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Criminal Sucks Viper
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victor - in a few claw ads and on their website. i want him.
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Who is this stud?
all of these men look like they’ve never set foot in a school
Too bad your in the closet faggot dad is paying them to suck their dicks
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An inmate and his bitch
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Anyone have that video of a Latino dude jerking off and busting in the backseat of a car? As he’s busting it looks like he sees someone walking up on him, so he goes to stop the recording. Wearing a red shirt, hung, cum everywhere.
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Cute face, nice dick.
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Hmmmm, so is the guy on the left circumcised, or is he just happy to be riding with his buddies?
why is his head deformed and the background and their legs all randomly blurry

and the spokes on the bicycle
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They were poorly photoshopped into the background.
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No, that's the actual background. It was a blurring tool to blur the background and make the subjects stand out, but it failed to work properly.
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Chubby, but if he lost 20 pounds...
Or 25 or 30 lbs is more like it. But I can see the possibilities.
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Seeing that slight little bulge on the front of his sweat pants on guys like this gets me every time.
they look so uneducated lol
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>>2652005 Could you show us a little more next time? Like from the top of your head to your knees? Yeah, oh yeah!
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Here's another pic of Francisco. He walked into our family photo studio in Tijuana a few years back. He said he grew up in Southern California, but had gotten in some trouble and ended up here in Tijuana with another family member. Either he was on the run or got deported, not sure which. He sad he went by both "Francisco" or "Paco" and either one was fine with him. He overheard one of our photographers mentioning that he was going to do a nude photo shoot later that afternoon. When he heard that, he offered to pose nude for some quick cash. When he told one of our photographers that he was bi, he was offered a part in a gay porn video that was being shot down in Ensenada a couple months later. He agreed, but the director told him he would need to lose about 20 pounds before the shoot, because they wanted a light-skinned lean trim guy for the part and Francisco was a little overweight. He did lose the weight, and did the video. I heard he did great and was a natural. I never did see the video myself, but heard that it's still making the rounds.
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Really not into Mexicans at all, I feel the same about most of South America, all I see is drugs and violent death
That's fine, but it's strange that you would even stop at this thread rather than just scroll past it, not to mention stopping and leaving a comment. There are a lot of us Mexicans who are just regular middle class Americans working full time jobs, living in nice neighborhoods and have never been arrested and aren't involved with drugs. You're generalizing and stereotyping. Just like not all white Americans idolize and watch the Kardashians.
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I can't believe Hispanic men voted for that orange bastard! Like WTF?
Other than the fact that he has dark features and dark hair, I'm not sure what this has to do with this thread since he isn't Mexican or Latino. "Hassan Hamid Ali" is most likely Middle Eastern.
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college runner
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Red in Panama
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fuk u gaez he's perfect
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