Thread the Forty-Eighth Redux!Boards may occasionally die, but heroes NEVER die!Old Thread: >>4318214
Too cute!!!
>>4363567Less than a week until Fall, but Summer ain't going quietly.
>>4363774Sadly. One of the cutest seasons for me, but I'm ready for sweaters at this point.
Previous thread: >>4354286
もう一度闇から帰り建て直しWe return once moreFrom the pits of the darknessTo built it all back
Download Katawa Shoujo Katawa Booru Image Database https://www.hanakoisbestgirl.comEpilogue Story For Hanako's Route
Hanako with her best friend!
Continuation of >>4357588Post more of Evangelion's best girl!
>>4363550Go die
My princess
Is it weird that she's one of my first anime crushes
Previous: 4345935
Nano Desu
Would be a shame not to have one.
>>4362718It seems to be a general for the series.
>>4363725Alya's sister and Yuki are pure wife material, but also mucho sexo.
Just because the board reset doesn't mean we forget about Lain!
The cute and lovable Thorn Princess, mama griz and occasional blushing wife.
Whisper of the Heart tomorrow.
>>4362406Already posted >>4361492
>>4362420I said PEAK Goro-kino, not a cursed foray into 3-D that, like the Star Wars sequels and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, was doomed from the very start.
Another thread for this cutie
>Previous thread>>4353670>/a/ threads>/c/ threads>>!c9IEQAKY!ApG64LjKvmtvUI-jrZIJfQ
Light is eternal.For posterity and in case things like reverse image search do not work, give due credit to those who create Rei's images by indicating author and/or source if known.Discussion always welcome, but offer an image, if available.>Previous thread:>>4357463>General archive: