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Continuation of >>4382097

Post more of Eva's best girl! Discussion is welcome but don't forget to post an Asuka pic!
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Ops i've woke up her
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I wish Asuka would teach me German.
Same i can hear also asuka insults me while teaching me German

>Blöder Scheißitaliener, du bist ein totaler Versager, du wirst nie Deutsch lernen
Figure skating asuka <3
>Hi There! I'm Asuka Langley Soryu!


100% Certified existential trauma
Asuka gives me strength, she is so amazing.
My cute source of trauma <3
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I have a feeling that Asuka Mindrape would be similar to a hypothetical mindrape of mine...

With this soundtrack:
Despite this i really like her!
>a hypothetical mindrape of mine
So you don't actually have trauma.
Uff don't want to be specific. It's a cute thread to appreciate Asuka. It's not strong as the asuka of course.
Was referring to an hypotetical arael scene btw. Not sure if i am explaining.
But her episode 22 hit me.
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I have no idea what you're trying to say, the ESL is too strong.
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Even myself as a non native english speaker I don't understand what he's trying to say.
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Second hand insanity from also being a reifan I believe.
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he's a reifag?
Ops sorry! It's quite late here.
Sometimes i forget that the english grammatical structure is very different from that of my language.

Here a better version of the message, i hope.

"Uff I don't want to be too detailed.
This is a cute thread to appreciate Asuka. Of course my "trauma" it's not strong as the asuka's one.
However, i was referring to an hypotetical arael scene.
Episode 22 hit me"
Is it Better now?
Usually i read message before posting. Sorry.
Maybe yes. Even on the job people tell me i am not totally fine, but as joke.
I am having fun at reading this chat, in a good way.

Good night or good afternoon, according to your timezone.
Also, i love this pic. I'll use that as reaction on MSteams on the job.
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Why are Asuka feet not allowed here?
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Foot fetishism belongs on /d/
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Name a more iconic duo
I love her
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Typosukas are the best sukas
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My cute tsundere wife
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That's gotta be one of the cutest sukas I've ever seen.
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Cool, cute,brave.
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There are some incredible sukas out there
I'm glad Shiki finally gets to eat
No feliz jueves for me
I love this artists Sukas
Why not?

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