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140 replies and 109 images omitted. Click here to view.
Amazing nut sack - great hairy ass too
I want to suck this cock & balls so bad
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Men tied up, handcuffed etc
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underrated content - love post orgasm torture
Anyone interested in amateur oc? Fair warning, fat as fuck and tiny cock.
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Jordan Boss makes videos of him tormenting guys (often this same guy). These are screenshots from one of them. I love the idea but his haircut makes me insane
I wish I could find someone to do predicament bondage with. So jealous of the insex girls lol
Anyone know the source on these?

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Apparently this guy has some content out there, anyone have vids/moar? I'll dump what I got so far
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That's all I got but there's gotta be more out there
This guy is AI-generated, last thread some schizo anon proved it. Boring
Link? Looks pretty real to me except that first pic
let a man suck some dick yall fucking sissy bitches
can't a guy blow a guy in peace, if we're here we're used to guys wanting to get out with other guys

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Stupid twat they're not speedos -effing nigga

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Images / webms that contain a military man in uniform.
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Jesus Christ that package. Do you ever see a guy and think "this guy must pass on his genes?" Like yeah I know that this is a gay board, but idc. Genetics like this must exist in the future.
it's alright
Bro, be calm
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Well spotted anon, looks like he's married hope his missus takes a close look prior t-bagging his nuts

Continued from >>2617121

Thumb: "Good Politic Guy" on yt
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Oh, I've seen his videos, he's cute. Is there nothing on him?
I bet he doesn't realize gays all over the world want to suck and fuck him
Doug is mad cute. I unironically want a husband like him
Need him more than I need air. I had to stop myself from going frame by frame in his vids to see the 1/8 of a second that you can see below his torso.
so much samefagging, when did this board get this schizo
I miss the compilations and the screenshot spam every Houston game.
I still have a soft spot for BenBest.

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its my dream for my face to be sat on by this
Thx for your comment. :)
oc anyone like it?

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The MCU may be dead, but its hunks will live on forever
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My two husbands
>tfw no Brokeback Mountain sequel with them
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Buckycap reunion at Feige getting a star on the Hollywood walk of fame
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To stop all the source threads deleting good content, a general source thread is required. /r/ doesn't do gay shit and mods ban/delete individual source threads.

How to obtain your source:
1) Post your picture or description
2) Post what you want (name, company, etc)
3) Post any information you have (where/when the picture is from, etc)
4) Wait for a mars/hm/allow to help you and then say thanks.

Together we can stop the 404ing of good porn.

Please use Yandex (highly recommended) or Google image search (fuck google image search though) before posting in this thread.

There is also a gay porn encyclopedia which can be found here:
It has a huge library of many different actors, studios, films and other information which you may find helpful.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Trenton Ducati and Corey Haynes
I know this is closing soon, but anyone know that short video/gif of a guy thrusting in a pool/hot tub? It's basically this tanned-white muscular guy wearing a black speedo, thrusting as the water splashes. Like, 5 seconds long at most it's that short. I'm not sure if it's real or cg/ai, but there is some weird details that makes me think its the latter.

Would still like to find it though.
On X

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stop posting AI

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Post your best
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For the cage it depends if you're going for long-term wear or not
For the diaper, just pick whatever as long as it's big, thick and you like the color/design
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And preferably showing hole
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nice you use the fancy TP
Como whit me https://onlyfans.com/action/trial/8eik10n23w4d2laht7uswxktmbsotund
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i am the guy in the picture

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Pics where a man is taking a selfie with another man's butthole, or where he's taking a selfie with his own.
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intensely sniffable anuses
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Need more BBC
Previous: >>2623391
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made for sex with yt bois
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Fat white cocks too but in my experience maybe only 1 out of every 1000 white guys is big enough. Like I said I have no racial preferences but white dick tends to be short and skinny

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