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It ain't me edition
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I love Yuu
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Glad you could make it, Yuu-poster.
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Glad to be here, thanks for the thread.
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>Problem, officer?
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I love them. Nemo is easily the second best girl for me after Tomoko. Their character dynamics are excellent.
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Can two people who don't like the same anime really be friends?
Movie coming this fall.
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I love her. One of these characters that seem simple at first but there's much depth to them, in Nemo's case it's being abandoned by both her weeaboo friends and popular classmates in middle school when she wanted to be friends with both but didn't notice a big conflict of values and interests that made both groups exclude her from their social circles. Being left alone hit her so hard that she decided to have a total makeover and a strong debut in the high school, but it's just one big act, or rather a voluntary depersonalization, seeing herself as a character in a slice-of-life anime. She was living in such detachment from reality until she met Tomoko, opened up to her and learned that she can be true to herself after all. It was a therapeutic experience for a stray kitty that Nemo was. She's the perfect complement for Tomoko and her character depth. She's much more than a filthy normie that Tomoko used to think of her as at the beginning of the manga and during the whole anime.
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Thanks for saving Tomoko. You'll always be a legend.
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She also possesses the sexiest pose in Watamote.
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Hmm, I hope that wasn't too spicy for /c/.
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Bunnysuits can be tricky, but that fits her fine and no overly sexual details to see, so looks perfectly fine for /c/ imo desu.
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for me it's the prettiest version of Yuu by far, more innocent + less normie than the current one and more refined than the old one, shame that she had this look only for a brief moment
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We were doing so well with a 1:1 post to image ratio, and you had to come along and ruin it.
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I didn't have any relevant picture but still had to comment, forgive me
here, have cats

It is cute when you have those scenes where shes home at night wearing glasses. Feels a bit like you're not supposed to see her like that
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