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Rei and Asuka can fight over best girl, but Misato has always been the queen
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everybody knows this
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>Misato has always been the one capable of competent sex
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So I recently went to an anime convention and there was a woman cosplaying as misato, she looked like if Misato would've become real and made my jaw drop
eventually we went past each other and I complimented her cosplay as we passed each other, she then responded with a shy " Thanks!"
Misato cosplayers are based
do you think she actually cared for shinji as a motherly figure or was it all either manipulation or lust?
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she is literally the perfect mother/wife
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Anyone have Misato Tickle Interrogation by KiimmoTK + variants?

Variants are feet tickling, nude version, wet, licking, orgasm face
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I like face but pic too gray. Kinda depressive.
I made it brighter
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Misato and her son!
TFW you won't get back to "do the rest" after a grown-up kiss with Misato. Why live?
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I wear her necklace so she's always with me
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This picture is the most beautiful Misato art of all time.
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I agree, but please don't textpost bump on /c/.
shes too old to be best 'girl' ikr?
>too old
She's an adult bruh fucking nonce
She definitely cared, the only problem was that she couldn't express it properly, especially near the end. Unironically all the characters in Eva sort of have decent feelings towards eachother before episode ~21, the tragedy of it is their complete inability to communicate these feelings with eachother.

Now if you wanted to debate whether Misato saw Asuka the same way, I think you'd have a far more lively debate.
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Imagine wouldn't attach, solly
aaaaand it's inexplicably low quality kill me
How do we feel about 3.0 miasto
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I hate everything about 3.0 and the rebuilds in general
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I love my mom so much
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Did you know that Misato was inspired by Sailor Moon?
Prove it.
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