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post the best position
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the best position for bbc porn desu
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who's the bottom?
The best position period!
the best part of having sex like this is being able to kiss and yet none of them are doing it
But when you find a top that does...
I just bred someone like this for the first time ever, it felt fucking amazing
Jewish boys love it like that, those little sissies.
Missionary is my boyfriend and I primary position. When I top him he wants me to kiss him and say loving things to him. The loving things to me is kinda silly, but makes him happy so I do it anyway for him.
he should find a better partner
based and lovepilled
doing the lords work anon
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it's because most gays are just sex pests and have zero feelings
no wonder they are so scared of committed relationships and monogamy
anybody have a source?
White men are built for latino cock
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Most of /hm/ seems to hate couples/romantic display. Same with most porn boards, really, but it's a shame cause professional porn really looks soulless because of it. It's all either some dude posing or two dudes fucking as of they were trying not to touch each other.
Right, that's frustrating. Like Belami videos, they have the most gorgeous looking models but it feels so mechanic. Even when they kiss it's boring. I know they're all g4p but I'm sure thats a choice
it's not just porn. most gay sex is like that
I tend to watch couples fuck for this reason. Passionate shit is the good stuff. Daddy/Boy stuff also skews more romantic, from what I've seen.
Blablablablah... Post content. More contribution less complaining
maybe your boring sex. Passionate gay sex is unreal, I've never cum harder.
Ok, Zoomer. Well, thanks for warning everyone that you're a terrible lay.
it's not that we hate it, it's that porn that focuses on romance / passion is relatively rare. There's not much of it you can post.

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