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As autumn befalls rainy days closer, summer giveth its remainder sweltry air until.

Previous thread: >>4338961
Thanks eagle
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Happy Birthday, Mio!
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Happy Mio B-Day!
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Love is alive and well!
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Love witches
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Rare pair
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That one was just posted today! Hot and fresh off of Pixiv.
I love Eila so much.
Warms the heart to see new witch art. Hard not to love her!
Funny saying this in a SW thread, but try to keep nudity off /c/. Naked apron, nipple slips, and the like should be avoided as those are more /e/ territory and there is a SW thread there that anons can use if wanted!

These /c/ threads have existed for ages without them, so it should be easy enough.
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I really like Kanno's smile in this one. She looks so happy.
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I love Nipa
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My dear unlucky wife
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This is probably my favorite drawing of Shimohara.
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It's a very good one. She could always use some more art.

Not enough appreciation.
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It's nothing too complex but seeing a smiling Shimohara (or any other Witch) is all I need to like a drawing.
I liked her episode.
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Obscure Witch incoming. It was Leigh's birthday yesterday. I just noticed her shoelaces are red. I think that's a nice touch.

>The Tuskegee Airmen /tʌsˈkiːɡiː/[1] was a group of African American military pilots (fighter and bomber) and airmen who fought in World War II. They formed the 332nd Fighter Group and the 477th Bombardment Group (Medium) of the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF).
>When the pilots of the 332nd Fighter Group painted the tails of their P-47s red, the nickname "Red Tails" was coined.
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>dark chocolate witch
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What did Rall do to deserve this? I know she kind of aggressively poached for Witches for her JFW, but that's the only transgression I'm aware of.
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Rall is just not liked by the commanders of the other JFWs.
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Rall is cute,
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She's got a very I'm-better-than-you attitude (which isn't entirely wrong).
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I wish we had more of those translated audio dramas.
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very cute and underappreciated witch!
same, i could listen to them for hours
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I really like Minna's smile in this one
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perfect smile!
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I love Perrine so much it hurts.
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everyone loves Perrine!
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even she knows shes perfect
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Lotta cute Trudes over the weekend!
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Cute outfit!
Some especially cute ones.
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I found this at random.
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Don't post gore

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