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Still looking for more mahos edition

Guide to Steins;Gate content: https://rentry.org/steins-cute

Other Sci;Adv girls also welcome.

Previous thread: >>4357219
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#33rd thread
You're a hero anon. That saves me from playing a gacha.
Canonically female depending on the worldline
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You welcome
The rest of the dump:
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I am sad they didn't include Ferris in the event
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She should also be naturally good at mahjong because of Cheshire Break, i wonder if it's because of Steins;??? Suzu was chosen as last character
But lukako is okay?
A man stays a man
No, traps and trannies are not girls so they clearly go against board rules 2 (ecchi on /e/, males on /cm/. Doesn't matter if they look female, if they're a dude then take it to the correct board.
Personal opinion doesn't mean shit against board rules/culture. Only thing is that mods are very unreliable when it comes to traps so it's up to us not to shit up the board.
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Thanks for the sprite dump anon. I love seeing Suzu in swimsuits like that.
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I don't like it when they make Mayuri's boobs so big.
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