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15th Anniversary Edition!

Guide to Steins;Gate content: https://rentry.org/steins-cute

Other Sci;Adv girls also welcome.

Previous thread: >>4349955
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The second season just did not feel like it belonged to the same show. Maybe because Rintaro didn't give Luka any love, or had any chemistry develop there.
Because we all know poor Luka never got the love he deserved.
A man can only be so lucky as to have the cutest shrine maiden otokonoko love you for simply being who you are.
Do you guys think Luka was crossdressing to get to Rintaro? He must've been.
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0 was just not very well thought out in general, even if if did have some excellent bright spots.

While that would've been kinda cute, in truth he was pushed into crossdressing by his father.
>Previous thread pruned to make an anniversary thread
Mods, please
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Do you anons know of any non-slapstick actual serious slow burn romance anime where the protagonist and a Luka-tier femboy fall in love?
Forced to crossdress by the father...that's not a very kannushi thing to do.
Sorry, i'll take my Ruka and leave.
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All day every day
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She deserved better :(
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Best Sci;Adv girl
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shining finger can be cute sometimes
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Faris edit for Hachikuji scene when?
When maids fly
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