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My brother left his phone unlocked and I quickly air dropped them to me.
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More of my bro
Get him drunk and suck the shit out of this. With a cock like that there's no way he would refuse a blowie, he needs someone to help him take the steam off...
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Got my brothers too while he was passed out
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My dad has no idea I have this pic and that I jerk off to it most nights
Nice cock

Nice cock. How does it compare to your own?
Hot cock, I bet your mom likes getting fucked by that beauty
You sure anon? His cock is rock hard with his hand wrapped around his cock, I’d bet he was fully awake when the pic was taken
His is much bigger than mine, which turns me on even more.
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My (not blood related) Aunt's husband. He's a total piece of shit (off and on drug addict and jobless) but that's why he's attractive to me. I knew he was a serial cheater so it wasn't hard to find him on a dating app and catfish a dick pic out of him. He was super dominant in text which was a nice plus. I lived with them for a few months, wish I coulda done something with him
You like shitty guys?? On purpose? Why?
Idk man I just am. No specific reason, its just attractive.
There's hope for me yet
Post yours in the same pose for comparison.
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stolen from friend’s phone
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and another
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My personal trainer accidentally sent me this
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Found my ex brother in law on Reddit

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