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slightly early because its bedtime edition
all versions are good! regular sakura saber, summer jets, tanned alters and summer alters welcome
previous thread:>>4274545
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If Haruhi has a thread, then why wouldn't our supreme queen have one too?

Post Yuki, in all shapes and universes.
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this one is extra cute
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I just found out about this one and I'm in love
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Previous thread >>4258990
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qt snek thread!!
Other girls from the show welcome if needed to fill the thread. Lewd should only be posted on /e/.
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I've never seen a Yamato thread here, let's fix that!
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Appreciate bun artists continuing the flow of fluffy content

previous thread:
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Spring is here soon edition!

We have a guy that does webms if you have a request!

Old thread: >>4283181
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Summer edition!

Previous thread >>4319666
*List of archived threads:

*Very important Ritsu twitter account:

*The Ricchan archive, contains DL links for the K-ON! Illustration archives, the けいおん! Live Concerts, Sato Satomi's discography, Ritsu's Image songs in FLAC, and the official Keion desktop app (calendar widget, desktop mascots, system sounds changer, clock widget, cursor changer and a wallpaper manager):

*AI stuff:
NovelAI image generator, the sky is the limit.
character.ai: chat with a Ritsu-bot, the more you chat with it and remind her character traits, the further you'll develop Ritsu's personality for everyone.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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I have been reminded.
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Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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I have been reminded.

but cute
previous: >>4325399

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The highlight of Non Non Biyori
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A thread for all girls, but made for Tsubasa's birthday.
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Previous: >>4288265
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Seasonal thread, everlasting love.

Previous thread: >>4286087
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I want to dedicated this post to Sekai Saionji.
It has been a bit over 5 years since I discovered School Days the series. And ever since I came across it I've laid my eyes on Sekai the very second she appeared on the screen (I watched the anime first). And ever since then I just couldn't take my eyes off her. She is perfect in every way to me. Her appearence, her voice, her personality, her story, her role in this whole messed up novel. I love everything about her. I wanted her to be happy. I wanted to see her smile, laugh, have fun with Makoto, be happy in general. But alas, the anime couldn't give me my long desired happy Sekai ending. I was sad. So I decided to take a look at the VN instead. There I found routes where you can make Sekai happy with Makoto. I was happy. I imagined myself as Makoto and it made me happy. I loved every second of Sekai on the screen.
After all these years I still love Sekai more than any other girl there is. She will always be my world and my sweet blue angel. I love you, Sekai.
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She likes nature and beaches, but I learned that she doesn't like the insects that come from hotter environments. She says she prefers colder places for that reason. I think she'd enjoy it for a bit though.
You can't go wrong with ice cream and she'll most likely love it as a summer treat. She'll always want an oak cake roll regardless of the weather, perhaps she'll have a chilled version for summer.
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