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/hm/ - Handsome Men

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I have the white prostate massager. Insert it before going to the gym. Rowing machine, squat or deadlift, a few sitting machines. At the end ab crunch machine hits all the right spots. By the 30th-40th crunch I have a prostate orgasm. Head to the showers, clean up.
That looks interesting
No she didn't and no it doesn't.
Nice set of stones.
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Hypermasculine monstermen with big tits
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The flex on his inner hamstrings is crazy!!! This is why I don’t like doing good mornings in front of people. Great lower back and hammy exercise but it looks like you’re trying to get fucked.
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imagine this guy fisting you
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Who is this??

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there are cathedrals everywhere for those with the eyes to see...
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Any good twitters for stuff like this?
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last thread reached its image limit so starting a new one cause fit asses are hot
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Sexy Man Thongs.
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Posts of men kissing other men.
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Let's post boys getting wedgied, stripped, pantsed, spanked, embarrassed, force-fucked, gangbanged, exposed, forced to lick feet, bullied, pissed on and so on and so forth.
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he cant help it
hot. more info? socials?

now i'm aware of how niche this is but a massive turn on for me - white, specifically slavic looking men with that specific muscle + fat bodytype, bonus points if they have a fat ass or thighs
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I fucking love this, wish I could find more vids

xhamster. com/videos/brutal-slapped-xhb0bD8
Source for the image?

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Nice thick bush too - love it
what's the white crest?
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Who was your first boy crush /hm/? Essentially who was the man that brought about your gay awakening?
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It was seeing him in Marimar that did it for me. Loved his hairy chest lol.
Robin from batman forever. There was a dude in my summer camp who looked like him.
>My Superman fetish was born with Tom and was fully released with Routh.
Kind of a shame that Cavill never did any gay roles
>on camera
Well no one has leaked anything of him yet so the point still stands

If you could fuck or BE fucked by any openly gay celebrity, whether they be an actor or a singer, who would it be and why?

For me, I'd love to have Luke Luke Macfarlane. Mainly because he has such a masculine persona about him, well, until he opens his mouth. That's why I found it humorous when he played a straight guy in a movie. I giggled throughout it, because every time he opens his mouth it's like you can see male pubic hairs and cum coming out. Nothing wrong with that. He's a stud.

What about you /hm/?
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God I bet he smells really good. Need to get in therrrre.
Well he is gay in real life, but he's married to another dude.
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This is Luke Macfarlane's actual husband. His name is Hig Roberts. He was a professional skier. They make a damn hot married gay couple.
He is gay? I did not know...

My father looks exactly like him. But he's definitely not my type.
Damn, good for them but also my envy is so strong

When you're a gay fem thin guy who would love to have a nerdy gymbro partner...

>Would love to go to the gym together, wish him luck with his workout and we go do our thing
>If we do workout together, cheer him on as he reaches his final few reps
>Have a nice post workout meal together
>Listen to him explain his goals and help him with his measurements and weigh-in and share in the excitement when he reaches a milestone.
>Just chill together and watch a movie, show, or just game out together.
>Cook together, preferably him standing behind me watching with his arms around me lol.

Maybe one day...

I'm curious if any of you guys have been able to date a gymbro despite not being one yourself
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Who is this guy? Very cute haha.
James Badge Dale in '13 Hours: Secret Soldiers if Baghazi'
>Nick Bosa

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Post hot cocks wearing condoms. Is it weird to have a condom fetish? I just love seeing hot cocks in condoms, and love wearing them.
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flip fucking
dubs of honesty
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Naked at home always don't give a fuck
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Nice . Sauce ???
No wonder why you are here instead of actually fucking some1
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Summer is nearly here so let's see those sexy tans.
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I don't wear mine to the beach. You can take them off for swimming. I have a speedo tan like any other gay guy.
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Mike Betts and Rick Wolfmier
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for those interested (name is in OP filename):
GuestOk4188 on reddit
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