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Previous thread: >>4286699
91 replies and 91 images omitted. Click here to view.
i'm sure americans will end up with the franchise and there will be an abundance of brown girl power moments
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Wait, it's ending? I dropped it long ago, but I still love my brown bunny
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Yeah, they announced it last week so it'll probably end by the end of July or start of August
bun is eternal

Yes, it's a BOCCHI thread!

Which one? Yes.
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Previous thread >>4316324
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How much does /c/ like K-On?
>The best High School rock band in the world!

>K-ON! Music History's Box (aka the whole 13 disc soundtrack) + Disc 14 (all Instrumentals) in one rar file.

>The K-On movie art archive was recently dumped online for the first time ever too
(Thanks to the anon!)

The Manga Super illustration book

And the Movie Creator Message book

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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fuck i short circuited and forgot this was swimsuit only
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Time for a Chie thread!
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Thread the Forty-Seventh!

~Nya~ Edition

Old Thread: >>4280118
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Previous thread: >>4304352
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Why not a smile?

previous thread >>4333496
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this is a japanese dwarf
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Where is she from?
Class of heroes

East meets West.
Previous thread: >>4322741
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All characters from the show Cardcaptor Sakura

Previous thread >>4340143
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previous thread:

Official witchfag server:
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Its time for a Mio thread.
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>Previous thread

>/a/ threads archive

>/c/ threads archive


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Chloe and Miyu also welcome.
Shitposts and whatnot go on /a/.
107 replies and 107 images omitted. Click here to view.
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