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/hm/ - Handsome Men

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Cute guys who are carrying extra weight in the thighs and belly, soft man boobs. Preferably clean shaving or lightly hairy.
Morbidly obese IS NOT "chubby" there's already a thread up, know the difference, it could save your life.
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Hello, baby boy...need you in my life.
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What a cutie
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Let's share content
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He (Squirreldaddy) is hot but using an animal as a sort of mascot for your thirst traps/OF gives me the ick
Any update on the squirrel
I crave vengeance

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Cute amateurs you'd love to see doing professional porn.
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Share a pic then.
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We’ve all seen those guys around who seem totally straight but end up in Cruisy spots, gay bars or on Grindr. Might be bi, who knows? Stories are good too.
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>jock itch.
I don't think so. He does it with regular clothes.
>>2644048 who is this? does anyone have the sauce?
It doesn't go away just because you changed clothes.

Next he's rubbing, just say "Jock itch?"
That's exactly what the guy who caught me looking at gay porn does every time he sees me looking at him

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Throbbing arse-openers with fat meaty veins.
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Can it be considered a vein though? Anyone in the field?
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technically, it is corpus spongiosum, aka just protective material for the urethra. in some people it expands more than others. Dicks are actually made of three sections of tissue and in some people it just nestles more snugly together, in others for some reason it's very visible.

tldr not a vein
Yeah, I'm aware. But still it has plenty of blood vessels in order to expand, I was just wondering if it could be considered a vein, I'm not sure I remember what's the definition. But thanks for the answer,that settles it

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Hello again. Either I sucked a similar one before or someone made me dream about that.
Not the same guy, but damn, that’s hot…
Did you mean vertical cocks?
all 4s with him on top plowing


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Old thread >>2619918
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fucccc moar
are we looking at that butterfly upsidedown?
i don't care if it is ai i would eat it out all night long just the same

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Let’s drool over the absolute superior men of the world, their gorgeous chiselled faces and their massive cocks :)

Deep down, everyone wants to be fucked by a White man
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very fuckable but clean your mirror

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Hairy pits? Hairy pits.
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New thread?

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wearing trunks showing trunk
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10/10 would
We need another thread
I like to play with a guy’s junk in their pants/underwear before going down in them; it really “heats up” the area and makes it “steamy”, if you get what I mean. Unzipping them hits you with a tangible whiff of pheromones.
RIP best thread

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Handsome Men appreciating themselves in their own reflection (full body nudes preferred)
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ITT: MAGA/right-wing guys
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Good luck, with all those prereqs he's most likely going to look malnourished and prematurely aged as opposed to a magabro, unless he's roiding.
source on this hunk?
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Ecofashs are orbiters of regular nazis, they tend to be into the lifting cult too
Sounds hot

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Post brown bois from any racial background, Tai, Latinx, Arab. Just make sure they are cute.
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Latinx? We still doing this woke shit? Also they’re MEN, no need to use a gender neutral term that white women made up to describe brown men
It's used for gender neutral purposes and Jews made it up.
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soooo no comments on the weirdly one sided patch of chest hair?

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Just discovered this cockumentary that displays some very beautiful cocks

Going to post some big men from it, and whatever else, if you have more from the same movie or anyone who measures up, please post away

I just can't resist a nice man with a huge schlong
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Send pic of you fucking your own ass with your own dick first

Since it's such a nice size and all
burden of proof is on the one with the claim. I never said I have a monster dick. I have nothing to prove. Gullible retards like you on the other hand will believe any fat loser as long as they claim to be 20 inches
He thinks you're me because you replied to his reply to me
fuck you, you faggots

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