiya Railway Museum
>gyarus who speak English
If they are real gyarus, they do not speak English. Duh.
I could say the same about you. Im here for the next 3 years hopefully I remember when next month comes
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>tfw also in tokyo early-mid august
>also like kamen rider
How hard is it to get a reservation anyway, I know some of these theme cafes are fucking hell
I dunno, if its days in advance I don’t think it be a big deal.
Okay!! Thanks so much anon. This has been a big help. I'm glad that even after Shikoku, I still have more of Japan to see in Hokkaido!! :)
I hate Bananaman. I especially hate the fat fuck. He's just unpleasant to look at and he's not funny.
Anyways, Youは何しに日本へ sucks ass.
The will sometimes interview people actually coming here for cool reasons, but usually it's the parade of mediocre dudes that NEED to have that mediocre ramen from the chain store.
Why bring empty checked luggage when you can just buy luggage from don quixote for cheap during your last few days, put all the stuff you buy in it, and then fly home

dragging around a giant empty suitcase is yet another liability if you're jumping from city to city, and have to juggle coin lockers and shit
The Nippon Institute of Technology has a museum of machine tools.
Koshigaya has the largest shopping mall in Japan.
Gyouda has a group of tombs dating from the 5th and 6th centuries.
I think I just got my first taste of Japanese over-politeness. One of mutuals who often replies to my posts said that they’d like to meet me when I posted about going to Japan soon, to the point of saying they already bought a small gift when I agreed and said we should meet up. I told them I’d send a DM but their DMs are turned off, and when I said I wasn’t able to send them one they ghosted me. What’s funny is that before this happened my Japanese buddy asked if he was just maybe being polite, but the fact that he said he prepared a small gift after I agreed gave me a different impression. Japanese politeness certainly is peculiar, how do you tell if what they’re saying is genuine or not?
Depending on your itinerary, you don't need to stay overnight at every single city you go to. I have a hotel in Osaka which I'm using as a "hub" city to take day trips to Kyoto and Nagoya for instance
Also my airline's checked bag is free so might as well
Why do Japanese people insist on trying to reas your mind? If my food order slightly deviates from me pointing at a picture menu it 9 outta 10 times gets fucked up.
If I can convince her to, I might stay at that train room love hotel in Osaka. Tempted to bring some duct tape since I'm not into the whole bondage cross shit they have in the toilet room kek
>not the JR pass, it's almost a scam these days
yeah, true
can I not fiddle with regional prices, like does the suice cover everything?
prolly gonna wanna go to osaka/kyoto atleast, maybe ooarai kanazawa and shirakawa-go I'm thinking
Never mind I'm retarded they sent me a DM and I didn't notice lol
nips are still two faced fucks
Take a 1 hour ferry from Naha port to Tokashiki island to get to Aharen Beach: it's the best one in Okinawa (and Japan in general) that few people know about yet
would halloween be better in kyoto or osaka?
he heard u talkin shit m8
>suice cover everything?
Suica covered
>ooarai kanazawa and shirakawa-go
Probably not Suica covered
Most if not all larger cities have some sort of JR IC card (completely interchangeable with Suica) and/or local IC card (99% Suica interchangeable).
The problem is the smaller towns and whatnots that rely on buses, they'll most likely only accept exact change for the fare. Sometimes they have day passes or some other that you flash the driver with, and that'll cover most buses
For example near Shirakawa-go there's the town of Takayama. Takayama has 3 bus companies, out of them 2 share a day pass that gets you free rides on their lines, but the 3rd one is not covered and requires the exact change shuffle and the system by which your bus fare is calculated is so fucking convoluted I will not even bother trying to explain it for now
Are there any cases where the JR pass are still worth it? I'm doing 3 weeks flying into Osaka, heading as far north as Tokyo and as far south as Kagoshima, so was looking at the 21-day pass since it spans so many different regions.
What's the current price on those again?
>Are there any cases where the JR pass are still worth it?
If your total shinkansen expenditure exceeds the price of the pass. You also get to ride JR local trains for free with it.
What's your full itinerary look like?
Osaka -> Kagoshima -> Tokyo is around 57k and Osaka -> Kagoshima -> Osaka -> Tokyo -> Osaka is in the ballpark of 78k
Not enough for the 21 day pass, but once you start to add round trips or one way tickets on top of that I guess it could be worth it
What I'm getting at is that for the most part the JR pass is useless and garbage. Shit, it doesn't even look nice anymore. It only starts to be worth it once you take a lot of long one way rides, or a couple of long round trips.
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Plan is Osaka -> Tokyo -> Osaka -> Kagoshima -> Osaka, with various trips around Kansai and Kyushu in between. Kansai would be Kyoto/Kobe/Himeji most likely, with the Kyushu plan being Fukuoaka, Aso, and Miyazaki.
Found JR's own calculator on their site and it looks like it's just barely worth it for me, not counting any spur-of-the-moment trips.
In this case it seems to be worth it
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thanks, but meh. I went to the railway park in nagoya earlier this year, and i'll be in osaka for a month right after and already added the mozu tombs there to my list. guess i will just check out kawagoe for a day
Whats with all the Indians in Tohoku? Didn't expect to see so many in the countryside
I'll just pack cash
I thought I was getting away from this shit in germany
How often do anons here meet up with each other? I’m in Tokyo for the next 2 weeks if anyone is down to meet up and do whatever.
>how do you tell if what they’re saying is genuine or not
the central conceit of japanese culture is that everyone has to pretend that everyone else is being genuine at all times. the worst thing you can do is call someone out for being insincere. everything else is derived from this.
it is faux pas to request changes to the menu items. in their mindset they think if you don't like anything on the menu then you shouldn't order anything. it's rude to ask them to make changes to menu items.

plz don't make gaijin look bad thx

osaka for sure Kyoto is like an open air museum for japanese culture but people actually live and party in Osaka.

population collapse m8. if you travel the countryside you will see so many towns that just wouldn't exist if Rajeev didn't come in to work the 7-11 anymore

I stayed in Japan for a few months and did a meetup every weekend it was good fun. it's really easy to set one up. you just post a meetup location and a specific time to show up 2 or 3 days in advance. every anon I met from /jpg/ is a top lad
You sure?
On trains you need to know the amount it's going to cost and choose the right ticket, but on them at least you can use bills and get change back and add extra on your final station
On buses and trams they have these screens or light up boards that show the price of the ride from station 1 to the end station, and you gotta keep track how many stations you've been on the bus for.
Much easier to use a Suica in either case, just tap on and tap off
Save the cash for shops, restaurants and other places since practically nobody, aside from hotels, accepts cards (except Suica, for which you obviously need cash to top up)
It's like when a brit or aussie says that you're a cunt when they mean a bro.
that shit doesnt exist anymore bruh, if they do its some chick who's deep into the culture that wouldnt ever consider a foreigner. gyaru fashion is making a resurgence to all the le heckin y2k internetcore fashion girls on instagram but theyre all like 17 or some shit, and live in like ohio or something. also, you probably are too lame and dont have a cool aesthetic enough to ever even match with a gyaru girl who's just dripping with steeze.
also this is probably one of the best photos taken by man of all time

captcha: pkpkp
what are my chances meeting up with people on hellotalk or girls on bumble? I'm off the next few days trying to go out and meet new people
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Good morning.
I'll add it to the list. Thanks! Do they have busses on the island to the beach?
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Actually, I just checked and they do. So I got that, the aquarium, Okinawa village, guided scuba and guided snorkeling at Blue Cave. Definitely trying Orion beer and definitely getting an Okinawan shit from Mango House. Maybe 5 full days wasn't enough.
You can get that at Sukiya? I thought they sold only beef bowls
no no, sure, suica for the places it works
I'll just see how to wing it with cash on the buses in inaka land
how bad will it be for me as someone with a bad knee who cant walk for more than an hour
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This isn’t fair, I’m going in 3 months and things were looking so good
what happened?
can someone explain this to me please? i'm lowkey retarded. is this a good exchange rate?

i also live in australia and i'm visiting japan in november. should i be exchanging dollars for yen now or wait a couple of months?
it's so over bros
>gulps nervously in USD
Maybe I should go to Australia this December.
Has anyone used the pasmo card on the iphone? Does it work with u.s. iPhone? I hate the cringe of having a card not work on an exit, but I hear IC cards are even harder to get now.
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Third trip soon. I never feel the need to go back to Tokyo again, Osaka is so much more comfy if I need the big city feel, even the nerd shops are better in Osaka.
That said, I have to be Tokyo for 3 days, is there any good upstairs bar that gives the Osaka feel? DO NOT SUGGEST Shibuya, fuck off with that trash
We both hate theme parks otherwise i would have taken her there instead. I might just book it, if its shit at least she can see the great sword and be a dork for 20 minutes.

Looks like its one of the easier collab cafes to hit up compared to Kirby which was the other option.
I use suica and it works on my phone. The only issue is adding phones but all I did was update IOS and it worked fine. I can imagine it being easy to get a pasmo card on there. also IC cards are just more available now.
Thank you
Depends on how popular it is, check fiverr some retarded nigga can probably book it for you for a fee.
Should have exchanged about a month ago, got my dollars exchanged at 1.08 AUD to 100 Yen.

Basically when the number goes up in AUD it's good.

So $1.08 AUD = 100 (1 dollar) yen you have more buying power when our dollar is higher then the other country, which is why everyone trades in USD in povo countries.

Checked agian its noq 99.53 when it goes up anon exchange some cash or put it on a wise card.
I agree with about gyaru girls not going out with a foreginer, especially one that can't speak Japanese and stuff.
But gyaru culture has been all the rage for at least two years now. There's plenty of older gyarus working in nail salons, convience stores, etc. But usually it's more on the inaka side of things where you can see them.
adding funds. holy shit I have to be dyslexic or something.
you can do reservations in advanced on google. I did it the other day for Torikizoku and it was funny seeing my american ass name on the whiteboard.
>inaka gyaru
I need this
Yeah aussie here, had to panic pay for my accommodation earlier than I wanted since that will be the biggest single yen purchase I'll make. Can't afford to just buy a ton of yen at the moment either. But if it gets to 0.95 AUD I will commit an hero
Really just assumed it was like all those other retarded cafes, with bots buying out slots.
anyone who's been to japan before and after corona can confirm if it's gone to shit or is it just retards overreacting over tourist hotspots?
>getting an Okinawan shirt from Mango House
Hell yeah. Their shirts are great and well worth the price.
Kyoto is far worse now, it was busy before but now its just rammed full. It's really only worth it if you wake up early and visit the sights and then immediately leave for osaka at 10am. Tokyo is good but you gotta reserve for so many things so far in advance it becomes difficult. Hakone is starting to get popular as well. If you can visit a town/city that isn't one of the big 3 it would be worth it. But you'll enjoy Japan regardless
I did this once back when DonQui's cheapest suitcases were 2-3k~ yen, but last time I went the cheapest was in the 5k range or higher. So instead I have my own big, solid suitcase that I can put a carry-on suitcase and compressed duffel inside, and I just start filling the other bags as I buy things. Suitcases typically stay at my hotel, though I have been on the bullet train with 2 suitcases and a backpack. It's really just a matter of planning on your part, my family had no trouble getting lockers for 4 suitcases plus smaller bags at Himeji while we saw the castle and shopping street, after traveling up from Hiroshima and planning to take the Sunrise express the rest of the way to Tokyo the same day.
>Tokyo is good but you gotta reserve for so many things so far in advance it becomes difficult.
Can you provide some examples of stuff I'll need to reserve if I want to go
i have been to japan 3 times solo in 2017-2019 and I've been wanting to go back + a friend wanted to go there but I'm worried because of the crowding, if i was going solo I would skip most of the big 3 but if I'm going with a friend we kinda got to do some of it.
I'm considering if someplace else in asia would be better
From my fall 2022 trip, Akihabara is the only thing that truly seemed like a shadow of what it used to be. Only thing I should have gotten a reservation for in Tokyo that we ended up not being able to do was TeamLabs Planets, but I also didn't do anything like the Gibhli museum or Disney. Nikko wasn't bad, nor was the Fuji-Q Highland/Kawaguchi area.

For Kyoto, the bamboo forest path in Arashiyama was packed but once we hit the top we went left into a park that went along the river back towards the Togetsukyo bridge, whereas most of the tourists appeared to just keep going north past the rail line. The park was nice and much less crowded. We did Fushimi Inari around 7AM, there were other people but it wasn't crowded at all by the time we came back down.

For Hiroshima, Miyajima's downtown was the only crowded area, and only in the afternoon that we got there. We stayed overnight on the island at Iwaso, which I highly recommend for a ryokan stay, then hiked up the mountain the next day and left mid-afternoon.
>exchanged at 175 : 1 eur
feels good in retrospect
I'd say a little yes a little no
>TeamLabs Planets
the most overhyped and overpriced nonsense i have ever been to
Debating not going to Sapporo/Hokkaido (I'd fly from Osaka since fuck sitting on the train 10 hours) since I'm going February and wow I'll miss.. some snow. The main appeal for me was to see Ryo Fukui's jazz club
Different strokes I guess then, my buddy and I went and thought it was really cool. That was also back in 2019-20, and IIRC ticket prices were lower then. I definitely don't remember paying 4k yen to get in. I've payed that range in USD to visit similar things in the US, Meow Wulf in Denver and Wonderspaces in Austin. TeamLabs was better than both of them.
>Japanese girl looked at me.

Yeah she wanted my penis in her mouth.
>hold door open for girl when I was leaving Hub cos her bf was walking behind
arigato gozaimasu
zen zen
>went had a wank in the shower over her
If you have seen a couple of pics from it you have seen it all. Just a waste unless you really want to take the same pics as everyone but with (You) in them. If you are impressed by a couple of LED lights then you can find those kind of shows all over the world for free
I'm going gf at end april until mid-end may next year
Any good festivity or cool thing around that time?
That's everything Japanese. They're quite literally the Jews if the Pacific. Bunch of liars with no honor. Besides the occasional grandma or grandpa.
If I’m about to finish a bachelors degree in IT in the US, is it possible to do a masters in japan? Or am I being autistic?
You're a certain kind of retard, that's for sure. I was in Japan almost three months this past winter, and almost three months now this summer. There's a reason why so many young women are in some form of prostitution, from massage parlors to maid cafes to brothels, and why young men live off of the government in boarding houses; it's a land void of meaning. I was in Nicaragua for three months, and spent a little over a sixth of what I spent in 3 months here, and I had more fun, saw just as many homeless and beggars, and felt just as safe. People that suck Japan's dick, are zoom zooms that get the faintest glimpse of this place in a week or two and never stay in one location for more than a day or two. I know you faggots like to make fun of woke people, but you're all fucking zombies that know the world. Because you're scared of what you might see if you looked in the eyes long enough.
Should I go to Kyoto or Osaka?
I haven’t been to either
I am into vinyl records if that helps the decision between the two

I will be in Tokyo for a few days as well
Neither. Go for a hike in the woods near your home with your family.

Wait, 80k for like 14 days? That's brutally expensive. Do you have to get this just for public train and buses for Tokyo? Or can you get like one way ticket? That'd be more cheap
Of course I fly in a week
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okay it's on page 10 now so make a new general call it /jpg/ and use the same OP pasta these are your orders new friend
it's very easy to get degrees in Asia and many people live long term in Japan this way. the hardest part of Asian universities is getting past the entrance exam, but after that it's a cakewalk. I met some Americans and Europeans who went to Waseda and they said nobody even checks if they go to class. they are mostly at the university so that it looks international, to make the school look good to the rich and powerful japanese who send their kids there.

if you are enrolled in a university you get a visa for the duration of your studies and you're allowed to work part time too I believe.

I make it sound like japanese education is shit but it's not really. if you're serious about your research you can do good research in Japan. but if you just want to coast through a visa you can do that too. hope this helps
all I did in Sapporo was go to Slow Boat and Shiretoko and I loved it.

the tourist traps are so crowded with thirdies and retards there is no point in going. but the rest of the cities and countryside are the same.

pretty bad lose some weight fatty and start exercising. you have to walk around a lot in Japan, at least train station to station. cabs are pretty expensive, more expensive than NYC I'd say.

gm saar

pretty fucking good I'd say
for the hellotalk situation, what if I need to hold their attention until January?
>t. it's just a bunch of wood
Is a 6 hour 40 minute layover at Tokyo Haneda enough to get out into the city for a little bit?
yeah just account for the train back as well as how long to do the security check point.
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I agree, Osaka has all the same shit just closer together and with more SOVL. My next trip will be my third and I'll only go to Tokyo for the airport.

>based upstairs bar enjoyer
Is there anything worth stocking up on in Japan due to the bad yen? Or maybe something japan-exclusive I can resell on ebay? Then again overseas shipping is pretty common now so I don't know.
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Is it really worth eating at a CoCo Ichibanya restaurant? I was looking at the Katsu Curry and it looks too simple.
i would happily eat a katsu curry every day for the rest of my life, i just had one a few hours ago (im in england, kinda funny that the closest takeaway to me is japanese, i think they're chinese because we don't have many japanese who live here especially not in random small shithole towns but some of the art on the wall is vietnamese so i dont fucking know, arr rook same, the price is good anyway)
god damn I miss coco curry so much. I ate it almost everyday.
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The country is in perpetual stagnation and birth decline but it's by no means a *bad* place to live. There are some annoying things but otherwise its nice. Also most of those girls are their becuase they are hopelessly addicted to host clubs. Also with this low yen rate,
>not enjoying the coomer activities of Japanese girls kek
Just go to Miyagi Coast on the west side in sunabe, it's beautiful and full of cheap hotels and hostels. Granted Miyagi was a litteral sea wall and some stairs it still was easy diving and the reef was beautiful. If the conditions are shit for diving the surfing is always good.
a I stayed at a Hostel/Cafe called Cafe Aien that was nice. It's also near American Village if you care to get a lulzy glimpse of what the Japanese think a typical west coast America city is like (it's actually better kek).
If you're a millfag or have a military ID/pass you can stay at Whitebeach Naval base which has some really nice camper vans and beach bungalos for the cheap.
Not trying to shill but if your into scuba diving definitely check out URUMA SCUBA. Its Japanese but the dude who owns it is this Japanese guy who lived in Australia for 20 years and has a thick accent. Awsome and cheap boat dives on the east side. Super chill later just shot the shit with him over a Yakiniku bbq and some beer on the beach there. We were all laughing how nearly all the anti American base protesters on Okinawa are litteral Chineses people paid by the ccp and no Oki wants to lose their base economy.
They really aren't that good unless we are talking at the master/PhD level. I would not go to a Japanese university hell even Temple is better and that's a meme unto itself. It's a major reason Japan is hard up holding onto talent.
just once to try it sure. It's a chain restaurant and it's reliable food easy for an foreign person to order since it's on a tablet with language options. It may look simple but it's customizable. you can add an egg, veggies no veggies, sausages, more spice etc. I like it once in a while and no once has probably ever regretted eating there.
>typical "beach" in Japan


Holy shit you Jap obsessed weebs are truly delusional.
It's fine for a chain but there are definitely better curry spots out there. If you're in Tokyo check out Hiroo no Curry.
Yeah, don't go. It's terrible.
>enjoying coomer activities
And there it is. You overlook the shit society, because you can take advantage of it. You're fucking scum.
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That area is not a beach retard it's seawall that leads to a reef. There is a beach a few blocks away.
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I enjoy coomer activities

Also you never explained what exactly is so shit about Japan?
everything in the city is just consoomer dystopian bullshit, peddling cheap trinkets and ugly expensive clothes, those fucking jirai tachinbo girls you coom into are total victims to commodified fake love through host bars and buying MCM bags and shit, to the point where they'd put out their used up taint for someone to distract them with little trinkets you buy from shinjuku

its all money centric, soulless as fuck, and surface level to the point where they're literally killing themselves from the inside because they realize this, yet theyre too far deep and obsessed with consooming in their comfy little lives that they just reach depression and just wanna kill themselves. they know there's more, they know their lives are pathetically empty, but it takes too much effort to escape
Part of that becuase there is a comeplete lack of give a fuck, the government until very recently post Abe getting offed did jack all for Japan and young people while the country continued to stagnate.
The social contract for working your ass off is gone and most young people realize that.

Also consumerism is just as bad in the US
how much did you lose though?
get yourself together man

Holy fuck those JR pass prices
Thoughts on getting on a bus day tour to Nikko? I'll be there in the peak time for autumn foliage and I have enough flexibility to choose a good weather day, just couldn't really figure a way that it would make sense for me to stay there for a night or 2 and sorting out a day trip myself would probably get close to being just as expensive but 100x more annoying

Seething kimchi bastard
Coco is comfy food in a non comfy cafe.
I go several times a week when in town
yeah tell me how im wrong then asshole piece of shit
Personally not a tour group guy, but the shrine complex plus Kegon Falls and Lake Chuzenji is kind of a lot for a day trip on your own. I'd say go for it, especially if you don't want to spend multiple nights.

Tbh, you sound incredibly jaded and bitter. Yeah there's expensive global designer brands. Every major city on earth has fucking Louis Vitton and Gucci. However, there's far far more small businesses catering to niche hobbies, clothing, foods, drinks, music, you name it. That's one of things that's truly special about Japan in my eyes, it's incredibly easy for people to run successful small businesses like that, just doing what they love. Like where the fuck else on earth are you going to find a 4 seat restaurant in the middle of a major city's downtown that specializes in gluten free fried chicken sandwiches? Or Harajuku, which is akin to Japanese clothing as Savile Row used to be for London's suitmakers. Yes, that usually means it's more expensive, but if all you look at is the pricetag then fucking Shein is more your speed.
I always hear about the great shopping but never find it. Guess I’m not hip enough. Not him btw.

Btw should I buy a second azone doll or a dollfie on my next trip? A dollops seems to be the pre o brand, but I am also very happy with the azone.
>I always hear about the great shopping but never find it
What are you looking for? I'm a model train guy. I've been in a lot of hole-in-the-wall hobby shops in Japan with selections that blow anything in my home city out of the water. And usually they don't have just trains, the other big thing that sticks out to me is a large variety of model ships, whereas most US stores I visit have plenty of cars, tanks, and planes but few ships. Sometimes you just stumble upon these places by walking around, like I did finding a model shop in Kure and a card/boardgame/tabletop gaming store in Himeji. Usually you have to put in the effort to find these places though, like I did when I was hunting for some older long out of production trainsets.

I'm surprised you're even complaining about this despite being a dollfag, it's not hard to find physical stores selling dolls or accessories in Tokyo.
Weird question but are there any soaplans that offer Caucasian women in Japan (that can actually be bookable on LINE/twitter?) Most of them are telephone only which I can't do because I can only translate text convos.
>hole-in-the-wall shop
i habitually avoid these because im afraid i might offend or upset the owner when i walk out without buying anything
if i were you, and i were that desperate, i would find someone fluent in japanese to make the booking for you. go to a nearby izakaya, find someone approachable, ask if he understands english or would like to communicate via google translate, buy him a drink, then ask if he can help you.

ps. if you pull this off, apply for a job at CIA
good luck
new bread >>2690096

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