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Let's try to get some variety going with the detachment types, shall we?
Previous thread: >>4305573
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Miyako is the sunshine in Sunshine Sketch!
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the sunshine of sunshine sketch

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So cute!
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Post girls in overalls, pinafore dresses, in pants or skirts with suspenders, or any similar such clothing.

It's a bit broad, but last time I found out that overalls and pinafores are different things.
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I think girls with instruments are cute. ill make a thread dedicated to them
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Zundamon is cute enough to be posted in /c/, don't you think?
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post delusional girls here
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how about a thread to celebrate her new game
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The OG tsundere queen: Shana!
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Blue Archive, Arknights, Genshin Impact, etc
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Real knigga hours.
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Can't get enough of the stuff.
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Every girl is welcome, though i will mostly post my favourites- junko, sayaka and celeste.
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she looks like sengoku nadeko...

but cute
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This was a pretty good thread. Hoepfully we can have another Denpa thread at some point

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