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Share your experiences with white masters or Asian slaves and encourage more people to speak up or share.Whiter BWC service is what slaves should do
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Found an Asian slave group that requires white master and bwc to control them
2 years ago I worked as a bartender in Philippines, my favorite customers are American guys. Most of them are troops stationed near the base in my town. Met a daddy with deep blue eyes around 40-50 years old, tall. He taught me how to play texas holdem, knows magic tricks and his favorite drink was strawberry tequila. Always called him "sir" and I can see his smile whenever I do it. Got referred to as "boy" and I love it. I think he wasn't gay, because when I tried to hug him from behind he refused and offered me an arm on my back. He would only be flirty when he hold my hands sometimes when he gets super drunk which confuses me and leaves me a little heartache. We kissed once when when we were both drunk, he pushed gently me after a while and resisted his urge. He apologized and I told him it's alright. We had fun for weeks until he went back to US. I still remember his woody cologne it makes me excited whenever I smell it around at my working hours. It sucks cause my dad doesn't know I'm gay and I want to worship a white gentleman one day.
Great thread, OP. First slave sub bf was Asian (Filipino). He was such a good cumslut.
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Aren't Filipinos sorta not Asian? At least not pure Asian since they Mexican and Spanish admixture.
the absolute state of education
no they are primarily austranesian with some east asian and a little bit of spanish mixed in
Found the boomer.

I know that in old boomer text books they just explain to you that the Philippines were colonized by Spain, but they never taught you boomers that the Spanish travelled to Mexico first before sailing across the Pacific to the Philippines.

So the Spanish colonists brought the Mexican servants as co-colonists.

You are revealing your age gramps!
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need more asian fag
asian need white master bwc
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asian fag group
you guys have no idea how much i want this to happen to me irl
to have a white guy to let me move in with him, at first i'll cook and clean for him, then slowly he'll start suggesting i start living as his pup, and once I accept living as his pup, he'll start training me to become his urinal till i start to enjoy drinking his piss and is able to drink straight from his bwc without choking

every morning i would gladly let him slide his cock down my throat just for him to piss
and once he finishes i would thank him and his cock
i always liked this image
look at how happy that chink is to be paraded around like that
i wish i can be that happy one day
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>Found the boomer.
>I know that in old boomer text books they just explain to you that the Philippines were colonized by Spain, but they never taught you boomers that the Spanish travelled to Mexico first before sailing across the Pacific to the Philippines.
>So the Spanish colonists brought the Mexican servants as co-colonists.
>You are revealing your age gramps!

BS. We learned PI was PART of Spanish Mexico. Plus parts of Texas were called New Philippines.

Stop listening to commie propaganda, kid.
My Asian FWB is like this. Always telling me he wants to take care of me, clean for me and cook for me. I always find it both a turn-on and off and I always ask him "why" and he just tells me that he loves me and wants to do it.
i think its just something a common fantasy that alot of submissive gays have
but i feel like that asians can be more dedicated to it rather than just doing it as a roleplay
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asian boy need cock
>Always telling me he wants to take care of me, clean for me and cook for me
marriage material
My Filipino ex was like this and i hate that we fell apart
He does want to get married. Better then most of the women I dated.
thats....a bwc? lol
aw, sorry to hear you both fell apart

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