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Love massive lowhanging balls. Preferably guys bent over swinging their heavy sack around
Im also looking for a clip; Does anybody have a clip of a big dude, he bends over with his big ass out and is swinging his nuts. They’re huge, massive turkey neck type balls and so low and heavy it’s almost a thick straight line down. He flaps them left and right between his thighs (I think in slow motion) and between the size/shape and the deep pink colour of them it almost looks like a tongue swinging and slapping. I used to cum to it so much but for the life of me can’t find it in my porn collection or anywhere online
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Damn boy I can suck'em all night
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didn't know that I got this fetish.
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fuckkkk that shit is perfect that is exactly the kind of stuff im looking for. Don't happen to know of the clip I mentioned at the start of the thread do you? haha
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No, sorry. But if you should find it, make sure to post the source.
how does one seek one with such a beauty balls without being seen as a freak?
perfekt length, shape and balls but probably straight. it's always like that. :/
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Best one yet--a CMNM w the Master making him bend over to examine/squeeze his balls
I NEED a sauce
good taint
wow very hot
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Hows this
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