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Remember to stay warm

Previous thread >>4367191
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I like this bigass rabbit thing
I was trying to see the apps she had on her phone and I realized the phone's screen is scratched up because she has claws. Thats a really neat detail
Cute outfit
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POV: you taped yourself to the ceilling again

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All characters from the show Cardcaptor Sakura

Old thread >>4375796
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Posting other vampires in here is also okay.
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Looks like Big Venus wiped out the entire board, time to start over new.
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World War 3 edition

Guide to Steins;Gate content: https://rentry.org/steins-cute

Other Sci;Adv girls also welcome.

Previous thread: >>4369622
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The holidays are almost upon us!

It's time for us to enjoy life with our friends and family, and to show our appreciation of them with our gifts.

And there is no better way show your appreciation of Ho-kago Tea Time's resident ojou Kotobuki Tsumugi than to share the gift of our images of her on /c/!

Hopefully we can keep the positive vibes and chill atmosphere going until New Years, because it's the season of cheer!

Keep spreading the love, and thank you as always.

Continued from: >>4357447
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Hololive, V4Mirai, Indies, etc.
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Wan wan! Bau bau!

Come on /c/, you like dog girls right?
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An undying love, forever and ever.

Previous thread: >>4351315
103 replies and 88 images omitted. Click here to view.
It was the Mai Kawakami anon. Not sure what he's doing now.
Bad ayahuasca trip fried his brain after he tried to recondition his brain to ignore the surge in AI art. Heard he was going on a pilgrimage to Cuba to isolate himself from the internet to draw while completely offline but he hasn't connected in several years.
He also seemed to be a bit alarmed because he was past the 36 year old mark and it was slowing him down at sports.
I just know that wherever he is he must be still trying to become better.
Kind of sad that most of the original anons became normalfags like Rakkafag who became a junky, Yuurifag who joined the army to escape being illegally in Wyoming, Girlfriendfag outing himself as a degenerate, Urabefag joining the Sinaloa Cartel and dying, Renafag disappearing or Lizfag being arrested for threatening a judge with illegal weapons.

Waifuism is dead and the current selfship/yume/"f/o" shit just shows it.
>Urabefag joining the Sinaloa Cartel and dying
Isn't he still posting on /a/'s WWD?
I'm never leaving.
Kotori krashing into the thread because she's KUTE. I love my soft and snuggly spirit possessed wife.
She's knowledgeable and good at keeping a group's attention, I think she'd do well
I'm getting some special art made, I've been considering it for a while and I'm finally going to pull the trigger.
>Waifuism is dead
Was it ever really alive? It's always been incredibly niche and littered with posers, degenerates and others that have no business claiming to have a waifu. Still, It's interesting hearing what (allegedly) happened to some of these people that I knew in one way or another.

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