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Share your experiences with white masters or Asian slaves and encourage more people to speak up or share.Whiter BWC service is what slaves should do
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asian boy need cock
>Always telling me he wants to take care of me, clean for me and cook for me
marriage material
My Filipino ex was like this and i hate that we fell apart
He does want to get married. Better then most of the women I dated.
thats....a bwc? lol
aw, sorry to hear you both fell apart

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All Asian boys are born solely to serve white men sexually.
They should donate their bodies while still beautiful and have their bodies used publicly as sex dolls.
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who is this guy
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Is there no other boy like this?
Fuckable, I want to fill his body with cum
White master living in Asia into young Asian pussy boys ;)
whos this guy?
working hard to get a body like this
cause i think it would be great to serve and worship white men like this instead of being a twink

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Exposed fags, post em.
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Hot dick and body. I'd cum in him.
me too
>His dad used to be pro for UPS
You gotta appreciate a Daddy that delivers, rain sleet or snow.

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i love it like this
right in the middle
Omg he's like a wild animal
So much sexual energy

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well duh. hasan is mediterranean. his dick is going to be a shade darker than the rest of his body, about the same color as his nipples
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There are bi rumors
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Is he emo? Sorry I don't really know him. Only that he is Turkish. Known for inbreeding.
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He has wide child bearing hips which according to research could mean gay: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/09/070911102649.htm
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He looks feminine without the beard...https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/%2F487741216/page/2/

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with one hand (or both hands) behind their head, gets me hard af
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What a gorgeous little twink!
Is this shit humpty dumpty ai fake porn? lol
the gun tattoo pointing at that cock is art
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I remember jerking it to that video...oh the memories...
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Smallish thin cock - nice

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guys with this build
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i feel like this build is very american, unfortunately... iwanna see this shit in australia!
fuck they're hot
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You mean this type of body? It could be lean but stocky or slight stocky are other possibilities. Like this classmate from college.
There’s plenty of guys in Australia with that build - I live there so I know

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There’s nothing hotter than seeing a pack of photos with guys face and body and leaked dick and ass pics all side by side.
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This makes my eyes Hurt!!
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this editing style is great, im jealous
You kind of look like Tarantino. Nice cock thoughever!
Any other details or content of the guy in the OP? Where did the collage come from? Would love to see more of this guy!!!!

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Beefy asses
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Why guy with big bubble butts such teases
smash hard
cause they can be
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Are there any Billfags left?
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The tastiest looking cocks that need to be throated
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Id pay extra for this seat
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I might be about to do the same
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All time grand champions
Only solo pics and vids!
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>And hard af, which I don't really see on bottoms, they're usually half chub or placid
Usually starts that way for me, but I'm hard af once I start getting that good dick. Every bottom is different I 'spose
How babies are made.
sauce on the gif in op? I know it's timtales but not sure which vid
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