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File: BoomerSM_art.png (1.13 MB, 797x1167)
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Decently shot guys in a precarious and kinky position, or otherwise having a punishing time on camera. No to people's deliberately unflattering selfies, or calls to action in someone's DMs. Yes to wedgies, involuntary stripping, corporal punishment, embarrassment, force-fucking, gangbangs, bullying, foot worship, difficult insertions, piss, stress positions, or idk – surprise me...

Full image (from a great artist):

Old thread:
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I like getting young latinos to wear skimpy white briefs and then give them a wedgies. This one put up a fight.
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This guy was more submissive, but I'd stripped him, spanked his ass red, strapped him down, gagged and blindfolded, rubbed ice on his body and balls, then edged him for about 90 minutes the night before. He knew to give in to whatever I wanted.
Uhm actually kinda hot
>t. Young latino

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My biggest fantasy is to be invited to a daddys bears get together, he ties me to down the toilet while he and his mate drink beers. There are instructions written on the door to just feed me poppers and use me as a urinal. In the beginning the men are a little shy to see me but piss in my mouth anyway, as the night goes on they get drunker and more rambunctious until they're all forcefeeding me, slapping me hard if I spill a drop and making fun of me for being a little urinal faggot. This goes on for hours.
There's not nearly enough porn with daddies making younger guys drink their piss. It's always all twinks or all poz pig bears.
stop spamming yourself you faggot
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I got a new Latino boy and I strapped his cock and balls to his cuffed wrists so every time I yanked his wrists up, it squeezed and pulled his junk and made him gasp and groan. I could barely hear it through the gag and the loud smacks from spanking his ass cheeks red.
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Not so humiliating if his face is covered
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Looks like Beckham enlarging his fortune even more the boring cretin
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i wish i group of guys would make me their nude bar twink :0
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