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A thread for the purest form of love - sfw yuri or just images of girls together.

Eternal reminder that nsfw images belong elsewhere and should be avoided as best as possible. Light discussion is fine with an image attached.

All pairings welcome!

Last: >>4335785
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I posted this in the SW thread, but I'll post it in here too
Very good post
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MomoNina my beloved
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Never enough BiY
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>already 5 years since it ended
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Does a regular hug even count as /u/ tho? They're not even holding hands.
it counts as /c/u/
I still think it's too platonic and is mistagged.
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And I think its perfectly fine and isn't mistagged.

This thread isn't only for explicitly obvious yuri, its for yuri in general - two girls hugging where one looks flustered is still yuri, even if you think its platonic. Its not heavy yuri, but its still /c/ related yuri.
Its even listed in the OP and has been "sfw yuri or just images of girls together." - granted, its not just for two random girls in one image, the girls have to be interacting in a way that looks to be yuri.
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So long as it's cute.

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