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Previous thread >>4258990
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we are so back
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white (〃ω〃)
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you are so right
never watched LS, but there sure is a lot of cosplay art of Konata, does she do it in canon too?
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Yes. Her VA is Aya Hirano and there was a huge thing about her dressing up like Haruhi.
Watch Lucky Star.
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don't tell me you forgot about kuroko...
icic, thanks. it's on my list...
been there for a decade ( ´・ω・)
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BK201 (BEST KONA 201)
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wife post
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i love her so much it's scary
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weak (waifless anons) should fear the strong (waifu havers)
I love my former waifu
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i love her
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We all do
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Captcha: HAPPY
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let her cook
shes just like me frfr
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is there any art of Konana as a TF2 merc?
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I just have one
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Happy early birthday to my waifu
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happy birthday konata!
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