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Happy birthday to Rise Kujikawa, The Scandalous Superstar Idol!
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Previous thread >>4258990
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the defenition of cuteness
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Post cute girls who have inanimate objects instead of human heads!
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Let's try to get some variety going with the detachment types, shall we?
Previous thread: >>4305573
76 replies and 75 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Dumping my collection of Z1 Leberecht Maass from Kancolle
First thread >>3673379
Second thread >>3964172
Third thread >>4252948
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I love Z1, she's the cutest!
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Hope you enjoyed!
The rate of new art has slowed down a lot, so it might be a while before another thread.

Here's the links to the archives for the lazy people.
1st thread https://desuarchive.org/c/thread/3673379/
2nd thread https://desuarchive.org/c/thread/3964172/
3rd thread https://desuarchive.org/c/thread/4252948/

Rei and Asuka can fight over best girl, but Misato has always been the queen
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How come there's not a thread for the cutest oni?
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Chloe and Miyu also welcome.
Shitposts and whatnot go on /a/.
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Post anime girls in christmas or holiday outfits
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I've never seen a Yamato thread here, let's fix that!
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Tifa Lockhart Thread LX - Rebirth Edition

Previous Thread: >>4280140
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Zundamon is cute enough to be posted in /c/, don't you think?
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How dare you

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love nikki is so underground, there's only one youtuber who's actually popular
Please post 4-5 images to start your thread.
Read the sticky and lurk moar.

Happy birthday to Momoka Sakurai! Let's celebrate!
95 replies and 95 images omitted. Click here to view.
No necrobumping please. If you're going to post, at least have the common courtesy of contributing an image to the thread.

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