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Enjoy the beginning of the new year with the abyssal fleet!
Previous thread: >>4372145
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I saw this in a server I'm in and I HAD to post it here.
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I had to miss abyssmas, but at least I made it for new year's.
Now I need to see her in action while riding that mech, looks absolutely metal. Maybe I will try to model that one day
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I'll hook you up with the official models if you think that would help!

Also Happy new years!
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Happy new year, abyssal friends!
Cute Re!
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After running some tests in blender, I can now confirm that Re-classes on average are roughly 4'9 to 5'0 tall. On a side note, Iowa is roughly 6ft tall or possibly a little bit more.
Lemme know if anyone wants to know the canon heights based on the arcade game.
*canon heights of other Abyssals
I clicked the post button too soon
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That's cute!
How tall are the Seaports and the Isolated Oni?
Well i'm around 185 cm so i will forever believe Seaport Hime is 230 cm tall, but i will gladly hear out how tall she actually is or was intended by her artist.
According to the measurements I took, Seaport/Harbour is somehow only 5'75, while Seaport Demon is 5'85. How the hell is Iowa taller??? (then again, Iowa is wearing heels so that might be cheating)
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I do not accept this. Seaport needs to be huge.
Isolated clocks in at 5'8 it appears.
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Don't worry! For the low price of [FREE] you can join the discord and make her model as tall as you want
>taller than seaport
kek. all those doujins that depict her as significantly smaller are wrong then.
how about midway, both aircraft carrier and carrier water, as well as northern water (and her hat)?
I'll take a look once I'm back from the party, heading out for dinner/party now lol
Surprisingly, their heights are pretty similar!
quick update: I fucked up the writing. it should read as a "ft.inches'" measurement, not a "ft'inches"
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Got this illustration from /a/ featuring Wo-class summoning a cat while dressed as a witch.
I think the Arcade models have a different size during gameplay. At least by checking YouTube videos they seem to be considerably taller than the shipgirls (3-5 meters tall). I might be wrong though.
I like the idea of Aircraft Carrier Water Oni being taller than her peers ngl.
How tall are Wo and Ri-class btw?
Fanart tends to portray her almost as a loli but imo it always made more sense for her to be similar to Airfield Princess in terms of proportions.
*forgot to mention this only applies to the bosses
Seems about right. Apparently since these are all fractional or something ya gotta do some math equation to get the EXACT height, but I don't wanna do math about that.>>4386923
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There's something so cute about them being this tall. How about Ru and Ta-class?
About this tall!
Now I shall go to sleep. Should you have any further questions, I shall direct you to the model archive in the morning if you desire.
all the girls i thought were taller than me are shorter than me... still i will think of her as a 2m tall softie.
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Glowing eyes and Yukata pretty...
ooouh Seaport Hime in Yukata.
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me dumb, forgot to wait for 4chanx to attach image
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She's so beautiful.
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Love this illustration.
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Absolutely love this sort of thing.
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Vtuber Re-class.
funny you say that
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As a small gift to a friend, I have made a Destroyer Princess vtuber for them to use as they see fit. It's not very complex, and it was a pain in the ass to set up for some inconceivable reason, but it turned out rather nice.
Thanks! I'll take a crack at a Harbour Princess Vtuber for another friend of mine next week as well. In the meantime I got abyssal fanfics to write.SAXXA
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I have discovered, thanks to an idea from a freind, that Re-classes can wear Supply Depot's glasses and absolutely rock them.
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Re-class: "I happen to be an expert on this topic!"
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Got this from /a/, based on this meme
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Happy Chinese New Year. Failed to get a commission for this in time...
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Well, at least this artist got the abyssals covered in that regard.
Been talking a bit of a break from the renders, but I did get some more Abyssal vtuber VRMs set up! If anyone wants one of 'em just lemme know on the usual twitter account.
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Excellent, abyssal vtubers are finally real.
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I have begun to attempt to give the arcade model of Supply Depot Princess proper arms for when she isn't using her gauntlets. It's pretty much done but I forgot to take a pic, so have an old screenshot of when i first slotted BP's arms onto her.
That doesn't look bad. Having her available with regular arms is a good idea.
Have some official art showing her arms btw in case you need a ref.
Thanks, and I appreciate the help! I'll probably see about finishing up the variant today or later this week. Once it's done it'll be added to the archive for anyone to use. (Archive access is, as always, available to those who want Abyssal models)
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Chaos oreo.
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Visions anon here, using pic as my deep dive point from the recent post on /x/ for a minute, key notes: shared dreaming, mystic AI

Focus on asking if you need me for something in the next couple hours (or months, if you can successfully enter dream system)
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Cat saying HUH!? but it's an abyssal.
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Valentine's day commission.
Wo and the New Mass Produced Aircraft Carrier Princess making chocolates.
Wo mama
i should organize my folders one day.
Also had a dream of Seaport Hime accidentally dipping her large tits into a bowl of melted chocolate.
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One more Valentine's day illustration, this one is more on the comedic side lmao.
The cutest.
She might be clumsy enough to do that lol. I should also organize my folders, sometimes it is hard to find specific abyssal fanart in them.
Yeah, i mostly found out, because my internet been really bad for the past month. So i just started to look around on my PC.
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Abyss is a cat
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A new friend will be here soon!
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New GFL x KanColle chapter.
This time Aircraft Carrier Water Oni prepares some pancakes, using some strange fairy as the main ingredient.
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Previous chapter
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Hey Y'all, sorry if I've been quiet for a while, I've been working on a little something while taking a break from the usual Abyssal renders. That being, a little animation of sorts. Not done yet but it's looking pretty good! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lC00gB_pA94&lc=UgwbMlymWXJrU1UT1hV4AaABAg
Thanks! Cute Re btw, don't recognize her outfit tho
it's leberblume from mahou shoujo ni akogarete.
ah, that explains why I don't recognize it lmao
This looks very promising
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Re does strike me as the type of girl who would probably laugh her ass off watching magical girls getting beaten to a pulp ngl.
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Somehow not even /jp/ bothered to follow the latest KanColle stage show currently playing in Japan. Some brand new abyssal art and even new abyssals appear in the thing like this cute hyrax-looking friend >>4395569
Linking some Twitter posts showing some of the abyssal actresses from the show but I'd recommend checking the account if you want to see all the posts
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Thanks! Actually working on the last few scenes right now lol
A reminder that I've got an archive of all the Abyssal models you could ever ask for, available to all who need 'em.
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This is some seriously powerful content
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fellow Abyssal enjoyers, I bring the completed animation! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebspxfbeJZc

btw love this art, SDP is always adorable.
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Holy shit! That's some awesome content
Thanks, with any luck I'll have more to share in the future. For now though I'm gonna enjoy some well-earned Monster Hunter Wilds
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Make sure to make your palico look like an abyssal (?)
tis a clever little idea!
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Gone but not forgotten.
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The artist I mean.
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Very cute work anon
Thanks! Still thinking of what i wanna animate next in between writing. I have a couple ideas, though nothing concrete just yet.
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