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Board got wiped. IT'S TETO'S TURN NOW!
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Teto and Tetofriends welcome
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Cute misoji.
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Unironically kinda pissed about this.
Fuck you mods.
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We'll live
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From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaqLFcRom_I
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wish I had a plushie teto
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>Miku plush - $30
>Teto plush - $200
>GUMI Plush - $300
One day when I'm not broke i'll get them all...
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collect them all
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we love Teto
I like how all her recent art is just her angry about being heightmogged by Miku.
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Classy Kasane!
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Tell me /c/, why does she eat the bread?
Do not eat the Teto!
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bread is delicious
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Very cute winter Teto
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Cafe date
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I love images of Teto with her cute chimera wings out, full wings mind you instead of small decorations like in >>4365729

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