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Post sexy cut cocks.

Previous thread is full
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love how there's no color change
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>Remember, no slack

Tight cuts are the only acceptable cuts
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>Tight cuts are the only acceptable cuts
The tighter the cut, the better the nut
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been circumcised for 7 years now. had it done because of phimosis and hygiene problems brought on from that. i tried stretching for a year or more and didn’t see any results.

i don’t think i lost any sensitivity, though i suspect the phimosis muted the level of feeling i would’ve had with the foreskin had it not been extremely tight.

looking back i would like to have done more research on stretching to see if that would have made a difference. i do think i jumped the gun and should’ve just let it play out for a few more years. i like my cut dick just fine but i do think i’d be happier and feel more if i were still uncut. it’s not a big deal to me but still valid curiosity nonetheless.
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What sort of cut did you get?
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the doctors never asked me if i had a preference so they just gave me a semi-low tight cut.
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>The doctors never asked

Yeah if this happens they tend to do a low-and-tight with the frenulum removed

Seems to be the go-to style for medical cuts
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My doctors did a good job with mine. I was cut at birth (catholic). Nice and high with all the excess skin removed. I really like the brown scar from where they cut my foreskin off.
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Not bad anon. A brown scar is usually a sign of a Gomco clamp
I'll rate your dicks on disc: georgiastrait789
i see the j*w propaganda/shilling is in full action. I've seen horrendous cut jobs irl but i enjoy both

stop the division, faggotards


Any underside shots. You got a reddit account?
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absolutely beautiful. and perfect. so visually pleasing. i wonder if he knows it's worth a lot of cash from weathy mouths?
this pic is a cool cute 20yo univ student i used to get to suck off a couple times a week after his 12-3 am radio show. he'd buzz by, whip it out, used to take more than half hour to cum but when he did he pushed my head down - it felt amazing - the head expanding cutting off my air, the pulsing of the shaft..... i miss him! oh and i used to slip him a hunded bucks so to the st8 matt it was just a not gay business deal. no homo ya know.
does anyone know how to dry out my glans? i want it to have that leathery cracked texture
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Love a sexy circ scar
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better or worse? would love some honest opinions, about the circumcision and overall
Much better

Post an erect pic.
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Thoughts on mine?
I prefer you with foreskin, it’s very decent with some overhang but I wish you had left your bush

Post a closer pic.
Better with foreskin. Not the worst circ job at least, but it looks worse.

>Good size
>Nice tight cut

Very nice anon 8/10
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>Skin stretched taut
>Frenulum completely scooped out
>Perfectly straight, thin scar

This is actually a perfect circumcision 10/10
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left or right and why
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Very nice anon. Looks like your frenulum was fully removed
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Rate /10
Loose some weight buddy & stop removing parts of your bush, it’s thin enough as it is
3/10 nice knob end but shaving off your bush is very sad hence huge loss of points

>Nice and big
>Neat cut, looks good and tight
>Love the big vein

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thank you
yeah I agree, I miss my foreskin. It looks alright but feels different
looks great, done as an adult?
what do you guys think about it when errect?
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My cock before and after. God, I hated being uncut. I was too embarrassed to be naked in front of anyone. Whenever I was, I would pull my foreskin back and hope they didn't notice. Even then I still got some rude comments from girls. I'm so much less sensitive now but at least the embarrassment's gone
God your uncut dick was so sexy
Quick Rate?
I know. I wish I could have learned to live with my foreskin, but what's done is done now. It was just such a source of stress. The girl I was seeing at the time really wanted me to get cut, as did others.
yeah I get it, was similar for me. Got cut when I was 23, shouldn't have done it but what is done is done lol. Your cut dick looks great too though!
We were the same age when cut then. Funny. Did you post pictures in this thread?
I'm glad my cock still looks alright. My current girl says she wouldn't have gotten with me if I were still uncut so there's that
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yeah I posted before:
yeah your dick looks great. I prefer the look of mine circumcised as well, just miss the sensations
Yours came out nice and neat as well. My foreskin was really neat already but girls still chewed me out for it. Now it's the standard issue American dick and gets much better reactions.
I miss that tingling feeling in the foreskin. It felt great. I can last hours now though.
yeah I miss that feeling too. It's a bit more difficult for me, as I'm in Europe and circumcised here really isn't the norm.
European girls have complimented me too on it. I guess a lot of them grow up looking at cut cocks in American porn now.
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Jealous of those smooth infant circ cocks where you can't even see the scar
yeah I agree, European girls definitely like it or don't care about it. it's more with other guys that it's weird. A buddy of mine has seen me naked when skinny dipping and he teases me about it ever since lol
no as a kid
Yeah that's the standard style. I had also a tight foreskin and no preferences was asked. I got also a low and tight circumcision with the frenulum removed. I think I could have tried to stretch it but didn't bother and the circumcision was offered directly instead of stretching.
How does he tease? I haven't been teased.
He has some nicknames for me he uses mostly when it's just us two, but he has used them in front of others too. most times he calls me Abraham or sometimes "the Jew", while I have no Jewish ancestors and everybody knows that.
funny, was the exact same for me. Tight foreskin, could have probably stretched but I was so ashamed of it and the doc kinda pushed me into the circumcision. She never asked me about the style either, and I didn't even know that there are different styles, so I got low and tight with frenulum removed

How much do you feel in your underwear. Like if you pull back your foreskin and the material of your underwear makes the head hurt due to sensitivity, what is the "feeling" like now without the foreskin? Is there still a tingle.
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It's totally dull, even when hard, just like when I used to walk around with the foreskin forward. The glans is sensitive to rubbing but not to touch.
I can now last as long as I want in bed, and I like pleasing more than being pleased. I miss it but that's how men are supposed to be in this country

Then why do cut men constantly say there's no difference in sensitivity?
They're wrong, idk
>Then why do cut men constantly say there's no difference in sensitivity?
1) I think there are different types of sensitivity. Touch sensitivity vs sexual sensitivity. As an uncut guy, when I first pulled my foreskin back as a kid the head was painful to touch. It remained uncomfortable to touch directly for years, even with soft fabrics. By my mid 20s I'd managed to desensitise the head enough that I can jerk off like a cut guy if I want, or walk around with the skin pulled back in my underwear for fun, and barely notice the rubbing sensation. Sex and masturbation feel the same though.
2) Different people have difference experiences. Just how some people get side effects from medications and others don't, some people have good circumcision outcomes and some have bad ones.
3) Some cut guys say this never having experienced anything else, so they don't really know what they're talking about.
4) Various degrees of cope on both sides. Some people get off on thinking that their cut dick is numb and so choose to believe that. Some people can't handle the idea that they may have damaged themselves by getting cut so they choose to believe it feels the same.
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It's cute when there's just one cut guy, that much more naked than the rest
not sure who is more embarrassing: small guy or circumcised guy

There’s definitely a sharp drop in touch sensitivity which makes sense since it’s rubbing all the time

In terms of pleasure it seems to vary. Most guys report a 20-30% drop in pleasure

I’d say I lost about 30% of the pleasure sensitivity but it’s not that it feels worse overall. Just that it’s a slower burn

I’m getting the same level of pleasure it’s just spread over 20 minutes instead of 5
The majority of men circumcised as adults had some condition implicating circumcision beforehand, such as phimosis or balanitis. Of course being released from such painful conditions they'll enjoy freer and more pleasurable use of their penis. These are the same men surveyed on studies concerning sensitivity before/after adult circumcision, btw. Medical literature is vastly tainted by Brian J. Morris, a fetishist and skilled user of the right statistics.
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Source is OP, who had it done fairly recently:
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love it when cocky gymbros and slutty twinks are cut, it's like they're asking for it
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i'm only interested in the circumcisions that remove all the inner foreskin and are tight

if you're gonna do something you better do it 100%
Post pic examples please. Im considering doing the surgery.
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Here's a good example
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number 1?

He's a 3 on that scale
how do you like it? even the frenulum removed?

I enjoy mine fine and I don't have a frenulum though i'm not the guy in that photo
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My doms 8 inch cock

Weird fun fact but his cum taste so good for some reason

Idk why
It’s like way nicer than I’ve had before

Can anyone explain why that might be?
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Diet affects the flavor of cum

Supposedly Pineapple makes it taste better
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My cut cock :)
oh my. i'm in lust again.
Looking a little loose there. Could be tighter. Would suck 10/10 tho, any more pics?
As a male with low and tight + frenulum removed, I'd say it's not a good idea.

Yeah i'm not advising it i'm just showing a good example of what one looks like

I have a high and tight personally
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why is that it’s not a good idea? can you elaborate?
Nice cock!
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Love when the vein abruptly stops

Makes you realize they cut straight through a vein and removed it
the inner foreskin makes the sensation tight. the more inner foreskin there is, the 'tighter' it feels. outer skin just stretches but inner skin feels tight!

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You’re welcome and please keep posting. Any of your balls too or kik
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Very nice view and balls are perfect as expected. Would love to service your cock
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Given a choice, I'd rather have my foreskin, but my dick works great and cumming still paralyzes me with pleasure, so...
>i wonder if he knows it's worth a lot of cash from weathy mouths?

How would one go about that
I know that the owner of this cock frequents this thread sometimes, so I just want to point out that it's healed beautifully
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oh hey that's me~ glad you like my new cock :3
I love how it's turned out
>oh hey that's me~ glad you like my new cock :3
>I love how it's turned out
Honestly, it's beautiful. All the puffiness and swelling has gone down and the scar has completely flattened out. It's barely even noticeable, and the underside is so smooth, with barely a hint of frenulum left. It just looks perfect, especially the shiny pink tip.

Just as a cheeky request; any chance you might share a short clip of you peeing with your cut softy, either here or on one of your Twitters / Reddit? That would be so hot, haha.
what made you want to get circumcised?

also maybe open to sharing contacts? Your dick is quite... inspiring
thanks! there's still a little swelling around the scar and frenulum, but it's steadily going away :3
the frenulum is *so* gone, that hint of fren is actually a small stitch mark xP
overall I'm super happy with it, and I love how high it's turned out ;3

I've never posted any piss content yet but it's something I've been considering, sounds hot ;)

I had 2 major reasons for doing it: short frenulum, and aesthetics in general~ very happy on both counts :3
sure! you can shoot me a DM on twitter (@imfoueteur) or reddit (/u/Foueteur), just say you're from /hm/ xP
>I love how it's turned out
>the frenulum is *so* gone
>I'm super happy with it
>I love how high it's turned out ;3
Fuck, this makes me want to get cut so bad. High and tight just like that.
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>Fuck, this makes me want to get cut so bad. High and tight just like that.
I'd say go for it, but make 110% sure it's what you want cause you can't regrow a foreskin ;)
>you can't regrow a foreskin
actually yes you can, it just takes years, look it up
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Guess my size
Nice cock
7” of nice cock!
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anyone has more of this guy dick? he posted once and never came back i think? i love his cock
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could he be uncut with the skin pulling back so smoothly?

No he's cut you can see the scar
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Idk what kind of jewish propaganda this is but my foreskin retracts fine so I have no reason to get cut as an adult
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foreskins are an ingredient in an expensive wrinkle reducing facial cream, and foreskin fibroblasts are sometimes used to treat burn victims. tastes good too.
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get it cut, buy a car
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Imagine getting your dick trimmed at birth and 18 years later it pays for your college tuition. Double win
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What do you think?
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I love yours. I bet that you have a sweet ass as well...lol
So suckable
What a beautiful penis
my gf would love it or my guy fuck friend lol
Nice big thick monster cock! More pics or sauce
thanks, it's mine ;) cut 6 months ago
I would suck myself off every day if I could, lucky guy
ewwww, incest
perfect. if it were on AGT it'd have no competition. i'm in l.a. u can come glaze my tonsils anytime.
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what's AGT?
I'm an ocean away from LA but I'd be happy to let you try it if I ever get to visit ;)

have another pic because why not~
America's Got Talent.

Across the pond is Britian's Got Talent.
And 68 others, like Vatican City's Got Talent and Port Nemo's Got Talent.
Aussiebums on a Deutsche dick :3
aussie? would explain the hott surfer blonde locks :)
Australian brands just make really good briefs <3
nop! germany xP I love my mane tho
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have another ;)
Which one if you is this?
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Kik based_gaz
way back in the olden days of the touch tone landline phone, a buddy moved to berlin, met and got married there to a girl who only spoke French, moved to Montreal, she's got it hacked, he's only good in English and ancient Lithuanian. He says Montreal is nice unless you don't speak their version of French, then you get less respect than a burnt slice of toast.
festive hockey colors
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My own this morning
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a slightly well endowed honky
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ahhhh what a cute lil pecker.
what kind of circumcision is this?
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I had a frenectomy done as a kid, the result is that my cock looks fully cut when completely retracted... I have less frenulum than >>2647646
Not sure if it's relevant here because I'm still uncut but I can post if you guys are interested.
Also just wanted to say that I always wanted to get cut. Always had issues with my foreskin and had like 3 procedures done to it to make it functional. Still have a slight "waist" when hard.
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Never seen one that had a frenectomy without a circumcision as well. I'd be curious to see.
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One very cut looking uncut cock coming up.
Sorry for bad quality.
Been wanting to get cut ever since hitting puberty, so 13+ years now
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Side view, so you can see that tiny strip of skin is exclusively visual.
Gee that’s a big knob end
>I had a frenectomy done as a kid
>I always wanted to get cut.
>Always had issues with my foreskin
>had like 3 procedures done to it to make it functional.
>Still have a slight "waist" when hard.
In the old days they'd have just snipped it all off at the first opportunity and solved the whole problem there and then
>Been wanting to get cut for 13+ years now
Looks good without the frenulum. Might as well finally finish the job

>They'd have just snipped it all off at the first opportunity

Happened to a friend of mine. He went in for a frenectomy and they just did a full circumcision instead
Well, circ kink aside, I'm grateful that they left me a choice.
>Happened to a friend of mine. He went in for a frenectomy and they just did a full circumcision instead
How did he take it?
Surprise circumcisions are kinda hot just because of how fucked up they are.

You always hear stories where a guy goes in to get his tonsils or appendix removed, only to wake up and wonder why he has a sore dick, and someone just casually mentions that he's been circumcised. "The doctor thought it would be good to do it at the same time." "We never got around to doing it when you were born so we did it now." The way it's deemed such a minor thing that it's not even worth mentioning, or it's so self-evidently better that it doesn't warrant a discussion, and yet the end result is that someone now has to learn to live with a dick that looks and functions differently for the rest of their life.
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Those pink tips
>You always hear stories where a guy goes in to get his tonsils or appendix removed, only to wake up and wonder why he has a sore dick, and someone just casually mentions that he's been circumcised.

No you don't. This barely ever happens, if it happens at all. Most guys talking about it are just larping
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found this home bris kit - do it yourself, save money. do it for others, make money.
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damn givin me a boner.
any fulll face and dick pic? name? how much he charges?
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One of the higher, more contrasty cuts I've seen on Twitter:
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This guy too:
What do you think of mine?
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Cut at birth. Is it okay?
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This whole thread
Insane how normalised this is in Jewish-dominated societies.
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>Insane how normalised this is
The crazy part is that I understand is as a fetish more than as a routine practice that gets done to everyone. I mean, it's clearly a sexual act to permanently expose the most sensitive and intimate part of a man's body, yet people treat it as casually as removing a mole.
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hi :3
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Love vintage circs
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>I understand it as a fetish more than as a routine practice
You'd be surprised at the number of people who publicly advocate universal circumcision for "health reasons," who are not-so-secretly known to be fetishists, *cough* Brian Morris.
It is just a very widespread fetish in circumcising societies, especially those that do it for non-religious reasons. American mother's circumcising their sons "for their future girlfriends" is a bit shocking: when else is it acceptable to talk about newborns so sexually?
I remember seeing a website awhile ago that had photo examples of different circumcision styles all the way from minimal (only overhang and ridged band removed, penis looks for all intents and purposes uncircumcised) to radical (skin is so drum tight that the meatus is held open when flaccid.) I can't find it anymore no matter how much I google. Anyone know where it is?
Idk if this is the right thread but i'm going to ask anyway.
Can someone who got cut as an adult give me the qrd on the before/after and what changes?
I am considering getting cut because of phimosis (not really a problem but it bothers me) and aesthetics (my foreskin is longer than my penis). I'm a bit afraid of losing sensation and sex being worse for me, though I could use lasting a bit longer, i don't want to nerf my own orgasm.
Nice cock and love the trimmed pubic hair too
Monopy, 27 5'9 155, rent boy in los angeles. Pic is from profile on a4a.
Unbelievably hot. Wanna hook up? ;3
I got cut almost a year and a half ago now I'm late 20s, I had a perfectly functional penis before. I opted for low and tight as I feel it's the most aesthetically pleasing style and I wanted less inner foreskin so I could last longer. The 6 weeks of recovery went fine, had quite a few erections which mostly were uncomfortable more than anything else, I had relatively little pain at all throughout the entire process. To begin with jerking off wasn't too different in technique, there is definitely a different sensation, the build up to orgasm is longer and much more controllable than before, before it was easy for me to accidentally slip into climax, now I can coast on the edge for longer. The orgasm itself feels deeper now but less spread out, its hard to explain, where before the pleasure seemed to emanate from the base of the head / foreskin now it feels more from inside the head itself, I tend to moan more now and intensity level is probably a little higher. Ejaculation has changed a little I tend to leak / dribble for a few seconds as i rest on the precipice before shooting my load, and then business as normal. Jerking off without lube is doable but it tends to take longer and is less enjoyable than using lube, the past month or so I've noticed this to become more apparent.
tldr: i now take longer to climax, have more control over when i climax, generally prefer lube for jerking off now.
Maybe im biased because i opted / wanted to do it but overall I am glad I got cut, sometimes I still miss being uncut especially when I want a quick release but it is genuinely better now.
Thank you anon, very useful info. I'll wait to see if a few more responses drop because everyone is different I guess. But in your experience it doesn't sound bad at all. There's enough people ITT to collect a few different experiences I think.

>Cut at 16
>34 now

I pretty much agree entirely with the previous guy. I had a very long foreskin that I didn’t like so I opted to get cut

It tends to take longer to orgasm now but I can feel the buildup more over time. It’s easier to edge

I’d say it’s a bit less sensitive. It doesn’t feel quite as good as it did before when masturbating but the orgasm is stronger and more intense

Unlike the other guy though the skin is simply too tight when I’m hard to jerk off without lube. Some guys get away with still being able to do it dry but many get drum-tight cuts like I did

And let me tell you it hasn’t gotten any looser in 18 years

So you have to be prepared for that outcome
Thank you for the info. What kind of cut is it? high tight or low tight?

Mine is high and tight
omg that's a hot dick
No lmao, the gonads and overall sperm production is almost completely dettached from the digestive and urinary systems. It's most likely jut a genetic thing

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