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What's the best way to get to Quemoy Island, Taiwan?
Not a country
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>Not a country
You can take a plane from Taipei, Taiwan to Quemoy Island. Quemoy is a cool place to visit very chill. Highly recommend it.
Though I prefer Penghu Island with its beautiful beaches
Wait it's that close?
I thought Taiwan was like hundreds of miles away from China.
OP never actually specified. Even under your logic, it is perfectly reasonable for an island to be administrated by a province, region, or subdivision of a country.
>I thought Taiwan was like hundreds of miles away from China.
It is, but it has islands that are very close to the Chinese mainland.
There is an hourly ferry from Xiamen and flights from major Taiwanese cities
is it an expensive round trip?
What do you do on Quemoy? Rent a pair of binoculars to watch chinese seethe across the water?
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can be done for less than €100 round trip
ww3 is gonna be awesome
What would be awesome, is if China got back to their roots of taoism, and didn't interfere, try to dominate others. Then, nature, wouldn't correct the inequality.
>trained chink PTSD response
Back to /pol/, Alex.

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