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Apparently the 2000-year cycle just wiped out all of 4chan. But Nanachi shall endure, so post buns again
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My beloved Kemono thread has been obliterated in the downfall. Can I stay the night?
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We're the first one's back so you know Nanachi is best girl
Previous thread:
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Fluffy sleepover sounds pretty nice
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I'm scared
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Can anything be safe if /c/ isn't?
Multiple boards got wiped including /a/ but apparently not all. Quite curious to know what happened
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I will be too. It scared me for a moment, because /c/ is the place I let my inner kyute lover free.
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Mods "made a mistake"
I still want to know what that mistake was. To be honest this is pretty entertaining, lucky for me I wasn't invested in any threads on any slow boards
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I was just worried that we'd lost the board for a moment.
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/c/ is more important than half the boards on 4chan. Not many things better than enjoying pictures of cute 2D girls. We're not going anywhere
>Verification not required.
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/c/ is my home. It's sad how few people understand the joy of enjoying cute anime girls. Everyone assumes it's some sexual thing :<
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Comfy fluffiness
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I love my wife Nanachi!
>my wife
Shes mine, back off
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Name this Nanachi.
Gentlemen, it was a nice ride, however...
>half a year waiting only to get another (or technically still the same) cliffhanger
I just want to fall asleep and not wake up tomorrow...
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is it over?
yes brutal Nanachi death confirmed in preview pics
Don't worry guys. She's still breathing
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Who is the step brother?
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Nanachi eating a sandwich
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Nanachi can't enjoy her sandwich
This. Nanachi is kill
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They can take the sign down now.
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Nanachi bros... Is it over?
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That's right. Summer is almost over! No more Nanachi eating melom.
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Nanachi was happier with Mitty
many years alive and well
now Nanachi is kill
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now it is done, summer, Nanachi is over
Nanachi is over! Dead!
ugh i swear there was a photo of nanachi holding an ar 15 or something
I found two: (technically an m16a1 but same shit)
this one is probably an m4 variant but also same shit
while i'm here...
lever-action nanachi the best
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oops, nearly forgot one
This is also a Nanachi with guns based on a famous character (I don't know who that is)
The bananachi video got copyright claimed... it's gone...
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Happy birthday Skalel.
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anyone got the original nanachi eated an borgar pic
Haxxor Bunny from Honkai Impact 3rd
There's still this
the hat almost fits
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i like thud tsukushiA guy
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Get that AI shit out of here
how do you know it was AI? i almost saved it
reverse image search
>i can't tell the difference unless someone tells me
>it's still shit and i won't save it
does this mean anything that doesn't show up in a google search i could call AI and you'd immediately go from enjoying it to calling it soulless slop? if a "soul" is this easily influenced, what's the point of distiguishing it?
>I like the image but now that I know it's ai I don't like it anymore
what part of
>i almost saved it
is hard to understand? i save even the worst Nanachi if it's not AI generated slop
i sus'd it out just from the thumbnail and didn't save it, though i might have done so by accident when saving the thread
>I almost like the image but now that I know it's ai I don't like it anymore
grow a fuckin spine loser. you don't get any redditbux for saying you hate AI. it's your life, do what you want and shut the fuck up about it.
NPC/bot response detected
says the guy that would have perfectly enjoyed an image until someone said his MKULTRA triggerword
>oh what a nice nanach- BZZZT AI DETECTED
>IF RESPONSE==NEGATIVE; THEN ECHO("NPC/bot response detected")
Brother, I could tell you your own mother's framed photo of your missing father was AI and you'd throw it into a fire you braindead retard
nobody gives a shit that you "would have liked this if it didn't say AI in the corner". have your own opinions and keep them to yourself.
>says the guy that would have perfectly enjoyed an image
>i save even the worst Nanachi if it's not AI generated slop

And stop projecting, desperate AI shill
you're just making yourself look even more retarded
I don't give a shit about AI, but (YOU) literally cannot tell the difference between "slop" and "non-slop" which means you rely solely on the input of other people to tell you how to feel about an image. if that's not the definition of robot then idk what is.

what's there to shill? you already bought it until someone told you not to. that very "SOVL" you think you have is already gone, replaced with literal groupthink, as proven here in this very thread.
>but (YOU) literally cannot tell the difference between "slop" and "non-slop"
yes I can, you are literally triggered because this is the 1 in 100 case where I wasn't sure and I didn't even save it still
Desperate pajeet
AI Nanachi is based!
Nanachi got skibidi rizz fr? yeesh
>I can tell the difference!
>I am a real boy!!
>Don't call me a robot i'm a real boy gepetto!
Is this English Nanachi voice of Japanese Nanachi trained to speak Eigo.

Eigo means English.
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Translator's note: Keikaki means plan
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Nanachi as a famous character from children's battles manga [probably]
Not a clue what this could be referencing
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Seriously, if English Nanachi sounds like that thats pretty good voice acting
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Nanachi is just like me for real
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guess it's time to migrate to /cm/
>girls are devils
It's over.......
As a faggot myself, I reject this meme. Nanachi is one of the very little female characters I like, I like her as a female, it makes her more special to me. I couldn't care less about random side content, I will only change my mind if in the next volume Tukushi draws no less than three full pages showing extremely detailed closeups of Nanachi's dick.

Jokes aside, that's super cute, I would love to have a Nanachi. And a Regu.
>very little
FEW. I meant very FEW. Fuck.
tsukushi himself has only ever referred to nanachi as ambiguous, never directly as male and this is purely as shotabait to make the character more marketable to other manga demographics - there is a good chance the publishers have asked this of him as this happens often.

nanachi is an asexual non-binary character without any faggot bs and that's fine. narehate have a cloaca anyway, so who cares.
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As someone who hasn't read or watched Made in Abyss, but has fallen in love with Nanachi and Faputa (from a distance), what ought I know about them?
obviously spoilers

Nanachi is the result of horrific human experiments on orphaned children, who carried around her best friend after they were turned into a sentient doormat. her first arc revolves around gaining the courage to end her friends miserable existence, and her character after that has a lot of "dealing with the guilt of killing my best friend after she was made into a sentient doormat"
she canonically smells irresitable to Reg and others and is frequently "fluffed" by Reg. She is also possibly immortal (not invulnerable though as the last chapter showed, RIP) but this is speculation on my part

Faputa is similar but instead of human experiments it's more like a monkeys paw. a rape victim was forced to wish on a magic stone for her villiage to live forever. this caused her to be was turned into an eternal food source (by having babys that immediately die and can be used as food, and also she was turned into a magic flesh-villiage (exactly how it sounds) that they live in) for the villiagers who were now immortal for the same reasons Nanachi might be, except they aren't all cute they all look fucked up. She then wished for a baby that didn't become food, and gave birth to the immortal Faputa, who, as a result of her mother's third wish kill (either revenge or mercy) all the now eternally suffering villiagers, wants to commit murder unending. She loves Reg because she met him in Reg's past life as The Terminator before he became Astro Boy.
Faputa is canonically a liquid according to in-universe field guides by Riko.
She puts "sosu" at the end of every sentence because that's what royalty is supposed to do.

Made in Abyss is really fucked up when you recap it like this. i might be missing stuff, it's been years. we only get 1-3 chapters a year on a good year
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You're sad
If you don't like AI generated pictures, you don't like Nanachi, simple as
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How does Nanachi do it?
Is this the face of disgust?
This is my favorite artist, he is so funny haha
: - )
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I had KFC nuggies, do those count too? Made me sad after I looked on the scale
Dumb take
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95% of Nanachi AIshit is just a fox girl with white hair. It's garbage. Very rarely does it even look like Nanachi.
If you like Nanachi AI generated images, you don't like Nanachi.
Heh none of you losers could tell this is A.I. generated
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Imagine the sound
It's better without the sound to be honest
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I love my wife Nanachi!
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nanachi will never eat this and never find happi
Death confirm chapter out in January
Peak Nanachi.
All I want for Christmas is confirmation of Nanachi life
All I want for Christmas is confirmation of Nanachi's death
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I love my wife Nanachi!
Nanachi death announcement was sadly postponed until after Golden Week, wish it happened on Christmas. I celebrate Hanukkah btw
>two dead creature
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is my waif nanachi dead yet
should i stop reading nanachi anime
i havent readed past the when
the moth come and
uhh thing happen
i dont wanna nanahci dead in my head cannon
She's very badly injured and she certainly might be dead, but the manga didn't explicitly confirm it yet, we'll probably know for sure in the next update, I'd recommend you to wait until then to decide if you want to catch up.
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I got a Nanachi plush!!!
post it anon
>no back stripe
Naaa, are you gonna scroll by without saying howdy?
i just want everyone to die
The many people Nanachi killed
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The many people Nanachi tended to
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Who is the best Nanachi artist in the post Kawasemi era? This guy or SKA LEL SKY?
I'm glad we have both
ok guys, i want a tattoo of nanachi fishing. post your best fishing nanachi images for references
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Too close to the camera
pls convert this into a professional .mp4 file that can be posted here, i don't like the web conversion sites
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Here you go.
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wtf this is porn
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I saw that you sick fuck
Stop posting Nanachi pornography !!!!!
>there was no Valentine's Nanachi last week
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According to my research, the mods freaked.
No idea why.

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