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'Tis the season edition
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Let us set sail...for CHRISTMASU!
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But what is Christmasu?
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Umaru is on the /a/ daily stream for Decembah!
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Don we now our nug apparel!
Fa-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la!
Troll the kibishii Onii-chan
Fa-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la
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What are they gonna deliver to anon?
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Only the finest of presentos, of course!
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I don't know the lyrics...
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Umaru... has changed.
That is a rather peculiar nug.
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Tis nuggling right here is the oddest I got
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Maybe they could put on a snazzy samunug helmet.
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Or maybe we embrace the oddness and whatever SHENANIGANS may follow!
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To oddness and shenanigans!
I beg your hecking pardon?
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We'll keep the shenanigans silly and lighthearted .
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I heard there was a canon Master and the Mysterious Fish crossover.
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Oh noes!
It is Frown-Sama!
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Frown sama gets like that.
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>red shonug
Or is it chonky shonug?
This one looks like. Well, let's just say it knows where the imperial dumpling cellar is.
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>chonky shonug
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Chonky shonug would probably like KFT
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Merry Christmas!
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Opening 4chan today
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Melli Kuristmasu, nugbros!
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The wolfnugget!
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I like the little red nug hood arc
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Happy New Year!
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It got chased away!
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Wolf nug and monstah nug should hang out
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Merry christmas and happy new year umaru bros.
I've been a bit blue so I haven't checked in for a little bit, but I am with you always!!! Wishing you all a great 2025.
May whatever ails you and gives you the blues pass away, nugbro
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And now... we set sail into 2025!
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>it knows where the imperial dumpling cellar is
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Thank you nugbro! I hope the hamster can recover its chips from the hamster.
good luck on your speedrun hamter
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Did that happen already? The games done quick thing?
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Did you raff rittre nugblo? Did you rike it?
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Yes. I raughed and liked it a lot but I wonder if the chonky shonug appreciated the humor.
Well, I do rike it when nugbros laugh. I like it a lot.
As for chonky shonug, well, usually, nuggets (besides frown sama) tend to appreciate silliness and humor, so, it probably wouldn't mind.
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So cute and nuggerific!
It fills me with joy, do we have any clue what it's from/what it says? Did a teacher draw a nugget as a reward? Did the kid?
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I give it an A+
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Who ate all the chipsu? I bet it was the red shonug.
Chonug, as I propose it be called.
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Do you (or anyone, really) have that popuko pic where she laments that she couldn't compete against umaru because her release schedule changed? I think it fits this thread, as it references THE UMARU
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Being quite friendly folks, nuggets easily make friends with others.
In a room piled high with wrappers and cheer,
Lives Umaru-chan, the queen of the sphere.
With potato chips crunching, she munches away,
While cola is flowing, it’s the perfect day!

Her hamsters, are fluffballs named Hamsaburou and Hamjirou, they're sly,
Watching her antics with a twinkle in their eye.
They spin in their wheel, racing fast like a champ,
While Umaru’s on screen, playing games like a stamp.

“Look at me!” she shouts, through a mouthful of fries,
“Beating this level, oh my, what a prize!”
With a controller in hand and a soda nearby,
She’s a gaming guru, don’t ask her to try!

Jumpu magazines are there, stacked high on her shelf,
With tips, tricks, and cheats, "You've got to excel!"
But all that she reads, she just tosses aside,
For snacks are her passion; she’ll eat them with pride.

Her onii chan will scold, “Hey, Umaru, you brat!
You’ve turned our place into a junk food-lover's flat!”
But she winks and she giggles, unbothered by care,
As hamsters and chips form a rambunctious pair.

So here’s to the world of our couch potato queen,
With Hamsaburou and Hamjirou, and soda so keen.
Let’s all raise a chip, give a cola-filled cheer,
For Umaru-chan’s gaming... now it’s snack time, my dear!
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That is a very nice poem, anon-chan!
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Perhaps you'd enjoy this work about the nug.
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It's quite a masterpiece.
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Why is this nuggie sad? How can we help?
She misses her fellow nuggie friend.
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Cheer up lil' nug
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We should be keeping her company, then, till her friend arrives!
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The hamsterlings are loyal friends! Why would they do that?
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They are loyal friends but on the other hand training hamsterlings to deliver chipsu can be harder than it looks.
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The yukata-Kirie seems to love it.
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Glad they enjoyed the silliness.
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The teacher gave a "wonderful" mark, I think that's what that flower means.
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Beautiful. Thank you for spreading the cheer.
>the queen of the sphere
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Silliness and nugginess goes hand in hand!
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i love it when she yaaa gomen gomens!
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Hamsters often have reasons to yaa gomen gomen!
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Is Umaru's hamster hoody alive!?
Maybe nugginess has transitive properties
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yaa gomen gomen is super effective against the oniichan type!
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I was thinking it's a symbiotic alien and possibly the source of nug powers.
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But surely there are no aliens. After all Umaru has shown nuggy properties while hoodieless, so. Surely, no agents exist, right?
Beep bop beep, I am a human sending this post.

Surely, hamsters wouldn't take advantage of that, right?
*No aliens. Agents do exist, Uma Johnson being one, duh
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That's a good point seeing how UMR can be in nug form.
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hammies would take advantage but only in trivial ways so as to not actually harm the niichans. after all, they are a vital source of chippsu... we need them around! kukuku...
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Or this pink one!
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We can't rule out that the alien hamster hoodie hasn't already bonded with Umrau on a cellular level that wouldn't require her to be wearing the hoodie to use it's powers.
Wouldn't that make hammies....parasitic to the niichans?
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To the contrary, powers the alien hamster hoodie imbued Umaru with would actually aid her against the deranged ninja nuggets. This is all speculative as we can only theorize on the true nature of the hamster hoodie. It could be a divine hamster spirit guardian.
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Happy Valentine's!
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Happy Valentine's day anons!
It's mutualism – where both species benefit. Biology!
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What about. The rare.
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The hamster hoodie is replicating somehow.
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I can't tell if this is cursed or one of the most glorious creations of mankind.
I got chills.
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Maybe Onii-chan is more mysterious than we thought!
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Nugs know fancy martial arts.
Also, do nugs go along with kittens? I got a cat, curious if the NUG would like it.
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We need a sponseru soon.
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These are tiring, trying and dangerous times. We need to be on alert.
So how about extra napping as the sponsoru?
If you sleep too much you'll miss springtime though. What about the outdoors?
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