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Apparently the 2000-year cycle just wiped out all of 4chan. But Nanachi shall endure, so post buns again
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My beloved Kemono thread has been obliterated in the downfall. Can I stay the night?
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We're the first one's back so you know Nanachi is best girl
Previous thread:
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Fluffy sleepover sounds pretty nice
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I'm scared
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Can anything be safe if /c/ isn't?
Multiple boards got wiped including /a/ but apparently not all. Quite curious to know what happened
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I will be too. It scared me for a moment, because /c/ is the place I let my inner kyute lover free.
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Mods "made a mistake"
I still want to know what that mistake was. To be honest this is pretty entertaining, lucky for me I wasn't invested in any threads on any slow boards
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I was just worried that we'd lost the board for a moment.
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/c/ is more important than half the boards on 4chan. Not many things better than enjoying pictures of cute 2D girls. We're not going anywhere
>Verification not required.
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/c/ is my home. It's sad how few people understand the joy of enjoying cute anime girls. Everyone assumes it's some sexual thing :<
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Comfy fluffiness
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I love my wife Nanachi!
>my wife
Shes mine, back off
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Name this Nanachi.
Gentlemen, it was a nice ride, however...
>half a year waiting only to get another (or technically still the same) cliffhanger
I just want to fall asleep and not wake up tomorrow...
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is it over?
yes brutal Nanachi death confirmed in preview pics
Don't worry guys. She's still breathing
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Who is the step brother?
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Nanachi eating a sandwich
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Nanachi can't enjoy her sandwich
This. Nanachi is kill
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They can take the sign down now.
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Nanachi bros... Is it over?
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That's right. Summer is almost over! No more Nanachi eating melom.
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Nanachi was happier with Mitty
many years alive and well
now Nanachi is kill
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now it is done, summer, Nanachi is over
Nanachi is over! Dead!
ugh i swear there was a photo of nanachi holding an ar 15 or something
I found two: (technically an m16a1 but same shit)
this one is probably an m4 variant but also same shit
while i'm here...
lever-action nanachi the best
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oops, nearly forgot one

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