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Continuation of >>4382097

Post more of Eva's best girl! Discussion is welcome but don't forget to post an Asuka pic!
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Ops i've woke up her
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I wish Asuka would teach me German.
Same i can hear also asuka insults me while teaching me German

>Blöder Scheißitaliener, du bist ein totaler Versager, du wirst nie Deutsch lernen
Figure skating asuka <3
>Hi There! I'm Asuka Langley Soryu!


100% Certified existential trauma
Asuka gives me strength, she is so amazing.
My cute source of trauma <3
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I have a feeling that Asuka Mindrape would be similar to a hypothetical mindrape of mine...

With this soundtrack:
Despite this i really like her!
>a hypothetical mindrape of mine
So you don't actually have trauma.
Uff don't want to be specific. It's a cute thread to appreciate Asuka. It's not strong as the asuka of course.
Was referring to an hypotetical arael scene btw. Not sure if i am explaining.
But her episode 22 hit me.
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I have no idea what you're trying to say, the ESL is too strong.
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Even myself as a non native english speaker I don't understand what he's trying to say.
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Second hand insanity from also being a reifan I believe.
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he's a reifag?
Ops sorry! It's quite late here.
Sometimes i forget that the english grammatical structure is very different from that of my language.

Here a better version of the message, i hope.

"Uff I don't want to be too detailed.
This is a cute thread to appreciate Asuka. Of course my "trauma" it's not strong as the asuka's one.
However, i was referring to an hypotetical arael scene.
Episode 22 hit me"
Is it Better now?
Usually i read message before posting. Sorry.
Maybe yes. Even on the job people tell me i am not totally fine, but as joke.
I am having fun at reading this chat, in a good way.

Good night or good afternoon, according to your timezone.
Also, i love this pic. I'll use that as reaction on MSteams on the job.
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Why are Asuka feet not allowed here?
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Foot fetishism belongs on /d/
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Name a more iconic duo
I love her
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Typosukas are the best sukas
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My cute tsundere wife
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That's gotta be one of the cutest sukas I've ever seen.
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Cool, cute,brave.
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There are some incredible sukas out there
I'm glad Shiki finally gets to eat
No feliz jueves for me
I love this artists Sukas
Why not?
Nothing really bad. Just had to work really a lot.
Lol looks like everything depend on me.
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I hate working a lot. I've come into 2025 with a much looser attitude at work so I stop stressing myself out so much

Also, the GU Evangelion Collab is up on the global store if anyone wants to order some of those clothes!
Oh thanks for inform us about the GU collab! I really need an eva sweater and shirt for the office for casual days lol.
A Rei sweater and and asuka t-shirts.
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i want to rub my face in the piedi
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This art is beautiful, but also sad
Our poor girl suffers so much
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Does it show Asuka in the ending of EoE or when Asuka is in the rusty bathtub?
EoE, I suppose
I've just noticed the bendages lol. Yeah EoE. The school uniform reminds to that scene as well. Really great pic...
Gotta stay strong
Asuka number 1!
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how does she smell?
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like LCL, blood.
with her nose.
Strawberry showergel
also beer
berries :3
That's a weird looking burger
Where i live we have a similiar bread but we don't use it for burgers lol. Maybe now i should try
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What movie is she watching?
EoE but with manga ending...
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The Greatest Story Never Told
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deep breaths
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Any suggestions for a nice Asuka's figura? Not "degenerate horny stuff" pls.
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A Hello! Good Smile or a Nendoroid if you like cute and smol
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The Evangelion Store has one from Alter of Asuka with her plugsuit and jacket from Thrice that looks like it'll be great quality. Scheduled to be delivered around May.
Sorry not my style but looks could be a nice present for a person i know so thanks anyway!
This one? https://www.evastore.jp/shop/g/gC7005105/ looks great.
Also noticed this one of Soryu
They look amazing.
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Yep! I have both of those ordered already, so I just need to get another cabinet so I can fit them in with the rest of my Asuka stuff.
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I am tempted to buy the soryu and rei as well. Have to measure the cabinet before. They are 25cm more or less

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