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Ok you won. I'm ready to go down. I forfeit everything, I give it away put me in there. Make it happens now.

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For those of us who love fit muscular men with big powerful cocks.
Fit, buff, roided, nude solo, or fucking and sucking other hot guys.
Post em!
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I used to cum so hard to this. That guy's cock and body are what I always wished my cock and body looked like
yeah this guy is legit
Please I just want to be churned up alive in this I swear I'm serious do it do it do it all of me I let him even digest my eternal soul what else do you need to make sure I'm serious

Gym rats, fratbros, cocky studs, working out, getting sweaty, showing off their huge biceps

Bonus points for tank tops, snapbacks, and and those thin chain necklaces
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they're all hairless, eww
the second picture has abundant chesthair you braindead cock addict.
I'm ready to sign, when can I slide down?

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lets see the dumb fags who expose themselves online. extra point for fags who don't know they're exposed
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hot af, sauce ??
filename for the second one and the other you'll easily find in the sauce
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dont know his face

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Guys out in public, in public buildings, or in the built environment, where you would expect them to meet strangers sooner than later (rather than some random part of the woods, or in their car or something). Hardons, holes, fetish stuff, half-dressed and eye-fucking the camera, anything that's obviously communicating a sexual moment.

Any kind of dude, but looking good for it.
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We want what we can’t have. Gimme all the sagging, candid or straight ass you got! Please and thank you!
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haha this thread is funny because in tagalog we call sagging a banana in English and the irony is that in english it also refers to a penis colloquially lol
Ah yes, the fashion statement that came from prison, so inmates could tell who was taking it up the ass. How many niggers/wiggers would still do it if they knew its origins and meaning? Ignorance is bliss.
more plz

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Would love to make him beg for the D he so obviously craves
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The best of images involving two erotic dicks rubbing against each other goes here.
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seriously interested - how did this happen/go. im bi, but when i met my current gf i didnt mention it for a bunch of reasons.
10yrs later, i find myself wishing i could be open about my bisexuality and to an extent my cross dressing. i don't expect to play with guys nor sit around in lingerie all day - i just feel like part of me doesnt exist the major relationship in my life
but im so scared how do you tell someone all this and not scare them away or disgust them...
If you have a relationship of 10 years where you can't share something as basic as your sexual desires, something is very wrong
in some ways i agree, but like so much in life...its not always that simple. 10 yr relationships arent as focused on sex as shorter ones (as you may know). And ultimately small 'lies' in the first month become unthinkable revelations in yr10
if i could go back in time would i say something...idk. cos i wouldnt swap what i have just for these items...but i'd also be lying if i say i miss them.
i often wonder if so many cultures believe in reincarnation to act as cope or hope that in the next life they two can be japanese school girl porn stars.

I eventually just started being open about it when first starting to date someone. I won't mention that I'm bi right away, but it will just naturally come up once we start to get intimate (especially once she realizes I like my ass played with).

Most women are pretty cool with it, it hasn't been an issue for me and my current girlfriend is totally okay with it. I recommend just being open and honest about who you are

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Pic unrelated
I'll clean that up for you.
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Learn how to type a coherent sentence, retard.
Span long cock?!
Some absurd photoshops of dicks that are probably already huge. Bunch of others, but too lazy to quote. What's the point? What retards fall for this?

Oh, these retards. nvm
cock group
mm nice fat cock head

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Post pics

Sure, we just need to find two shirtless 50-60 year old guys, I'm sure there are only 2...

How did you literally think anybody would know who these dudes are, lunkwick?
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Joseph Robinette Biden Junior
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Just know he's probably hung too. Runs in the family.
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Thank you.

First thread reached the image cap. Let's do it again.
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That's really good
hardons are porn
not art

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169 replies and 147 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Love his smile.
Who is this?

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