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Winter Edition

The year is ending, and looping back so we can do it all again. I hope you had a wonderful time.

Previous thread
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I'm gonna need this Padoru in gif form, anon.
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It was nice having the poster count for threads like this. Are there still around 20 people who participate in these Holo threads?
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We can always do a manual roll call
I am anonymous, you may also call me anon 2 because you're anon 1
And I'm Peter 3, although you can just call me Peter!
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OP here, this should bring us up to 4.
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pretty wolf :)
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Don't forget February 10 has been decided as the Holo's unofficial birthday. Especially now that new anime came out and there was that wacchi channeru thing on youtube, in the very beginning there's a question about birthday and Holo answers "I don't remember". Since official sources don't want to tell us, we have to take things into our own hands.
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I love Horo!!!
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She's so sweet :)
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Happy holidays anons
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Happy Holo days anons
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Merry Christmas!
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Merry xmas! I love my wife!
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Just started re-reading the novels, it's such a romantic and lovely story.
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Happy New Year!
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Happy new year!
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this is a very pretty korbo
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Korbo is always very pretty
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>page 5
this need a bump asap
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