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Love massive lowhanging balls. Preferably guys bent over swinging their heavy sack around
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Bigger? Not really without injecting saline into the scrotum. Longer? Kind of, if you stretch for years but it's mostly only when you have gear on
For weighted stretches, I use some weighted leather cuffs, from "The Chain Gang," that I found on Amazon. For a mechanical stretch, I use "Oxballs" neo stretchers.
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Enjoy the view!

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My brother left his phone unlocked and I quickly air dropped them to me.
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my lil bro
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...should fix a broken phone of a coworker...(37yo, straight). I was curious what kind of pictures he had on his phone... and found something "interesting".. He has only this 2 nudes of him on his phone... BUT: He made them at our workplace!!!! wtf... what is he doing while we are working?? ..and why he is so hairy.. :-( thought, he is a shaved guy...
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...here is the second pic
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Contd the now dead thread

Post about your bro relationship that was homo af

Do you have a fishing or hunting buddy?

How did you meet?

What started the sexual relationship?
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Hi anon,it’s good to talk about these things more the fact that you’ve come out the other side a decent guy. Good on you Ben Australia
Hell yea keep doing what feels good. I started off with sharpies and hairbrush, got my first dildo (threw it away after one use because I didn't want anyone to find out) then expanded and tried different shapes and sizes.

Easy to fall into a rabbit hole of sex toys tho.

The kicker that makes it feel 10x better is the weight of a partner with the prefect size cock. After a heart to heart with my wife about sexual fantasies and much experimentation my wife pegs me while she's on her period. We found a few dildos that I can take without much stretching and I also have a plug that I use when we have regular sex.
Lmao it never occurred to me that this would be a choice someone would make.

Going into the church to sniff out the other closeted homophobes sounds risky but hot af
how fucking dare you make me read that?

need to check on my homie crush
I guess this was under the radar.

When I was 15, my brother (18) had a friend (John, 18) who was handsome as fuck. Girls were throwing themselves at him, he was athletic and drove a nice car. And I had a huge crush on him.

He would come over my house to pick up my brother to go pick up girls and he'd talk to me while my persistently late brother got ready. Unlike everyone else, John treated me like an adult. Asked how school was, talked about cars, etc... While waiting we'd play some video games and he always thanked me for helping him to play. When my brother was ready, John would say "maybe we should take anon" but my brother would say I'd just get in the way of picking up girls. John would tussle my hair and just say "maybe next time anon."

One day he came over to get my brother and we were playing games and my brother called and said he was stuck at work for another shift and had to cancel. Instead of leaving, John asked if he could hang around and talk to me. We sat next to each other on the bed and talked and he asked if I had a girlfriend and I said no. he asked why not and I just said I wasn't interested. He then said "Can I kiss you?" and before I could answer he leaned in and kissed me. Don't get me wrong, I had a huge crush on John, be he was straight, I mean picking up girls, athletic, cool car... straight, right?

We made out on the bed and he ended up giving me a blow job and then I gave him one. We agreed we should keep this between ourselves. School ended, my brother had a full time job, John didn't since he was joining the army at the end of the summer, so John and I spent a lot of time together. Drives, lunches, dinners, movies and yes, sex. Lots of sex with this guy who I saw as the epitome of straight. I'm glad he wasn't.

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Decently shot guys in a precarious and kinky position, or otherwise having a punishing time on camera. No to people's deliberately unflattering selfies, or calls to action in someone's DMs. Yes to wedgies, involuntary stripping, corporal punishment, embarrassment, force-fucking, gangbangs, bullying, foot worship, difficult insertions, piss, stress positions, or idk – surprise me...

Full image (from a great artist):

Old thread:
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i wish i group of guys would make me their nude bar twink :0
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All the results of natural testosterone.
1. Masculine Self Confidence is handsome.
2. Natural body hair, unshaven.
3. Natural unroided fitness, a body resulting from hard work and testosterone only—a beautiful manliness.
4. Not overly tatted or modified, a natural man.
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None of us will ever touch any of these guys btw

Because we're ugly incel fucks

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GIant Melanated laphogs that deserve to be worshipped and sucked to completion. Let's keep it going.
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Bussy thread

Bonus points for nice taints and gapes
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Wanna give it a kiss??
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Is it breedable?

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nice to look at, but yeah, that's not going anywhere.
That site doesn't work, is there another?
Sauce on this please, I'm begging
Chuck Conrad

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Post some sexy cut meat.

Old thread is full: >>2649895
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Once saw a twink, fit build flexing his muscles in a red shirt showing off his hard cut cock. Sadly don't have it anymore. Anyone can help out ?
so fucking tight! its chafe and take forever to cum, or use lube lmao. I know the struggle.
I have a fantasy of traveling the world with a couple hundred or thousand like-minded individuals and just circumcisizing as many hot guys as possible. I want it to be seen as the norm the world-over.

The US better not give up its dominance or sexual cultural soft power.
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Flaccid cut cocks like this one look really bad. They can grow to 6-7 inches but look horrendous aesthetically when soft.

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Movies, Plays, Recording Artists, Sports Figures and more. If they ever showed skin, let it come to light! (Starting off with Shia)
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it makes him all the more charming.
It may be a vanity Fair party but he will show that ass off
that pic still doesn't show what his skin really looks like. it actually favors him a lot. his skin is in serious need of a dermatologist. just look at this one
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my man just needs some tretinoin. meanwhile, nothing noahide schnapp does will keep him from looking like your average -stein in ten years’ time.
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In ten years he'll be my malewife househusband

Thread of photos from my hard drive, mostly ass pics. Feel free to share any you have.
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You had to know that was not what the vast majority of people considers to be a good looking fat ass before posting that...
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Phat ass gang!
Anon speaks for the majority apparently LOL
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Just plain old fucking and cumming inside
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got more?

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All time grand champions
Only solo pics and vids!
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Does anyone have sauce on this one?
you'd have to be fucking retarded to think that's real

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