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'Tis the season edition
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Let us set sail...for CHRISTMASU!
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But what is Christmasu?
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Umaru is on the /a/ daily stream for Decembah!
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Don we now our nug apparel!
Fa-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la!
Troll the kibishii Onii-chan
Fa-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la
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What are they gonna deliver to anon?
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Only the finest of presentos, of course!
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I don't know the lyrics...
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Umaru... has changed.
That is a rather peculiar nug.
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Tis nuggling right here is the oddest I got
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Maybe they could put on a snazzy samunug helmet.
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Or maybe we embrace the oddness and whatever SHENANIGANS may follow!
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To oddness and shenanigans!
I beg your hecking pardon?
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We'll keep the shenanigans silly and lighthearted .
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I heard there was a canon Master and the Mysterious Fish crossover.
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Oh noes!
It is Frown-Sama!
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Frown sama gets like that.
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>red shonug
Or is it chonky shonug?
This one looks like. Well, let's just say it knows where the imperial dumpling cellar is.
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>chonky shonug
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Chonky shonug would probably like KFT
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Merry Christmas!
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Opening 4chan today
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Melli Kuristmasu, nugbros!
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The wolfnugget!
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I like the little red nug hood arc
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Happy New Year!
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It got chased away!
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Wolf nug and monstah nug should hang out
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Merry christmas and happy new year umaru bros.
I've been a bit blue so I haven't checked in for a little bit, but I am with you always!!! Wishing you all a great 2025.
May whatever ails you and gives you the blues pass away, nugbro
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And now... we set sail into 2025!
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>it knows where the imperial dumpling cellar is
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Thank you nugbro! I hope the hamster can recover its chips from the hamster.
good luck on your speedrun hamter
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Did that happen already? The games done quick thing?
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Did you raff rittre nugblo? Did you rike it?
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Yes. I raughed and liked it a lot but I wonder if the chonky shonug appreciated the humor.
Well, I do rike it when nugbros laugh. I like it a lot.
As for chonky shonug, well, usually, nuggets (besides frown sama) tend to appreciate silliness and humor, so, it probably wouldn't mind.
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