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Mods accidentally the board (the whole board!), guess we're starting over. I'll post a handful to start with, bear with my pace.

The darker and gloomier the better, but other kinds are fine too. Anything between gothic lolita and mallgoths to pastel goths, and they can range from moody and serious to energetic and genki.

No AI trash.
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screw the mods >:(
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Volume 03 is in progress.
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Anyone has an URL of the old thread?, I cant find it in archives.
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>He doesn't know
Let's just say it's something that these goth girls would love.....ITS DEEEEEAAAAD
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she likes having sex
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Who doesn't?
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Here you go anon, images seemed to have made it.

Something you'll never have.
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Volume 03 storytime now.
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Haven't posted here in a little while. Got volume 04 scanned, and 05 is on the way, though the translator guys got hit with some of the recent harsh weather. Hope they're good.
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i love finding low res 20 year old photos of emo anime girls
There's something special about a lot of those.
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goth boots...
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