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Thread of photos from my hard drive, mostly ass pics. Feel free to share any you have.
11 replies and 11 images omitted. Click here to view.
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furry part 2
my personal fave
it contains PORNOGRAPHY
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Top kek. wtf is that hair removal job?

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Nothing gross please. I follow the subereddit and want more like this.
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... alright

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more here https://x.com/gymkid2006
anyone have his nudes?

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Post men wearing polo shirts like pic rel.
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post the best position
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Blablablablah... Post content. More contribution less complaining
maybe your boring sex. Passionate gay sex is unreal, I've never cum harder.
Ok, Zoomer. Well, thanks for warning everyone that you're a terrible lay.
it's not that we hate it, it's that porn that focuses on romance / passion is relatively rare. There's not much of it you can post.

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Post sexy cut cocks.

Previous thread is full
265 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
Thank you for the info. What kind of cut is it? high tight or low tight?

Mine is high and tight
omg that's a hot dick
No lmao, the gonads and overall sperm production is almost completely dettached from the digestive and urinary systems. It's most likely jut a genetic thing

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that's AI
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No, it's excess HDR, I've seen other angles of him.

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Let's get a penetration thread
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Seeing a guy balls deep like that with his hole showing always make me want to fuck him instead of the bottom. Is it just me? I just wanna flood his guts with creampies.
Fuq, the way he squirms and twitches is so cute. I’m jealous of him though…
Especially when there’s some teasing, and anticipation. I love when the top hot-dogs the bottom’s cheeks, and teases the hole with the tip for a little bit, before slowly sliding it in… Evwn better when you can see the bottom’s face…
Probably overcompensating, because they don't want people getting clues they're secretly into it.
Meant for >>2655449

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The best of images involving two erotic dicks rubbing against each other goes here.
104 replies and 72 images omitted. Click here to view.
Gross. You both need to lose weight.
Hey, can you fuck off and let other people enjoy things?
I love frotting with my good friends. It's a bonding like no other.
My bi fuckbuddy just moved into my spare room. Him and his monogamous gf are asleep across the hallway from me right now, fucking. He constantly asks if I find her attractive, suggesting a 3some. I like ass but the front bits of a woman are still of no real interest to me lol. Especially when that fish smell is present I gag every time. So I keep saying no to the 3some. He has no intention of letting his gf know about his bisexuality outright, so our action will remain our secret, his orders, including me sucking his dick and eating his ass for an entire hour before the gf came over to check out his new place today.
>fish smell
That's not normal, if she showers and doesn't have bv.
t. anus and vagina breeder

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Decently shot guys in a precarious and kinky position, or otherwise having a punishing time on camera. No to people's deliberately unflattering selfies, or calls to action in someone's DMs. Yes to wedgies, involuntary stripping, corporal punishment, embarrassment, force-fucking, gangbangs, bullying, foot worship, difficult insertions, piss, stress positions, or idk – surprise me...

Full image (from a great artist):

Old thread:
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stop spamming yourself you faggot
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I got a new Latino boy and I strapped his cock and balls to his cuffed wrists so every time I yanked his wrists up, it squeezed and pulled his junk and made him gasp and groan. I could barely hear it through the gag and the loud smacks from spanking his ass cheeks red.
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Dudes just hanging out
167 replies and 116 images omitted. Click here to view.

What kind of "room" even is that?
shower room
Reupload? It's down

Damn Logan Paul is so hot.
30 replies and 25 images omitted. Click here to view.
The perfect trifecta for the gays. (excluding that James likes teen boys)
His brother Chris is way hotter. Liam looks like a caveman from the geico commercials
i was born in 2006 and i cant find anyone :/
only tiktokers ive never heard of. (also baron trump lol)
>was about to call you underage b&
>realize the year
>immediately shrivel up and die
lol, im sorry anon

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Sexy hairy fit motherfuckerd
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Forearms are the most exciting part of a man. Such strong and sexy muscles that you can easily stare at. Post the best pics of nice shaped forearms.
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