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/hm/ - Handsome Men

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If you could fuck or BE fucked by any openly gay celebrity, whether they be an actor or a singer, who would it be and why?

For me, I'd love to have Luke Luke Macfarlane. Mainly because he has such a masculine persona about him, well, until he opens his mouth. That's why I found it humorous when he played a straight guy in a movie. I giggled throughout it, because every time he opens his mouth it's like you can see male pubic hairs and cum coming out. Nothing wrong with that. He's a stud.

What about you /hm/?
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I gooned to this
He's a vain, narcissistic piece of shit. Like an elf.
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Always has, always will
Evans, Miller and Bartlett are openly gay.
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Hamed Sinno

He was the lead singer of the Lebanese band Mashrou' Leila. I was always amazed that he is openly gay since he comes from a Muslim Arab family. His bravery and handsomeness made me attracted to him.

It's a shame that the band had to break up and the members had to flee the Middle East due to homophobia. Hope one day that things will change.

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All the results of natural testosterone.
1. Masculine Self Confidence is handsome.
2. Natural body hair, unshaven.
3. Natural unroided fitness, a body resulting from hard work and testosterone only—a beautiful manliness.
4. Not overly tatted or modified, a natural man.
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Who is he
Very sexy
A hobbit
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Can you please stop posting this gaybaiter?

Does anyone have pics of guys wearing underwear with flags on it? Something about seeing guys proudly wearing their countrys flag is hot to me
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Continuing because I enjoyed the previous thread: >>2589004

Artful nudity/semi-nudity showing the beauty of the male form
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by Raymond Voinquel

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Last thread maxed out, please post attractive people. Twinks/hunks etc no fatties
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The best of images involving two erotic dicks rubbing against each other goes here.
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To think that one of these twinks is 40 now...

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Swarthy juicy uncut hairy dicks
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Kik Gunslinger_98
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Post pics of guys who post on /fit/.
Other boards are welcome but must fit the /fit/ theme. No femboys, super twinky, chubby, etc.
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Warning, he's a furry
what is /gaygen/ ?
Was wondering the same thing, /fit/ doesn't have a gaygen, but /lgbt/ sort of does.
woah i know this guy irl
he never talks to me or shows nude on apps but i've seen the torso cropped
nice to see his cock and balls finally
I’m just posting /fit/ guys from the gay general of /lgbt/

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Naked at home always don't give a fuck
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i dont understand retards who obsess over dick sizes

I see the filename, but can someone pretend there's a lot of people out there with two unisex first names and help me find my future ex-husband?
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Let's have a good old fashioned story time. Tell a story nonfictional or fictional involving male on male action but with sexy male picture to accompany it. I'll begin with this tale:

This is called THE GIFT OF GAB, enjoy

Brandon was a charming, good looking man. He could win anyone over with a wink and a smile, and had friends everywhere. Everybody loved him.

But his persuasiveness was unnatural, a result of his magical lineage. Power flowed through his veins, and in the magical world he came from, the power to compel others was highly valued and sought after. They called it the Gift, and Brandon had it in spades.

Others like Brandon used the Gift to manipulate from atop positions of power, often at odds with each other. The world was their chessboard, and they constantly called on Brandon to join them, hoping to tip the scales against each other amidst their never ending power struggles. But Brandon cared for none of that.

Instead, he used his power according to his own whims, and on his terms, and those terms were all about indulging his own personal fantasies. There wasn’t anything more fascinating, and more alluring to him, than a man and his feet. Fortunately for him, no man could resist his charms, no matter how straight they were, and none ever realized they were being manipulated. Though he used his power on a much smaller scale than his peers, he was undeniably just as dangerous.

Brandon strolled through Cherub Park, a park that rivaled Central Park in size and lush greenery. He spotted an incredibly fit man in a baseball cap walking alone, his hands in his jacket. His sneakers looked brand new, and his feet fairly large. It was a perfect combination for Brandon.

“Excuse me,” Brandon said, walking right up to his next target.
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>everybody walk the dinosaur
oldie but goodie
Not sure how I feel about this one.
>Be me, 28m, top
>Been meeting up with a smooth, sub twink who said he was 18.
>He was an anal virgin, and was really anxious about losing his anal virginity despite all of our dirty talk.
>he would regularly throw in "rape me daddy" while we sext on snap.
>We meet in person three times, each time he just wants me to tease his hole with my cock, so I would spit on it and rub it on his smooth hole.
>He always specified to not stick it in, and after a little bit, would turn around and suck my cock instead and apologize for being too anxious.
>Our fourth time meeting in my car, I am doing the same routine, but this time I slide it in his hole.
>He was super tight, initially tried pulling away to ease the pain but i held him tight and was gentle until he loosened.
>After a minute or so my cock is ravaging him, and he is moaning and keeps saying "breed me daddy, rape my pussy daddy."
>Breed him, and drive him to his neighborhood after.
I am really not sure how to feel, i just got too horny. but if he didn't want to be fucked, then why was he totally clean? He was definitely turned on by it. He immediately got rock hard when i was fucking him, and he squirted cum everywhere. this was a few days ago, thinking on hitting him up again.
Get I get the finish to this?

Gang rape of a minor and STI city. Absolutely fucking disgusting. Some of you are sick in the head

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We’ve all seen those guys around who seem totally straight but end up in Cruisy spots, gay bars or on Grindr. Might be bi, who knows? Stories are good too.
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Sauce for this please oml
Nobody who bases their life on the notion of an invisible sky fairy owns jack shit. STFU.

You own the right to go to hell...and you LOVE IT. Now GTFO.
Next stop you're going to make more useless comments on 4chan as you don't leave your mama's basement! Good luck!
What do you do with yourself, since you are admittedly unrepairable?
Labels are low-resolution thinking.

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thanks to >>2628699
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He's working out naked and there is someone sitting on the bench behind him. I want to go to that gym.

so apparently this video went around under the name "randy from texas sucks cock" but I couldn't find anything else
>>2628891 (OP) #
>>2651206 #
>>2644996 #
>>2630780 #

Looks like Jakob Brülls
More of the top
It almost sounds like a scene from the movie Suicide Room.

Two friends (one questioning/curious/gay/whatever and the other straight) are in judo class and grapple with each other as a warm up exercise. The gay guy ends up cumming from the "dry humping".


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Come on, post them!
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Who is this guy? I've seen his pics floating around but never a source.
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Sexy hairy fit motherfuckerd
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Handsome Men appreciating themselves in their own reflection (full body nudes preferred)
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Perhaps the most overall attractive body I've seen on this forum, holy fuck.

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