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Happy birthday once again to the archangel of Shimokitazawa and our beloved genki drummer, Ijichi Nijika-chan!
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Njk ± 10.
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Left is too bratty.
Right is too old.
Middle is perfect.
Hag sex

Been watching Youjo Senki lately and thought this little evil lass cute. so heres a thread dedicated to her.
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All Shingeki girls are welcome.

Previous: >>4282959
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Official art
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Tifa Lockhart Thread LXI

Previous Thread: >>4307706
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Teachers, sensei, senpai and the educational staff we love the most!
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Nah, she was just a member of Baby Metal before Baby Metal was cool.
Nyamo had it coming.
Professor Pisces is my wife.
>Le Fishe
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A teacher AND a mother.

Seasonal thread, everlasting love.

Previous thread: >>4286087
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Is it important to you that your waifu gets public recognition for being the best girl of her series?
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No but she does anyways
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Yes, to a few friends I had (not the waifufags I've met IRL). We were just chatting and I told them I was an unironic waifufag and showed them pictures of Kana. They make fun of me, but they wouldn't expect anything else from me.
I think kidfus are weird. For me when I see a cute girl who gives me that parental feeling, it's more because I imagine that me and Kana's kid would look/act like that.
Pics of my wife with long hair are cute, but I really like this sketch I got of her. Kana with her hair all neat is absolutely adorable.
You don't. You have to accept you're abnormal since your love is separated from you in another reality, and also accept that people will never understand you or think you're ironic. There's nothing wrong with them for thinking that.
I am huwhite
I'm pretty sure she likes them a lot
I told my best friend, but he pretty much just said "okay" and accepted it immediantly. We never talk about it though, because why would we? There are more interesting things to talk about and it's not like my relationship status is anyones business but my own to begin with.
I get the sentiment but I don't have any
No, not at all. Girls und Panzer has a ton of good girls and I genuinely can't blame anyone for picking someone else as their favorite. Not to mention that too much attention isn't good in my opinion.

Question: I've had this talk with another waifufag not to long ago about "your waifus show being your favorite one", which got me thinking about how common it is for your waifus show/manga/etc. not being your favorite. Because I've met quite a few waifufags who don't consider their waifus medium their favorite of that particular type and to be honest it's a rather understandable sentiment in a lot of cases. There are bad shows with some really loveable characters. What about you?
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Short hair is the best.
I don't think the Neptunia anime is very good, kind of a very rushed adaptation of two already fairly long JRPGs. I do like the artstyle overall, it's simplified compared to the game's art and kind of cheap despite not being by an unknown studio or something like that (It's by David Production). I don't watch that much anime but Neptunia isn't really a remarkable one, the manga are better as an adaptation since they're just cute slice of life side stories.
When it comes to the games, I'd put Neptunia VII on my top 10. It's not perfect and it doesn't deviate that much from the usual Compile Heart RPG template, but it's clearly the one time they had a slightly higher budget and it shows.

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Referring to this general phenotype. It should be preserved, and propagated!
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i <3 taiga

gives you more to love
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I know its been 10 years, but I'm still mad

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hat touhou

last: >>4284399
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Yes, but those are often full of lewd/fetishposting.
It's fine, there's semi regular Cirno threads and Reisen had her own general for a while. As long as it's cute then it's fine.
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Previous thread: >>4286699
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Cute bun dressed as a cute bun
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Summer Heat Horror Edition

(Un)dead Thread >>4319213
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Looking for a specific Koume Pic. Black hoodie, red skirt, holding a Starbuck's coffee cup?
Sir.....you're vaguely asking alot
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Looking through a few 1000s photos Idk if I had the Starbucks photo.
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Gluten is good for you.
Previous bread: >>4337892
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Cocoa-chan maji tenshi.
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I can't get enough of these two.

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