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Wanted some Prettycures or Megucas? Too bad. It’s Pixy Misa time.

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Isn’t she the cutest?
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Absolute queen
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She even has a pokemon
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She is also good with nunchucks. Actually not really
She sits in a puff...menancingly
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But let’s not forget her alter ego
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She's the highlight of the entire show and best incarnation of the Misao character.
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Truer words have never been spoken.
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One more!
Technically the same person in the multiverse
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An oldie but goodie
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this one aint too bad actually
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I want to see the other Misaos turned as Pixy Misa. There's at least four altogether since the Pretty Sammy OVA and TV series are different continuities. We probably would have gotten a reference to Pixy Misa at least if Battle Programmer Shirase didn't end out of nowhere.
It would be nice to see her as Pixy Misa elsewhere but eh BPS bombed for a reason. It sucked. Misao was nice there…but it was a bad show otherwise. I hope we see her in a shiw that’s actually good someday
this one melts my heart
a rare emotional one.
a chibi one
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Dam I wish I had used this as the profile pic
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The one and only
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She and sasami
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I know maybe I am the only one that cares about her but by sharing pics of misao hopefully someone else will be curious enough to Watch her show…
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Misao kind transformation sequence.
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One more menanding one
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Simple yet effective
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But lets not forget abouther alter ego
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This is a cute one
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Underrated joke
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I dig this style a lot
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She needs more love
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Best magical girl duo
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I thought this was funny but you would gave to watch her show to get it.
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How it all started

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