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you've lost it you polish shit
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Bumping for feetz
Stupid pose, just shoving the object into the objective like that without any context or body attached.
Is this actually a femboy? I don't know. All I see is two soles

I wonder I guys that like armpits or biceps jerk off to pics of them with everything else being cropped
I also hate pornos when they zoom in on cock entering. It becomes medicinal or even creepy alien monster like performance of organs interacting. Why exclude this hot femboy from the context? Do you people screw old fat guys because they maybe have one single good body part you can obsess over and ignore the diffused hair and fat guts?
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Good thread op
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this polish footboy, who likely started the thread himself, and who i hope is lurking, is the only reason i come to this board anymore. he just needs to post more consistently.
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Hi I am the guy who made the pics. Here is a feet pic I never posted before as a proof.

Nope I am not the OP nor a femboy, more of a twink but I dont mind you share my pics. I used to post on deviantart but its mostly Twitter now. A friend of mime just told me he saw my pics on this thread xd
Hi, lurking but not the OP.
The world needs so much more of you. Cute the pose photo.
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I recognize these feet. I jerked off to your soles quite alot
More pls
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>>2634629 A taste for dark Asian feet?
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It's rarer than it should be
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How about these?
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Beautiful. I bet they smell amazing.
What feature do you like best about them?
go away old fag
Probably the long slenderness of them. And I like the color of course, a dark tan without the soles being that weird yellow color you tend to see with darker skinned people.
Yes. I love that creamy light skin that’s almost white against the darker skin of the tops. I love running my nose and tongue along that separation line of the two colours. And the ones who love guys doing that to them, they get such a hardon. I had one where if I suked on their toes just right, they would cum.
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M30 i Just created a Twitter Account would appreciate some Love <3

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Don't know if these count as femboy feet. but, i took these pics of my friends feet after convincing him that he has cute soles. he was very shy the whole time. he said being barefoot felt like being naked lol. he has such sensitive soles.
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while giving him a massage, a snuck in some tickling. i usually don't find male feet attractive. but something about his soles. drives me nuts lol. maybe it's the shape
>everything deleted not even a week later
most mentally stable foot enjoyer
I am so tired of seeing these images.
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where the hell are you finding these femboys?
i'm on both sniffies and grindr and the femboys there are either mystery meat obese mutts OR older white trans dudes that dress atrociously and use shit make-up
This is as bad as trans “women” with beards, like wtf can you at least shave you lazy fag shit
>sniffies and grindr
there's your problem, the actually cute femboys are not on apps, especially not those.
if they're not on there then i'm guessing twitter or discord?
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They're so underwhelming.
The picrel is patently false. LMAO.
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Here are mine
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Any of you fags own guns? Post them next to your feet
Would love to be on the menu

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