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Basically any guy that comes from a culture or society where they’d normally be circumcised as a child or infant. This can be anyone from America to Israel to any Muslim nation, etc. There’s something hot when guys from these regions aren’t cut, almost like they’re rebelling against islam/judaism. (Granted , it was more of their parent’s choice ).

Ignore the OG thread , don’t know how to delete it.
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SoCal white guy
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There's quite a few of us down in SoCal
Too bad California is such a left wing, dystopian hell hole… it has otherwise based views of not jewifying a guy’s dick.
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dick that gets thicker and thicker all the way down
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really? how do you know
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Probably even 11 would fit the category for many, though 12 or above is when they're "noticeable" even w shoes on
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Hairy asses 2
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My butt
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Me. Rate my ass?

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Age gap between partners is hot. Post some pics and webms with mature men and younger boys
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Well, yeah, it was one of my friend's Dad's who'd basically been dropping hints since I was 9 or 10 but that still didn't stop me. He may have got my attention but he didn't make me want him, I just wanted him.
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Retro with a quirk
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This is very specific but I'm into it.

God bless
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More BBC

Previous thread:
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PLEASE give source
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That's hot as fuck anon. Getting a leaking boner from a literal hobo working out is such a naughty and horny thing~

Let's imagine he accepted your proposal and you found yourself in a motel room with the hung, sweaty, homeless black stud that stole your heart. How long would you be able to keep your hands away from him? What would happen next? Tell me everything you'd do with him and how you would arrange for it to happen again.
About to get fucked by this beautiful bbc
holys hit

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try to avoid older men
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>>2635000 -- gag me with a spoon Moonbeam. Ick.

Here's Carlos. Drool ya fools.
He's cute, the only thing i'd change is that stick up his ass and the fact that he is not erect.
But he's cute tho

I think when boys get a little embarrassed its hot...

Pics, webms, and even stories and experiences would be awesome.

You can post whatever, as long as it contains some sort of humiliation...
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This would be so hot in an actual setting, where neither break character the whole time
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How can I complain about the /HM/ mods and when will there be applications for new mods?

Our current mods have failed in every sense of the word. Maybe we only have one mod, but he sucks. Threads that break the rules, just linger, and threads that follow the rules get deleted.

And to follow rules, unlike our current moderators, I'll make this a rimming thread.
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I think each board is allowed a meta thread to discuss things like this. But regardless:
>on a gay board
They made these for us as containment boards, homodachi.

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Nuts on mens bodies, the bigger the loads the better.

No "OC" pictures or webms.
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Swarthy juicy uncut hairy dicks
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Post YouTubers, Twitch streamers, vloggers and the like, from no-name creathots to big name sluts, post them hot
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He’s a stupid nigger, who’s reinforced by retards whose only impulse is reactionary. Especially when he queer baits morons with obvious signs and it’s embarrassing to believe faggots are stupid enough to fall for it. Gen z is the stupidest generation to abuse sexually and manipulate for financial gains. Don’t get me wrong old ass faggots thinking he’s hot is on thing cause they aren’t spending or wasting their time outside threads such as these, but little faggots in chat are so easily manipulated they keep this faggots income alive.
STFU, Hasan. Stuff another tranny cock in your mouth and be quiet.
Totally agree with you, just a bunch of fags praising these mid and overweight losers acting like their worth defending give me a break.
FINALLY someone gets it. I've been dreaming of that freakishly tall (also good with his fingers because of all the bass playing) Italian man for a long time. Been commenting, but no one seemed to share my hots for him. He's got a healthy relationship with his Taiwanese gf the last time I checked and I'm happy for them. Just kinda wish sometimes that it was me that he played all his music to. Need me a tall funny music bf
This guy is beautiful, and has a unique gaming channel.

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