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post the best position
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Right, that's frustrating. Like Belami videos, they have the most gorgeous looking models but it feels so mechanic. Even when they kiss it's boring. I know they're all g4p but I'm sure thats a choice
it's not just porn. most gay sex is like that
I tend to watch couples fuck for this reason. Passionate shit is the good stuff. Daddy/Boy stuff also skews more romantic, from what I've seen.
Blablablablah... Post content. More contribution less complaining
maybe your boring sex. Passionate gay sex is unreal, I've never cum harder.

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Cute guys who are carrying extra weight in the thighs and belly, soft man boobs. Preferably clean shaving or lightly hairy.
Morbidly obese IS NOT "chubby" there's already a thread up, know the difference, it could save your life.
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OC? I'd love to see you from behind if so.
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Dudes just hanging out
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What kind of "room" even is that?
shower room
Reupload? It's down

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Images / webms that contain a military man in uniform.
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Wow, such a brave opinion that doesn't address the substance of the argument at all. Well done.
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Lol 76mm BMP proj
Cop boner?

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with one hand (or both hands) behind their head, gets me hard af
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that's brent corrigan? looks quite different now
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>>2652620 I'd love to suck that cock
What a gorgeous little twink!

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Swarthy juicy uncut hairy dicks
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>2 glans
ai anon sorry
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Guys out in public, in public buildings, or in the built environment, where you would expect them to meet strangers sooner than later (rather than some random part of the woods, or in their car or something). Hardons, holes, fetish stuff, half-dressed and eye-fucking the camera, anything that's obviously communicating a sexual moment.

Any kind of dude, but looking good for it.
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How is that "exhibitionist? You wasted the end of the thread on a dude with shirt & pants on, GMAB
Remember watching when it came out. Made me diamonds

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Yeah. If I had a guy teasing me like that and not letting me seal the deal I would probably go crazy
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Creeped on my sleeping bf after a nice session
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U like?
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This guy just looks so hot for me, he's around my age too. Idk if this counts

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Love huge African cock and raceplay. BBC hits the spot like nothing else, shame I mostly had them as a teen
Pic is random thug bull
What's up with all these images not showing up now on /hm/?

There HAS to be video of him getting railed by all these black guys he obviously has a fetish for.
Could you please do the same with my wife, thank you in advance
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going to his house tonight, so excited
look how massive his hands are on his waist. jesus. I would form into a puddle.

short shorts
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Really hot man , great uncut cock, very very decent
Fuck love this guys knob
love guys who spread in public, especially wearing short shorts

Continued from >>2628261
Thumb: recent Grindr hookup, hung ginger college boy who loves getting blown.
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sauce? more?
I don't think you realize the irony of saying that shit then posting a shitty photoshop
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random sexy
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bonus if the pajamas STAY ON during sex
extra bonus for white twinks
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One of his videos for EastBoys is 10/10
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thread is dead on account of you faggots posting hairy old lumberjacks instead of twinks
everyone should start a new one
cant believe this thread is still here
>>2653687 is right btw. hm has been absolutely infested with ages & bmi's over 50 that wont let anything else exist for whatever reason. Between the >bears (ie old fatties) here and the trannies & nogs everywhere else, this site becomes less habitable every day

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Beefy asses
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Smash or pass?
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