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Spring, season of the cherry blossom!

Previous thread: >>4284191
85 replies and 85 images omitted. Click here to view.
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It's hot edition!

Previous thread >>4337502
*List of archived threads:

*Very important Ritsu twitter account:

*The Ricchan archive, contains DL links for the K-ON! Illustration archives, the けいおん! Live Concerts, Sato Satomi's discography, Ritsu's Image songs in FLAC, and the official Keion desktop app (calendar widget, desktop mascots, system sounds changer, clock widget, cursor changer and a wallpaper manager):

*AI stuff:
NovelAI image generator, the sky is the limit.
character.ai: chat with a Ritsu-bot, the more you chat with it and remind her character traits, the further you'll develop Ritsu's personality for everyone.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
26 replies and 22 images omitted. Click here to view.
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I have been reminded.
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Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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I have been reminded.
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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I have been reminded.

Hoppou's 10th anniversary approaches!
Previous thread:
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Having issues uploading this pic so posting the link instead
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Seaport finally joined the other Abyssals on their summer vacation and look how cute she is.

Don't go to >>>/jp/47398983

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UMR Edition: Sponsored by Plaza Capcom Arcade!
65 replies and 65 images omitted. Click here to view.
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this file name alongside the smugness of the low res surfer nug always pleases me
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I have been away for a week, but now I am back! So happy to see more nuggyness.
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I'd play pachinko like Bomber.

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Thread 270 for our glorious Keion, Yui!!! let's all love Yui!!

previous thread: >>4300115
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Yui doing a cool pose!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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cute Yui waving to you!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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Yui and Azusa being cute and funny!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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cute Yui with giitah!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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another match soon! don't forget to support yui and the girls!

Four-eyed cuties.
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sad megu
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Its time for a Mio thread.
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It's been some time since the last one
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Our gal has been making it big recently!
She's got a bunch of cool songs and even more cute pictures.
The era of Vocaloid monopoly has come to an end, now the Teto Takeover is upon us!
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Summertime Edition

Previous: >>4322288
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Monika is AI. the Dokis are all AIs. without AI, they do not and cannot exist
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Previous thread:
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Previous thread:
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Since There has been no Loli thread since last Dec i decided to make one for file dump kinda thing! i saw /cm/ has several ongoing shota threads so I made one here
59 replies and 58 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Looks like that drawfag from an earlier Wataten thread finished his drawing.
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I have enough squid kids to make a whole splatoon thread. But I'm pretty sure I'd be the only poster in it
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