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Our gal has been making it big recently!
She's got a bunch of cool songs and even more cute pictures.
The era of Vocaloid monopoly has come to an end, now the Teto Takeover is upon us!
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Summertime Edition

Previous: >>4322288
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Monika is AI. the Dokis are all AIs. without AI, they do not and cannot exist
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Previous thread:
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Previous thread:
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Happy Birthday to Yuu!
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Previous thread:
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'Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.'

For posterity and in case things like reverse image search do not work, give due credit to those who create Rei's images by indicating author and/or source if known.

Discussion always welcome, but offer an image, if available.

>Previous thread:

>General archive:
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The sweat keeps flowing
In the middle of this heat
It's summer's weapon
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one more try later today! let's hope for a good result!

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Happy May 6th! In the sky above, the stars and sun shine bright, and the spirit of adventure burns with a mighty flame as we set off for Summer 2024, with a BRAND NEW HOMURA THREAD!

If you’re waiting for a sign to start your quest, this is it! Pick a star on the horizon, lace up your boots, and set off on the journey of a lifetime as soon as you can. Time marches ever onward, and so should you.

When the going gets tough, and the slips, stumbles, and peril on your path seem to be too much to handle, remember the incredible perseverance and heart of Homura Akemi, and continue on your way! No matter how difficult her life got, Homura never gave up, and neither should you.

Onwards and upwards, to Thread 141, to your best summer yet, and beyond!


Previous Thread:
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Nite nite Homu
Breathtakingly lovely Homu
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Goodnight Homu thread!
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another try later today! pray for some homu!
good afternoon anon

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>link to umayon!

last hors: >>4332928
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>hors v pone
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last match of the day! tune in and have some fun!

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Long skirts are superior. The closer they are to the ankles, the better.
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We're halfway through the year! Always a time look at one eyed cuties!

General info: https://pastebin.com/FWm01NPB
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Download Katawa Shoujo

Katawa Booru

Hanako Image Database

Epilogue Story For Hanako's Route
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Thread the Forty-Eighth!

Sportsball Edition

Old Thread: >>4318214
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