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Itsukushima Shrine Edition

ー How do I travel by public transportation? ー
Use Google Maps within cities, install the Jorudan or Navitime app for intercity travel

ー Dude, what should I see in ________? ー
>Solid general guides - sights, sample itineraries, pre-travel considerations, etc
*You should probably check on google if a place is still in business before you plan a whole trip around it*

ーJR Passー
JR Rail Pass is it worth it? Since JR has adjusted the prices for the pass, not really anymore, unless you want to travel by train very extensively. You can plug in your itinerary in the links below and compare prices to the JR Pass.
With the increased price of the JR Pass, local train passes might be good deals now.

New prices starting May 2024
>7 day Pass: ¥50,000
>14 day Pass: ¥80,000
>21 day Pass: ¥100,000

ーInfo on Prostitution ー
Check out the links below and try not to derail the thread with repetitive questions about this or janny will get mad. You can also check out old threads under 4plebs.org. Any question you might have, like "Do I need to speak japanese to see a prostitute?" or "Can I really have penetrative sex in a soapland?" have been answered hundreds of times, learn to use the fucking archive OR READ THE GUIDES LISTED HERE. STOP FUCKING TALKING ABOUT IT IN THE THREAD.


Previous: >>2677111
Off to an awful start I see.
Yes all jap women hate you it's ultra hard death mode they can smell your autism.
Can we get to normal questions now?
kek. very first post after general is resurrected.
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Glad the coomers are being taken care of by the mods relatively early.

What are your go-to karaoke songs? Do you guys go for songs you love or songs that might impress someone. I've been dying to do karaoke with friends for years and it's only happened a handful of times in Europe but I'm excited about going to the home of karaoke soon. How big are the song libraries they have on the new-fangled machines in Japan too? I would assume the music can't be too obscure but I haven't got a notion really. I've got some songs I would maybe sing:

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Hey, for a solo trip 40 days across japan(tokyo 2 weeks at least, sapporo,aomori, osaka, and maybe one or two other cities), what do you think of this budget:
- Flight tickets (JAL) already paid for.
- 110 euros per day (70 for accomodation, 40 for food) *40 days = 4400 euros
- 1500 euros left for transports & fun(* see below)

I'm having a hard time figuring out a couple of things:
- I don't know how to organize my trip (from Sep 10 to Oct 20), there are so many things to do and see I don't know what to put visits in what order.
- Should I pick peach, jal, ana, or another company to navigate between cities? Is there some websites to compare national nippon flights vs trains?
- When I will be there, how should I think about money? Should I think in Yen or Euros?
- Tokyo seems small and big at the same time, how should I deal with it in relation to its subway?

For the fun part:
- Shrines are mostly free or less than 10 euros each at most
- Go to at least one baseball game.
- Attend a kabuki show
- Attend any kind of street festival
- Most museums are cheap too
- Shopping for second hand clothes in Shimokitazawa
- Go to a hotel in which you have an onsen in your own room (is there a website that lists those kind of hotels??)
- This list is not exhaustive
(not planning to do USJ for example because it's sad without being a parent)

Is Agoda better than Booking to book hotels?
What about love hotels, can I book them before going there? Can I book love hotels for more than a single night?
At the hotel, I heard they ask for your complete personal information : If I give it to them, will they sell this data to third parties, or anything along those lines?

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i averaged £50/night in very standard business hotels always within a few mins walk of a major station
40eur/day for food is high, you wont need that much

>flights vs trains
just take the flight that is the best time for you or best price if there's a big difference. i haven't flown domestic and only used shinkansen, but between hokkaido->tokyo or even tokyo straight to osaka a flight is probably better
https://japantravel.navitime.com/en/area/jp/route/ is a good route planner for trains

>I don't know how to organize my trip (from Sep 10 to Oct 20), there are so many things to do and see I don't know what to put visits in what order.
start from:
- climate/likely temps in the different places and dates that suit you best
- look up some dates for festivals where you want to go
then just fit things around that because it likely doesn't really matter that much for anything anyway

>tokyo subway
- you can just put wherever you want to go into in google maps as you go it will figure out the best few ways for you easily enough
- yamanote line is a loop that goes through most of the main places that a first timer will wanna go to
- this is probably retarded but mentally i just split tokyo in 2: west (shinjuku, shibuya, etc), and east (ueno+asakusa all the way south to odaiba)

i think you either have to buy a single act ticket (30 min, 1hr kind of duration) or a full day one. can't imagine spending a full day, sounds boring

>own room onsen
doubt it's a thing unless you have a higher budget. more likely to get a hotel/ryokan that you will have access to their private one that you will either have to book a timeslot for or have access to when it is not in use by another guest
ryokans will also just be on booking and the likes

- thought love hotels more about booking them for a few hours, not really overnight
- hotel will always scan your passport but you don't need to worry that they will sell it on
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I'll be going on my first trip to Japan in early August (2 weeks starting in Tokyo and traveling down). Will my Discover Card work over there? I've heard that it does if the cashier treats it as a JCB, but sometimes it doesn't. I'll be bringing a Visa and $1,500 in spare change, in case it doesn't.
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The main systems are DAM & Joysound, you can go on the websites to check which songs they have, and desu they mainly have japanese stuff & popular top 50 international artists, and sometimes the MIDI files just sucks its like singing the dollar store version of the song lmao.

Apparently you can try to plug in your phone so you can put Youtube up there which would expand the catalogue but its quite obscure from what ive seen and depends on the venue

>What are your go-to karaoke songs?
Idol songs but with some metal growls thrown in
Nice bot thread.
Anybody melt yet?
im flying into tokyo form Australia for 10 days first time in Japan im from the usa and have done a year in Europe on a motorcycle what are some of the essential stuff thats not too tourist trapy
Did you even read the OP or are you taking the piss on purpose
Any tips for where to stay on Okinawa Island?
I'm going to stay on Zamami for a few days, enjoy some warm weather and hit up the beach. Before I head home I thought I'd spend a couple of nights on the main island, maybe learn what I can about local history/culture.
I'd rather not rent a car if I can help it and I'm not going to be too fussed about staying at the beach after Zamami. Convenience and, to the extent possible these days, authenticity in my main concern. I have no interest in being near soldiers.
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Do Americans in Okinawa really?
Let's stop acting like there isn't bad agents that lie about the actions of American servicemen because they can profit off of them not being there.
I went to Japan in October of last year and didn't plan anything beforehand. Just landed in Tokyo and did whatever came to me. It worked out great, but it was easy to do that in Tokyo because of it's sheer size. Do you guys think I could get away with this lack of planning in a place like Sendai or Osaka?
Pro tip: you can do that anywhere in the world. Grow some balls. Time to take off the training wheels, Peter Pan.
Has anyone used zipair?
I see tickets for like $300 and it looks too good to be true
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what are the plane rate looking like on short nortice? I'm at atlanta
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No cheating.

Hiragana is easy
Katakana a shit
How the fuck do idiots not retain Katakana? It's literally used to write mostly English and other foreign words, you can literally start using it immediately as soon as you finish a lesson.
Katakana a shit
Too many sharp lines to recollect
Plus same people, especially the nipponese, hardly use it
>Plus same people, especially the nipponese, hardly use it

You're joking. Katakana is everywhere, so much so it's even used to write "toilet" (bathroom) in public places.
That’s why I said hardly
Toilet is easy to read out anyway
Going to Japan in the winter with friends and we’re going for tourism shit but at night when they’re sleeping I want to fuck around (either escort or meet girls in public areas like the club) but they’re definitely the type to notice when someone is missing. This is the first time we’re traveling as a group to a foreign country too so they’ll be on their toes. For this purpose I want my own hotel room for the privacy but idk how to convince them. I’ll prob just insist on privacy and paying for my own room or worst case try to gain trust of the friend I’m sharing a room with so that I can freely go out at night without the others knowing/worrying about my safety.

Also is hentaitokyo, city heaven, paradise Tokyo, and others legit? Any anons here have used their service? What was it like?

For reference I’m early twenties, wasian, and decently attractive so I’m hoping not to use those services.
If you’re saying that, then you’re really not
If you are even considering a service, you aren't attractive. Now go check the archives.
Just tell them you're going to a sento and don't want to do it with them - i.e. you don't want to see them naked or be naked around them - and go to a soapland.
>For this purpose I want my own hotel room for the privacy but idk how to convince them. I’ll prob just insist on privacy and paying for my own room or worst case try to gain trust of the friend I’m sharing a room with so that I can freely go out at night without the others knowing/worrying about my safety.
both you and your friends sound absolutely insufferable and completely lacking of any class whatsoever
>can't even say you want to fuck around at night
Great group of "friends". Or you are the problem.
Best places to go in the city of Nagano?
thanks for the quick answer !!!!

well for the 110e/day I wanna aim high, so it lets me some headroom after a week (say I will only have used 85% of this (654,50e), it can be used for something else down the line).

That's why I think when arriving in Tokyo, I may go straight to Sapporo, so I don't get the mid temps of later Oct, and going south as my trip goe along.
thanks for the tips

>tokyo underground skating
ok, nice

yes, no problem with that, it's usually good to buy the tickets up to 48 hours prior to the play

>private onsen
ofc it's higher than 70e/night but for example the livemax resort hakone ashinoko.

Yea I still don't know about love hotels, I saw a few on agoda.
I was talking about selling my infos to third party companies to make money off it, like so many do in the west.
Unironically hope you get brain cancer and someone pours bleach in your mother's eyes
i haven't been but am going soon what is everyone's favorite city?
I've only been to Tokyo (I bought the nationwide JR pass but only booked a stay in Tokyo as I was just gonna day trip.. however my sim card didn't work and the free wifi was spotty as hell so I didn't risk getting stranded in another city)
next time i'm getting pocket wifi but am gonna fly to Sapporo and then to Tokyo after 5-6 days in Osaka with the odd daytrip to Kyoto/Hiroshima and maybe Fukuoka.
Why are you scared of telling them you want to go out and pick up girls?
Maybe he's from a bible thumping country like the US where you're not allowed to even remotely hint at having any desires towards the female body.
No it's not. The retards have L's and D's but wan't to write R. First time I said it in Japanese, I looked like an idiot, because Google Translate wrote "toire" and I had to have the volume down.
I've flown em, would fly again. Everything is just super basic but you get free wifi instead of entertainment system.
>thought love hotels more about booking them for a few hours, not really overnight
That's what the "REST" rates are for, if you want to stay overnight, there are "STAY" rates that cover the night, usually evening to early morning or later at night to later morning.
If you stay longer, you'll pay an additional rest charge.
Unless you plan to stay at a love hotel during a peak holiday or plan to check in late on a Friday/Saturday night, there is no need to reserve in advance.
In fact, the basic concept of love hotels doesn't really allow reservations and leaving the room before checkout, both are usually considered amenities.
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Hows the yen compared to last nov? I got used to getting up to 40-50% off a lot of things post-tax free. Brought back 6 bags worth of shit but my kitchen, bathroom, and study have so many gadgets/gizmos
osaka is a great place to stay for a few days.
go to the vintage district and the late night food street. I forgot name of both sorry.
also USJ is sick its not disney adult vibes as they keep it pretty varied in vibes.
please for the love of God don't spend that much for hotels! It was a big mistake I made on my first trip to Japan. Tokyo is pretty expensive but you can find something cheaper in Ikebukuro (Yamanote line, close to Shinjuku and Shibuya)
Spending more than 50€/night for hotels is retarded.
also avoid going to an onsen/ryokan solo: did it on my first trip and it was a huge waste of money. If you go with a gf it's kino but alone is miserable. If you want to soak in hot water just go to an onsen!
If you stay that much consider the train pass, I don't get why do you want to fly from one city to another, it sounds like a pain in the ass.
make sure to visit Kanazawa and the Japanese Alps.
also checking OP map is mandatory, that stuff is godsent.
paying for sex in Japan is retarded, unless you are in Osaka avoid it.
check OP map
Kanazawa and Ishikawa prefecture are my picks

You absolutely have to go to menya taige and get the squid ink ramen if youre in kanazawa its not only best ramen ive ever had, its the best food ive ever had.
Even weaker.
Osaka, stuffing myself at a ramen place
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realistically, how much yen minimum should i bring with me to tokyo if i'll be staying there for a week? i've currently got 75k yen at the moment, and i won't be there til mid-september
I think I went there! Isn't the one that gives you a glass of juice before eating ramen because carbs would make you fat? I didn't try that ramen though, maybe next time I'll go there, hopefully next year
>decently attractive
people tend to overestimate their own attractiveness. Even incels.
I'm planning a trip to Japan as my first ever visit, although the only time I have availble for the trip is mid august (12-24). I've seen online everyone says its incredibly hot and humid. Any recommendations on where to go where it is the least like this? Is the weather just too much of a dealbreaker for the trip?
>Spending more than 50€/night for hotels is retarded.
I'm basing my estimates on agoda in Tokyo.
I'm aware of apa, fresa inn, 9h lodges and so on, i put that number this way so I can be large rather than strict. I'm not the best at budgeting a trip ,yes, I'm aware.
Yea, I won't do a ryokan, I think.
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I've already applied to two different lotteries for concert tickets and won neither of them. Is there any other way to get my hands on tickets through other means? I know the reason for ticket lotteries is to inhibit scalping tickets but there's got to be another way right? It's tatsuro Yamashita in Nagoya on August 7/8, I won't be in country until 1-2 days before if that helps.
I was literally going to do this too but I didn’t want to ridicule poor anon
Just near the main temple there's a really nice art museum which was running an exhibition on Anno when I was there in January. It's probably over by now, but if you're there already it's worth visiting for the other stuff.
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jalan, agoda or booking to book accomodations? Direct japanese websites to get a lesser price (even when I don't speak nihon?)??
How to find salarymen hotels (the "business hotels"), do they all share some of the same names ??
If the tickets are printed and not digital-only, you can try searching the name of the event on twitter and see if anyone is trying to get rid of any extra tickets. It's not that uncommon for people to double dip on lotteries and then sell the ones they don't need.
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Be brutally honest, how much of a shot do I got with nip girls? My japanese is like 15% there, Hitler stache obviously, 6'1, brown hair, green eyes, 20.
Yeah ok good for you but Japans got a lot more to offer than vag, if you want to fuck go to Thailand or whatever
You’re tall, so a good chance
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Tokyo Hentai Club is nice but expensive, your better off just going to Okubo Park and chatting up thr bratz there. Granted your Japanese speaking level will matter here and this applies for both Nampa (flirting) and 立ちんぼ girls.
There was one girl from the THC that let me coom inside her for an extra ¥20k yen but only after an STD test in the last week. Haru was here name, She was really sweet and I be probably seeing her if I wasn't doing papakatsu with my GF.
Contrary to popular belief prostitution is part of the Japanese culture despite what the tranny jannies that have and never will visit Japan will lead you to belive.
Personally 立ちんぼ is more fun imo I managed to see some nice coomer clubs and non coomer touristy places in Tokyo with this one girl I saw.
Also Yokohama is far better and Osaka, hell you probably don't even need to pay for a girl in the inaka.
It's not SEA easy but if your a normie it's easier imo than back in the states. Mind you if your fat don't even bother the only fat people who get laid in Japan are sumo westlers.
Also forgot to mention with SOFA drivers license you can rent on base and thr rentals cover the ezpass tolls on the highways unlike off base.
Picrel Okinawa is amazing it's too bad I live in the mainland. Everyone thinks it's just a military base when it honestly moggs Hawaii for a 1/4 of the cost.

The 5 Basics of the Japanese Ticketing System: https://www.japanconcerttickets.com/5-basics/

How to Buy Concert Tickets in Japan: https://www.japanconcerttickets.com/buying-concert-tickets-japan/

How to Buy Japanese Tickets from Overseas: https://www.japanconcerttickets.com/buying-tickets-abroad/

Japanese Resale Tickets - Where and How to Buy: https://www.japanconcerttickets.com/resale-tickets/

How to Find Last Minute Tickets in Japan: https://www.japanconcerttickets.com/last-minute-tickets/

AnyPASS: What You Need To Know About the Digital Ticket App: https://www.japanconcerttickets.com/anypass-app/
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Also here was the Hostel/Cafe super comf place.
Sure.. keep telling yourself that.
Why are you such a fag that you can't post about anything except for paying for pussy, do you not enjoy any of the food unique to japan, the nature, the history or culture of Japan? The way you repeat yourself in multiple threads really doesn't sell your sugardaddy relationship and makes you look like a sad wacko
He cannot because he needs to feel gratification via women smelly holes
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bros... i won't be able to travel this summer for reasons unforseen. is there anything i can buy online made in japan now that we have le weak yen?
I don't know if weak yen even matters. Im not an expert but they're gonna just raise prices to adjust anyway right? Also gaijin tax.
ok good point, back to aliexpress it is then.
Tachinbro - based
Scubaboy - cringe
jeans if you're into the raw denim thing
How can I rizz up the cute Kaldi staff? Has anyone tried it before?
>be brutally honest
From the deformed reflection you look painfully average. The mustache is a huge malus, japanese girls usually don't like facial hair. I still remember how several girls and women made fun of the slight beard my friend had when he visited Japan with me once.
Knowing japanese is a must if you want anything other than prostitutes or gaijin hunters.
If you have a beard, Japanese women will hold you for hours and bet you like a dog without even knowing a word of their language. That right there is better than meaningless sex.
Unrelated but you just reminded me of a trip to Laos where a local guy told me he was jealous of my beard (it was 3 days not of me not shaving, and I'm not the kind of person who needs to shave daily). Asians just can't into facial hair.
Going over at the end of September for my honeymoon, very excited. We have roughly 14 full days in Japan. How's the following itinerary?

4 nights in Tokyo
1 night in Hakone
1 night Kanazawa
3 nights Kyoto
2 nights Osaka
4 nights Okinawa

Are we missing anything important? We could potentially extend by a couple of days. Thank you
Kyoto is worth visiting but kind of blows to stay in; Everything closes early, many streets are sectioned off due to them being sick of overtourism. I'd stay in Osaka and daytrip into Kyoto to hit up stuff you want to see.
>without even knowing a word of their language
No shit. My friend thought the group of junior school girls who kept eyeing him was interested, until I told him they were making fun of his beard.
Japanese are abrasive, especially since they think foreigners can't understand what they're saying.
I'm planning to stay in Osaka/Hakodate then back to Tokyo to get the flight home (since a flight to AMS from Osaka involves an overnight layover in Dubai) and was planning to fly domestically since it's quicker and a tiny bit cheaper than the JR pass.
Last time I went I splurged on the JR Pass and was going to go about the country on the shinkansen but my sim card wouldn't register and I wasn't allowed to upgrade to pocket wifi.
Was thinking of getting the pocket wifi over an esim despite having an S20 that should be fine. Obviously going to turn it off when in the airport lol but is it an issue having it on my hold luggage? Last thing I need is delays as they go through my clothes lmao
>many streets are sectioned off due to them being sick of overtourism
This only applies to some narrow sidestreets in Gion.

The main benefit of staying in Kyoto is being able to visit certain spots early. E.g. Kiyomizudera opens at 6, and it's just a much better experience. Then spend the midday/afternoon at sights that are not overcrowded even at peak hour. But yeah, it's simply a city for rising early and sleeping early, from a tourist POV.
Is this your first time going to Japan? Feels like you'll be traveling way too much. Okinawa in itself is already a big commitment and will eat up a lot of time. Having to carry luggage everywhere is always a bigger hassle than you can imagine. Also do you really want to go to Kanazawa? it's very overrated and anything you can do there you can do in Kyoto imo.
I would stick to one week in a big city, give yourself some downtime/leisure days and take the second week to venture out to a different region.
For Fuji I would rather stay in Kawaguchiko (Fuji 5 lakes) area. It’s much prettier. Rent an e-bike and just pedal around the lake. It’s fantastic.
good day cunts. i'm going to japan in october and have planned the following route and timeframe:

Tokyo (6 nights), Hakone (2-3 nights), Takayama (3 nights), Kanazawa (3 nights), Kyoto (4 nights), Osaka (3-4 nights) Himeji (2-3 nights), Hiroshima (3-4 nights) = 26 - 30 nights

What ya think? is that a good selection of places? i'd like to try and see a bit of nature, not just cities. i've saved a load of places on google maps so i've got a rough idea of what i'm doing in each place. ta
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I went to Kyoto and didn't like the city itself (except one amazing ramen place). If you want to see nature, I recommend you take a train, and go to Lake Biwa. It was the best part of my trip.

I went to Isaki-ji Temple and I can't recommend it enough. There were no people around. The walk up to it through the forest was kinda creepy though.
Can anyone tell me what heat to expect at the end of August?

I've been to the middle east (Dubai/Bahrain/Oman) and that was the worst heat I've felt due to the humidity. Can anyone tell me if Japan is worse than that? I want to hear from someone who has experienced both, I know Japan is hot.
wow, its almost like theyre just like every other group of teenagers on the fucking planet
I've been in Japan for over a week now, what the hell do you guys do all the time? I just walk around a lot, see some temples and look into some shops but honestly I don't care about any of the CONSOOM stores that people like to go to so much, so what else to do now? Do you all just speak Japanese and that makes you able to experience more of Japan or something? Or do you guys unironically go for le anime and pokemon stores. I don't see what there is to do otherwise.
I'm in Osaka now, I'll do some hiking trails next week, see if that's any good
why didnt you like kyoto? there seems to be loads of temples there. biwa you say? i did think about going to otsu, which is on the shore of lake biwa. i think there's an onsen at otsu
I've never had teenagers in other parts of the world pet me like a dog for hours.
Who gives a shit about temples, or wats, or churches, or whatever. They're a place to pray for a particular group of people. Move on.
Boring as fuck and full of Americans.

Also this >>2682731
yeah but youre a compulsive liar in this general, always posting about 'brats' and other such prostitutes that no one cares about
That ain't me, schizo. I've never had sex with a Japanese anything. But I have had the luxury of all types of Japanese females pet my face endlessly. If they had more open spaces, bigger apartments, so that they could have a doggo, then maybe I would lose my greatest joy.
Given how often Jap girls cheat, surely it's equally moral to have a different girl in different cities (as long as they don't find out about each other?)
naahh mate they have nice architecture and tend to be peaceful and tranquil. you're grumpy and beefy

fair enough
Be the change. Become a good enough man, to where they won't cheat. Time to stop being a lazy Jap man that takes the elevator to go down one flight of stairs, despite it taking longer than just using your legs. If you can't put in that amount of effort, I can only imagine how little work you put into making yourself worthy of a faithful woman.
I assure you they don't care. They're getting fucked in a love hotel by a new guy every weekend.
>1 night in Hakone
Way too short. You're barely going to get there and leave right away. Subtract a day from somewhere else at least
He clearly doesn't give a shit. He's a tourist zoom zoomin around gathering content for (You)s. If he was a traveler, he would have posted one city with a duration of 90 days.
Do some nice things in rural areas, go to onsens, do some hiking, go to the beaches, ride the trains somewhere away from tourists, don't be such a city slicker. Also from what other anons have said here, Osaka is shit, so there's that.
Osaka was just named 7th most livable city in the world. No other Asian city made the list. Go home, degenerate.
made in japan gshock?
Is it worth it to rent a car/get my temp license and drive about the country instead of the bullet train?
It'll be more unique than just flying or taking the train but it's more active than laying back and taking in the sights
booked 4 weeks in a hotel very close to umeda station in nov/dec for 4000 yen/night (<15 min walk). planning to do about a dozen day trips out around kansai for foliage so figured this would be best place to be. it's still 4 months away but free cancellation any time so no reason not to reserve. retarded or no?
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a city being livable doesn't make it a good place to visit, Calgary being ahead of Osaka (which actually has 8 places ranked ahead of it) makes this abundantly clear. Also use words you actually know the meaning of if you think leaving the city life behind is "degeneracy". Some people in this general are so unserious lmao
Well, you're arguing online about trivial thibgs. You're clearly a degenerate.
7-11's kiwi juice is the real shit, how am I supposed to go back after tasting this?
he fell for the marketing name
It's chinese gooseberry.
I gave up using my discover years ago, but had tons of issues back then actually getting them to treat it as a jcb card to actually work. If you have time just apply for another card.
Never been to any of those places, but yes, it will be hot, it will be humid, you just need to adapt once you get there and figure out your personal tolerance.
Depends where you want to go, the further away from Tokyo you get the more effective driving is. For example, a car is super important in Hokkaido compared to osaka
Depends I personally would rent a car at the local you want to visit if it's in the inaka.
Taking a car on the highways is a out same cost as the bullet train with the kike inspired tolls.
I accept your concession
I will be getting my license converted to an international driver's license for japan (only costs me €10) and with car rental prices in Japan it might be worthwhile to mix and match train and car depending on your destinations and need for independence, you will save time with the shinkansen going to most big cities but if you want to go off the beaten track and hit those country roads like I do I think a car will offer more fun and flexibility.
So I know this is a lot of time spent on travel, but I have things I want to see and places to go, so curious if anons have suggestions on route optimization or anything else. This will be my third trip
>Fly into Tokyo, 3 nights
>Fly to Fukuoka, 2 nights
>One night in Nagasaki
>One night in sasebo (meeting an old friend)
>Two nights in Hiroshima
>Drive to takamatsu, 2 nights there
>2 nights in matsuyama
>Fly back to Tokyo for 2 nights for an event
>Fly into totori for 2 nights
>Train to Osaka
>Train to tokyo for a week+
lads whats your more obscure tokyo reccomendation?
How good is your Japanese?
middling n4, can hold a somewhat basic convo if its a simple one on one
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I was joking about the mustache, but average is pretty accurate way to describe me. How bad are gaijin hunters really though? Seems mutually beneficial to me, with both have a fetish for each other so.
Protect yourself unless you want to collect stds. Don't be like those retards fucking whores and loose girls left and right raw, and whining about their itchy dick later.
>papakatsu with my gf......
I WILL act Japanese
I WILL shun other foreigners for being bakas in public
You WILL cope and seethe with "you will never be Japanese" while real Japs praise me for being well behaved
Are there any places that you know, do that, but with cosplay?
The only place it was worthwhile to me was Kumamoto, Okinawa, and Hokkaido
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best fellow brat lover.
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discovered jiro-style ramen and want to try it on an upcoming trip. I'm not conversational level yet, and it looks like toppings require some dialogue.

for a place like this, how do I order the classic toppings + cheese and the crunchy thing I don't know the name of?
ninniku yasai abura cheese <name I need to look up>?
or do I just zen mashi cheese and pray?
obviously, this is japan
>go back to Tokyo from inaka, intending to spend the last couple days in the city
>lose all will to go outside
Is this normal? the big city vibe is just so numbing especially with this weather
has anyone here ever had a bad or underwhelming trip to Japan? What were your expectations and how were they not met?
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I had the same feeling when I was there. I tended to finish whatever I planned for the day early/mid afternoon then have hours to kill before going out for dinner or finding a bar.

I hate to admit it but I think travelling solo was the problem. With a friend I would have spent a lot more time hanging out in cafes etc, whereas solo I would just smash canned coffee in 2min standing behind vending machines (SOVL btw).

I still love it there though, next time I'll plan more of my trip around hiking and relaxmaxing.

>pic related
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Mt. Oyama!
I'm also curious about this
>while real Japs praise me for being well behaved
No, they're the ones saying you will never be japanese
>filename 'best ages'
>replying to bratposter
Anon, are you implying that you've...
I'm the OG bratposter...
Look 2d is one thing but to go to 3d...
>Granted your Japanese speaking level will matter here and this applies for both Nampa (flirting) and 立ちんぼ girls.
Not really for tachinbo. They’re literally selling themselves for money. My Japanese is shit and I’ve had no problems so far. As long as you can say some very basic sentences it’s fine. And I’ve seen some communicate through Google translate.
what did they charge? Are they clean? i'm afraid of getting scammed and STDs lol
>...try not to derail the thread with repetitive questions about this...
>You can also check out old threads under 4plebs.org.
>Any question you might have, ... have been answered hundreds of times,...
guidelines don't talk about tachinbo dumbfuck and im not gonna read 5 pages worth of archives to answer my question
Drop Okinawa, do more in the other places.
>I'm not gonna read
Then enjoy no answer
You are utterly pathetic jesus christ
I'm not telling, you fuckers will ruin it
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Kagoshima is comfy

it's cheap as hell

75k is plenty I think but I'm kind of cheap

once you get north of Tokyo it's much cooler. but Tokyo isn't that hot. if you're from America it's not really any hotter than the summer in America.

>papakatsu with my GF
>he doesn't know

rizz is literally just 1) make an observation about girl 2) ask the girl why she is special 3) return to 1

I think the heat is exaggerated. Wear shorts and t shirts, only go out during the morning and night, avoid the noon sun, drink a lot of water, wear extra deodorant, get some wet wipes at 7, ... you learn to deal with it. and after a few days your body adjusts to the heat and you stop sweating so much

I drink smoke talk to girls pretend like I'm pic related basically. I don't know I just like exploring the city so I go to new neighborhoods. my japanese is decent so it's fun to chat up all the random people you meet and see what their lives are like. and there is always some interesting shop to buy things at. plus it's all cheap. but mostly drinking and smoking.

Japanese society is all about appearances. as long as nobody knows nobody cares. just don't embarrass your girl publicly and it's all kosher (oy vey)

seems retarded ngl but it seems like you've got your mind made up. it's better to just fly to Kyushu and out from Narita but whatever. it's a small country

there is a schizophrenic kid who goes to the bird sanctuary at Yoyogi park and he livestreams himself talking to the birds in bird speak. so he talks to the crows like "la la le le lu lu la la le le lu lu" yes I've seen him a few times. he likes to go at nighttime. that's probably as obscure as I got kek. he's not a mean schizo he's just weird so don't be scared of him. I like to sit about 10-20m away and enjoy the birds flying around with him

I always do this

yeah Tokyo xan be overwhelming
Me want hafus.
Hafu gakis.
>I drink smoke talk to girls pretend like I'm pic related basically.
>Spike Spiegel

Fuck off you autistic cringe retard nigger, you're a faggot and will always be
>once you get north of Tokyo it's much cooler. but Tokyo isn't that hot. if you're from America it's not really any hotter than the summer in America.

You are a complete fucking idiot and have obviously never been to Japan. Aside from the fucking Florida swamplands, Tokyo summer is hell compared to literally anywhere in America.
>The same tired projecting
No I like scuba
Should I get yen before or after I arrive in Japan?
Before, exchange it with your bank usually gets the best rate.
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I also do like scuba diving, infact I went to Izu recently to do some. I even took my papa-katsu girl with me even though she can't swim we spent some time at Norihama Beach. Gotta coom to decompress if you get me kek.
Tokyo feels like DC during the summer which don't get me wrong is also awful.
>Dropping Okinawa

If anything if you spend a week there just relaxing and hitting the beach.
Get new material, papacucksu
I'd rather have an itchy dick than life the rest of my life an incel.
perapera af, what do you recommend?
Imagine being so pathetic you feel the need to invent yourself a life in Japan and lie on the internet about paying a girl for sex, and you even brag about it, thinking others will get jealous.
If there's 1% chance this shit is true, the girl will probably ends up as a news item, since this guy is obviously crazy.
Anyway, thank god for filters.
Do I need a decent pair of boots for Hokkaido in the winter or will sneakers be ok provided I have a good sense of balance? (I box so my feet are pretty good)
Sounds like you need to go back to r/Japantravel
I just hate the jannies and the normies and enjoying coomer/weab fantasies for real seems to get them riled up. But I do infact live in Japan and it's nice making USD here. Perhaps you should try.
Japs are extremely annoying in the gym. They'd get the same experience/effects, if they just did tai chi in the park. Light weight, high rep, 5 minutes sitting on the bench/at the machine. There was one person, that did more than 4 sets for one lift, in the span of 30 minutes, when I began to observe. None of them broke a sweat.
I'm too uncomfortable to go into any local bar or restaurant. I will autistically walk around for half an hour looking for a place to eat, only to just end up going to a cheap ramen place. All the other restaurants have absolutely no English signs and when I look inside it's literally ALL japanese people, some restaurants will have a person standing outside luring people in but they will only yell at japanese people, when I walk past them we will make eye contact but they just stare at me in silence. It really gives me the feeling like they don't want any foreigners in their shared spaces.
What do I do? I'm gonna feel like a real bitch if I end my trip without having gone to a REAL restaurant.
So with the whole Oji/Yanki host club thing (I have a buzzcut and am built) should I just go the leather jacket/patterned shit like the guys in the Yakuza games wear for my image to chat up girls? Damn sight better than random ass hoodie and jeans
$460 is plenty? is tokyo really that cheap?
granted, i do want to hit a couple of museums and sights, since it'll be my first time, but is it that cheap?
I'll be landing in Tokyo and chilling for a couple nights before heading to the south for a conference I'm presenting at, what area should I stick around in? I'm looking for a cheap hostel and somewhere to store luggage. I've already spent time in Asakusa, nihonbashi, Shibuya. I was thinking of a day trip to Kamakura in between wandering around and hanging out with a friend. I've never been to Yamanashi/Fuji area but I figure maybe I can check it out on the way back after the conference since I have a a few more nights left.
If all else fails, I have an ex military divorced milf to visit in Tokushima.
Sounds like a good personal training opportunity. I saw a lot of jmsdf training like that, they don't like weights but calisthenics, one beast would do one handed pushups in the sauna.
good boy!
>It really gives me the feeling like they don't want any foreigners in their shared spaces.

Feel is known, but it may be just in our heads.

Are you in Tokyo? There are plenty of proper restaurants with English signage.
>leather jacket/patterned shit
Chances are you might pass as gay to them. And if you have a beard, definitely gay as fuck.
Good, it's Japan. You'll get that alienating feeling everywhere if you're in your own head and not open to adventures. Just go in with 0 knowledge and watch as you're treated with the upmost hospitality in most situations like that all over the world. I felt like that as an American in even Spain. It's all new to you, no one is doing it on purpose to keep you away, you're in their home, so don't be shy and introduce yourself in.
I had some of the most condescending pricks in my entire life as servers in Spain, and I didn't speak a word of English to them. Tried to be respectful, tried to show interest in their language and culture, and found them to be as, or more rude than the French. This was on east coast. In Galicia, they were great.
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Kamakura is Nice, but all I did was walk along the coast, the temple there is supposed to be real nice.
>ex military divorced milf to visit in Tokushima.
Should do that first honestly, how'd you meet?
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Don't be some of the best times inhave here were walking and bumbling into the most nip locals places.

It snows lot but even for the main island you should have hiking boots. With the yen so low I recommend you get boots in Japan.
Also it's a language thing, any amount of language apprehension you have is the same.
Most of the host club guys are actually super effeminate allmost androgynous. The don't really have the "bad boy" like you think. Also the actual host clubs aren't selling looks so much as they are offering nonsexual "companionship". Though the few nips I knew that worked as one I talked to openly bragging to me about fucking their clients despite it being against the rules.
While I was waiting for my friend to arrive in our Shinjuku Hotel, I walked around Okubo park and a white woman approached me. She was one of those women standing there wanting to meet up. But the weird thing is she was so eager she was clinging to my arm and walking me back to my hotel already. What actually happens past that point? I always reject those standers. But that girl didn't even tell me any specifics like how long she wants to stay at my room, what we'll actually do, etc. Was I about to get extorted by her mafia partners or something
Also one crucial detail I forgot is she somehow knew I was American? Like started talking to me in English right away even though I'm asian. I blend in with the Japs, but somehow she knew I was a gaijin right away.
Espionage is real, idiot. Wake up.
sounds like CIA, consider burning your ID and disappearing
I thought I read something about needing "Real IDs" instead of regular IDs if you're an Americhad that wants to travel. Can anyone confirm? None of the travel sites still list Real IDs yet at least on my end.
isn't that just if you're traveling from state to state?
You don't need to worry about that when you're going to Japan because you'll have to bring your passport anyway.
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I know that feel bro.
>immigrations asks you if you plan to work on arrival
Uhhh digital nomad bros?
>Japanese woman stared at me

Yep. She wants me.
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Another nice, white solo traveler falls.

I'd suggest getting into photography. It's a decent creative process that'll keep you out of your hotel room.

In Vietnam I'd just go for a motorcycle ride to another town. Japan is sorta like a reminder you're stuck on earth with only a finite number of things you can do.
The eye gazing I'd have with 45yo Chinese women on the trains was so mesmerizing. Their husbands would be sat next to them, completely absorbed by their dorker devices, mumbling on about trivialities, oblivious to their wives wistfully holding my gaze, confiding in a stranger from 20k km away, "romance has long been faded".
What are some good Christmas presents to buy in Japan? Might as well get that shopping started in advance. I want Japanese-only items though, otherwise it feels kinda weird. Like when I tried buying clothes for them but they were all stores that are also in the States.
What'd the recipient appreciate?
I've bought, off the top of my head
>green teas and the tea whisk
>sake tasting sets
>anime merch
You could also consider kitchen knives etc
I'll second the tea. This cool old dude let me try some, and I ended up buying a shitton of bags
That's just for easy travel within the US and or certain North American countries, dw about it if you're in Asia.

Based Anon Casanova, do share your stories if you succeed.

Some men are really way too lucky that they bagged their current wife and take it for granted.
just do it, don't back out, always do it, never back out

jokes aside, familiarity breeds confidence. you're in a far-flung foreign land, most people aren't gonna be confident.my advice would be, learn not to give a fuck. sure, you dont have to be "confident" as such but giving little to no fucks while travelling helps a lot. locals see me as a lonely white tourist? don't give a fuck. i can't read japanese? don't give a fuck, i can use translate it or ask a local for help. nowhere to sit? don't give a fuck, i'll sit on the same table as a local. honestly, not giving a fuck has helped me a lot
thats because spanish people suck

in fact most of europe sucks. i'm british and don't classify myself as european. the poles and dutchies are alright, portuguese too. aside from that, they all suck and are racist and hateful towards the anglospehere countries. they mad and jelly
Hey guys, I'm going to Japan in August for 2 weeks I have all hotels and planes already booked, what do I do now? Do I buy the rail pass or something like that? What about internet access, what do you guys recommend for that? Anything else I should do to prepare beforehand? Thanks.
>JKs and JCs stare at me
>Most women my age avoid any eye contact or quickly look away
Tfw ugly
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>Do I buy the rail pass
Depends on where you plan on going within the country and in what time frame, there's websites where you can put in destinations and it will calculate if it is worth it to buy the jr pass because it went up in price significantly to the point where you have to be in a new city everyday to save money with it.

Unrelated note, which app is better for finding girls while I'm outside the country? I'm willing to buy for premium or whatever to be able to change my location.
I'm going to Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Takayama and Hiroshima in two weeks so do you think it would be worth it?
What's the story with the google map in the OP?
I've found it very useful, curious to know who made it and if it is ever updated? Do people contribute?
>What about internet access

Either buy an overpriced SIM at the airport (still pretty reasonable), or if you are min-maxing your budget rely on wifi until you get into the city and buy a cheaper SIM at a BIC Camera or phone shop etc.

Leading up to my last trip I just consoomed Japan related media and anything that looked interesting I saved as a point of interest on Google Maps.
What's jk jc?

I was in a relationship and still kinda shy so when I'd get into staring contests I never did anything. Even when a girl "fell asleep" on me on a train after 30 seconds i did nothing. Now I am returning after exploring the world and upping my game, single. Its time. I got a gf in a month last time, I'm going to stay out of a relationship for work reasons but see if I can have a new gf every month or so
If you seemed susceptible, she would have started negotiating, offered a price and suggested a location. I also wouldn't be surprised if a random freaky white girl turned up there. I went to observe for a while whilst drunk and it did seem like a few girls had just decided to turn up that day and taken a friend for moral support. I was with my girlfriend and, despite clearly being together, a large amount of men were hovering around seemingly trying to work out if she would be willing to offer sexual services so the denizens seem quite used to "amateurs".
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>tfw honeymoon phase is over
wtf do I do now?
Lost interest in that place when I saw lots of pajeets hanging around, and some taking some of the girls to hotels nearby. Gross
These women are no different than plastic fuck dolls. Why don't they just use their hand. Is masturbation taboo in these prude societies.
The weather is really hard since 3 days
I cant imagine it getting worse in august
I'm going in September
Hoping its not going to be unbearable.
I hope you like sauna.
Shinjuku is gun until they want to sell you their cheap thai hookers. Soooo fucking annoying i say no 5 times they just keep following me
If you mean female touts, just start touching their arm and try and hug them, they'll leave you alone.
They are 50 yo old chinks
Dont wana touch that
The maids are annoying as well since its awkward i dont know where to look but at least they dont follow you
Hello jpg. My gf is in Japan currently, and she asked me if I wanted a specific item from there.

Not sure it's the best place to ask, but I was wondering if jazz fusion vinyles were hard to find there. I'm thinking about Casiopea debut album, Mint Jams, but also the first two Prism albums.
If it's not too hard to find, will it be expensive ?

Also, would you recommend anything cool that's either hard to find or non existent in Europe to bring back ? Can be a video game, a book, clothes, everyday items...
>jazz fusion vinyles were hard to find there
They're very common, but it can be time consuming to find retro stuff. Tower Records is your best first try, beyond that you'd need to look up the smaller record stores, there's heaps in central Tokyo, particularly the hipster hang outs.
Are there still white women over there in Okubo? I had a lengthy conversation with one but never really took her offers.
bruv im going in november, it'll be fine. bring a brolly and waterproofs init
I was there in December, it is a pleasant time of year, but I also handle the cold much better than heat.
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>a prostitute taking clients?! How dare they!
Next time you'll be shocked to see one of the girls you paid going with another man.
My trip to Japan is over. I spent 2 weeks basically doing nerdy shit like going to collabs cafés, buying merchs, manga and doujinshi, going to a fan event for fujoshi, etc. It was fun but I don't know what's worse, chinese scalpers who fart, burp, smell like shit and don't brush their teeth making reservations and buying so much crap that making my own reservations and getting in waiting lines was a pain in the ass, or retarded white people taking pictures of literally everything all the time and probably putting a bunch of pics or videos of my face online because I guess they thought it looked cool on their shitty cameras. They all deserve an ass kicking and I get why Japanese people are sperging whenever the topic of tourists comes up. Unironically the least annoying tourists were the ones with parents and their young kids who were all minding their own business and wearing backpacks. Asian ones wouldn't stop yelling all the time after letting their shitty brats screech and throw themselves off flights of stairs though.
Some japanese clients refuse to patronise shops that allow foreigners because they are disgusted by the idea of touching a woman who had a 白人 dick inside.
Some white folk refuse to patronise a 立ちんぽ because they are disgusted by the idea of touching a woman who had a pajeet dick inside.
All a matter of perspective my dude.
>Some japanese clients refuse to patronise shops that allow foreigners because they are disgusted by the idea of touching a woman who had a 白人 dick inside.
I was about to say this is bullshit until I realised by 'shops' you mean 'whorehouses'. Who gives a shit.
Did you secretly film her you fucking stalker?
you would think they'd have some standards
They're selling their bodies on the street, and have no problem getting it raw, without care of stds.
Do you really think they have standards?
Cause all the anons in this general seeing them are all ikemen.
pretty sure getting nakadashi'd by a whaito piggu is much less dishonorable than just touching a pajeet
Soon, the Japanese government will enforce the law in order to make these women need to be in relationships that produce children.
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Before I found my steady brat the THC girl I was seeing on the regular told me she prefers Caucasians because they don't have the fucked up fantasies old Jap men do of treating girls badly. Of course she could've been telling me that just make me feel better but I believe it. There's no denying that Japanese men treat women badly..

Also fuck you Jannies, I'm glad the normies are getting pushed out. I will continue to nakadashi into Japanese sugar daddy girls and there's not a fucking thing you can do about it. Its part of the culture here, even the mother of the girl I'm with didn't have an issue with me paying her.

Also Yokohama is far better for coomer antics and women.
Can we get suica cards again? I heard there was a shortage and foreigners weren't allowed them for a while
You can grab them at tokyo station
Fucking kill yourself piece of shit. You're mental.
What travel ok you fucktard. There's absolutely no more discussion about travel, this thread is mainly you keeping rambling about fucking whores, and now you're posting stolen videos of them too.
These threads were sometimes awful, but never as bad as they are now.
Once again, kill yourself piece of shit.
No wonder you need to pay people for talking to you irl.
Didnt see any
One nigger talked to me until i followed hin to the bar. Went in and out. There were white girls or at least non asian
Have you tried having human colored skin?
wtf is it really that easy bros

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