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Post the adorable longears.
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my brain is so broken, i am able to look at these beautiful creatures with absolutely 0 lust, just an appreciation for elves
Smelly elf.
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no u
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Well then what do they smell like then? Cuz they certainly don't smell like flowers.
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Frieren and Marcille smell like war crimes. Chubby elf smells like McDonald's
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What does Sylphie smell like?
>Frieren and Marcille smell like war crimes
But that's still stinky tho, just like her muddy feet and sweaty pits.
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cute twins
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This is hilarious, but could you stop?
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>posts a warcriminal as rebuttal
Not an argument.
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Nice shitpost anon, not an argument though.
Scary devil trips btw, you need to go back and stop arguing with me.
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Mythrun's a dude.
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i love elves i want to rub their ears
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Funnily enough, so do I!
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No way you guys, me too! This is nuts.
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I rabu Shirufi
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good taste!
A wooden shed.
Not enough Green elves itt, let's change that!
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What did Tolkien mean by this
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Elf with cat ears!
Elves have better orgasms?
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I support this
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Gotta post more than that, anon. This is an ELF thread, not just Slyph specifically.
I am not the Sylphieposter
I love her, don't get me wrong, but I try not to overrun threads with one specific character.
Neither do I. I just think elves are cute, and that they are their best when they embrace their druidic fayefolk roots!
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incredible, 10/10, cute, adorable, beautiful, jawdropping, awe inspiring
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For me, its Marie-san
For me, it's High Archer, Poirotess, Marcille, and Tiffania Westwood!
I've always had a hardon for elves. I blame lotr and Record Of Lodoss War.
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