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We believe in tomboy supremacy!
Short hair, long hair, mop hair, doesn't really matter!
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Forgot to link the previous thread: >>4357901
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Nice! You reused my image.
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It's really cute!
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Post Kino
>*desire for more ludo intensifies*
Your wish is my command!
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Thank you, that's so Kino!
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Cute bimbo!
cute american.
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Cute phrog.
Oui! She has a nice mop.
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Why can't she be real? There's no good reason for it.
Beats me.
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oh well, しょうがない
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Now that's a monke!
She looks as if she's gonna warn me to keep my hands of Eizouken.
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For Ezk fans there's now it's own thread, lots of cute tomboys will be shared there..

Anyway, here's a pic for the thread. I love Noa Izumi
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Tomboy Elf. High tier.
Noa Izumi, also high tier!
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I had to look her up, that's a nice piece of art!
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Happy Tomboy Tuesday!
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Happy Tomboy Tuesday!
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Friday night!
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I've been having a hankering for tomboys being forced to wear girly clothes, and I'm on the fence as to whether that should be its own thread
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Thanks, life is tough recently. I don't really have the time to post every day.
Keep it here. We love all tomboys!
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What a girl!
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Do you like older tomboys?
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>two cute tomboys in the main cast
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>no other tomboy than takino san!
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Hell yes. Rough-and-tumble oneesans are the best.
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She Duck. Just like how Suruga is a OOHOOHOOOHH!!!

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