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The tastiest looking cocks that need to be throated
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shame the camera focus is on the base not the tip

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Cause the old one is full already
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ruined and samefagging again, dont even make these threads anymore bruh
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SC - uglydoug420
Kik: hrattle
best in thread. reminds me of my first daddy, fucked the cum right out of me. miss that old man

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Hasan was hotter as chubby
how can you be tastefully racist and sexist
>chill center right
I dont like "all the pack" including shit like absent state
Also mussolini italy had the second most statized economy and welfare after the soviet union lmao
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Exposed fags, post em.
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Kik: babyk2135
Hot dick and body. I'd cum in him.
me too
>His dad used to be pro for UPS
You gotta appreciate a Daddy that delivers, rain sleet or snow.

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Obviously no personal info.

Bonus points if it was a cock that you ended up taking.

Picrel was the biggest dick I've ever taken in my ass. I had a threesome with him and his husband during my late teens slut phase. His husband was also pretty big and went first to prepare my ass to take him, then he had a turn. It hurt a lot at first but I ended up liking it. Was walking funny for days.
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I was in Ecuador overnight and this dude messaged me. Ended up grabbing something to drink and finished with him unexpectedly breeding me multiple times. He was very cute
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This guy was really into MMA. Did some like moves on me in bed. He had really saggy balls but they were very small. Dick was big though. Ended up fucking me Even though we were just going to jerk off. He took off the condom about 10 seconds in
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This dude was one of the first ones that I bottomed for. He was a nurse. Absolutely massive cock. First guy to make me come hands-free. I never got him to take off the condom though
This dude messaged me when I was visiting Vegas. He was just arriving for some vaping conference. I was just leaving from my conference and we had like 3 days overlap. He was a very very skinny Asian dude. I was going to fuck him but he ended up pounding me for most of those 3 days. We fucked at each other's hotel rooms for hours. It was one of the few times that I have gone round after round after round. He really knew how to fuck
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Met this dude on Grindr and we hooked up a few times. He had this long skinny dick that got thick at the base. I just, at that point, hadn't bottomed in a while but his cock made me want to. He was like the second guy to breed me. I know he wanted me to fuck him but I couldn't resist having that cock inside me. I ended up driving an hour for us to meet in the middle and got a hotel the last time we met. What I would do for that cock again

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Yeah. Doesn't need to be orthodox/hasidic men, Israeli & reform guys count
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Handsome israeli gay soldier
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Bussy Thread
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this. I always find it baffling when people online act as if getting a bear bf is an impossible herculean task limited to only giga attractive men and other bears. As long as you aren't going for onlyfans instathots with a million online followers gay bears are the easiest type of man to get. And I say this as an ugly as hell looking mf.

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Last hit bump limit
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This is so hot, his master must be moulding him into a muscle bottom slut.
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>tfw your boyfriend keeps you locked up semi-permanently
God damn that's hot

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aka the sexiest, cockiest pose
Bonus point for smirking/cocky faces
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Pics where a man is taking a selfie with another man's butthole, or where he's taking a selfie with his own.
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