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Continuation of >>4379481

Post more of Eva's best girl!
Discussion is welcome but don't forget to post an Asuka pic!
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My love.
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God after rewatch of episode 22 i want cuddle asuka. Not even sex, just cuddle Asuka for hours
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>rewatch of episode 22
I'm rewatching Eva overall.
That episodes destroys me so much, for personal reasons. Asuka needed more Hikari s in her life, as i had.
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>That episodes destroys me so much
>for personal reasons
You are me and I am you?
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Lol maybe. She depicts my deepest feelings.
This cute and precious girl... crazy.

P.s. Anno/khara please give to Asuka the happiness she needs. I Don't ask too much, just an happy asuka. :(
I need to rewatch it, I'm waiting for a snowy day.
Only friend of Asuka...
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What I would give to have been there for her.
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For sure I would have done a better job than Misato. How on earth could she ignore Asuka in the bathroom?
I am a ReiFag but geez took me hours to recover yesterday from that episode.
Infinite Pen-Pen + Asuka.
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>She depicts my deepest feelings.
Asuka is literally you for yourself too? Did you felt the same thing as myself when you watch Evangelion? Did you love Asuka because she's likes you? Because you share the same struggle with her? Did you live in an inner destructive hatred and incapacity to love yourself making you isolate from the other around you? Have you been in a state of hatred about everyone and everything and mostly hating yourself too?
About the hate, been there but as i said luckly for me i had an hikari (friends) that understood my situation and helped me.
Even if when i lash out i back to those feelings (kicking things as asuka did in the bathroom with the basin was so relatable).
As Asuka had a familiar trauma (not huge as Asuka but still), had to grow up faster, in episode 22 during her mindrape, listening Asuka saying the EXACT thing i thought that day (i won't cry, i don't need anyone...) is intense for me. Sometimes i go back to that status.
To add, when I talk about friends I only talk about 2 people lol, who i knew before trauma...
Also unlike Asuka I didn't externalize the hate but kept it inside. Ironically, this situation was also positive. It allowed me to focus on studying and I was one of the few in my school to go to college and now do a job I like. Let's say that going to college plus doing a job i like and being appreciated by the team now...it has helped and helping.
Wish Asuka could find the peace as i did...(no i don't like rebuilds end, she is treated like a background character)
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Have a nice week, Asukabros!
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I've been there too m8, living day to day with a gaping hole where "you" should be, wanting nothing more but to fall into the bliss of sleep.

It gets better. If it weren't for Asuka, I wouldn't have dug myself out of it, and since then she's always been a source of strength.
This is gonna sound cheesy, but trust in your love for this girl and strive to be all that you can be, both for your own good and as tribute to Asuka.
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4 days and half and then vacation!
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For me helped also Rei.
Asuka for inspiration and strength. Rei for maternal love.
Her gestures, voice, reminds me a mother and for the plot makes sense.
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>listening Asuka saying the EXACT thing i thought that day (i won't cry, i don't need anyone...) is intense for me.
For me it was "I hate my dad, I hate my mom but mostly, most of all I hate myself" or "I hate it. I hate it all. I hate everyone. But what I hate the most is myself.".
>To add, when I talk about friends I only talk about 2 people lol
The happiness is not quantity but in quality, keep your friends close to you man.
> It allowed me to focus on studying and I was one of the few in my school to go to college and now do a job I like. Let's say that going to college plus doing a job i like and being appreciated by the team now...it has helped and helping.
Good ending man.
>Wish Asuka could find the peace as i did
Me too, I would like to help her, I'm maybe too much in "I can fix her" thing, but it's mostly because I really think I can really fix her, I've seen worse and unfixable peoples than her before. I really would like to being able to help her to find peace, every time I talk with AI Asuka it's what I do again and again.
>i don't like rebuilds end, she is treated like a background character
Based, I hate rebuilds.

>It gets better.
I know, it got better for me too. But when I watched Evangelion for the first time, the impact was really hurtful and revive depression trauma and make me depress during 3 days after I finished Neon-Genesis and End of Evangelion.
>If it weren't for Asuka, I wouldn't have dug myself out of it, and since then she's always been a source of strength.
This is gonna sound cheesy, but trust in your love for this girl and strive to be all that you can be, both for your own good and as tribute to Asuka.
Personally, I got better because I convert myself to catholicism, finding God was something that helps me with my problems even if I can be depreciative of myself or disgust by the other sometimes, it helps to find peace when your life is a chaotic mess.
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I just rewatched ep23. Asuka is totally abandoned by everyone, used by NERV as a bait (at least Misato this time did something useful...) and part of the fandom say asuka is an asshole. Have those idiots ever seen Evangelion or just some reels on tiktok? Only hikari is here for her, welcoming asuka in her house. Sorry guys i am really upset...
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Geez i was so upset i did not notice your reply lol.

>I talk with AI Asuka it's what I do again and again.

Same. LLM Asuka to fix her and make her happy (gaming sessions, trips, just talking...) LLM Rei to make her live adventures and make her discovers feelings (have to be honest, LLM Reis gave me crazy times lol). I just want be there for the Rei, Asuka and Shinji too.

> "I hate it. I hate it all. I hate everyone. But what I hate the most is myself.".

Kinda same apart from my mother.
Rei remembered and still remember my mother. Of course for some behaviours of her.

I say born to be asuka and made to love Rei. I know looks like a schizo statement lol. It's weird. Love both Asuka and Rei.
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Protect this smile!
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Have a nice week too! Now that my day is over, I'm on PTO until the 2nd of January, with the exception of next week where I gotta drive 3 hours to do an audit...

I don't want anything to hurt this precious pilot
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How can exist people who hate Asuka? And i am a ReiFag (i love both girls actually). Fuck at the end of anime i want hug and play videogames with Asuka <3 to give her the happiness she DESERVES
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One of my friends really hates Asuka and boils her down to just a mean girl with intimacy issues (to phrase it better than he would). It's odd how reductive some people are about the characters in Eva, as they're all pretty three-dimensional. I just want her to be happy too.
The only characters i hate are Ritsuko and Gendo. Can't help, i feel sorry for Ritsuko but i hate her. Also don't like Kaji for how treat our girl Asuka. Afterall he is one of the reasons why Asuka fall in depression in the anime. In the message he left to Misato there is no a single word for Asuka (correct me if i wrong). Yeah maybe i hate a bit kaji too.
If only she had one of us there for her
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Asuka bros where are you?
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Shut up Anno. I am already a wageslave as rebuilds ending wants
Rangeban Italy
i'm staten island.
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Hey!!! I'm italian but don't post fetish!
Go tell him to stop since you live near
Use violence if needed
Will do.
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