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The holidays are almost upon us!

It's time for us to enjoy life with our friends and family, and to show our appreciation of them with our gifts.

And there is no better way show your appreciation of Ho-kago Tea Time's resident ojou Kotobuki Tsumugi than to share the gift of our images of her on /c/!

Hopefully we can keep the positive vibes and chill atmosphere going until New Years, because it's the season of cheer!

Keep spreading the love, and thank you as always.

Continued from: >>4357447
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Ooh appreciate the timely new thread. Kudos OP.
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No problem anon!
Happy early holidays, everybody!
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Thank you drawfren but damn it's still November
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I hate posters on /c/ so much. You guys are cool though.
>I hate posters on /c/ so much
Why? Is it because of the shitposters? Or the Janny's pets constantly narcing on people?
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The latter but mostly how so many have a smug sense of superiority in how chaste and peaceful this board when they're actually as autistic and argumentative as the rest of 4chan just about how much they hate porn instead of how much they love it. That's why I'm grateful Moog threads have always been chill.
Hello? Based Department? I think. you dropped this!
>*picks up crown*
I did NOT intend for that period to be there, lol.
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You just know the Kotobuki Corporation has the Based Department on speed dial.
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Soon indeed!

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