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GIant Melanated laphogs that deserve to be worshipped and sucked to completion. Let's keep it going.
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Love me a super dark BBC. They're underrated
The darker the better
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Negro dick always obliterates that prostate and make you shoot hands free
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Came across the opportunity to suck my weed guy's dick during a smoke session last week. Unzipped his pants while mentally praying he was packing and lo and behold, an anaconda flopped out and damn near smacked me in the face. I've blown him twice so far and I've been so into it I sometimes visit these threads and /gif/ to look at BBC and stroke. I should be doing it again next week. Life is good, thanks for reading my blog
I'd like to find nice wallpaper-worthy pics of big black cocks inserted in random submissive white twinks
but alas, this doesn't seem to exist
le sad
I love a nice head
Holy shit brooo
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when are you getting blacked
Dunno. I don't want to force things because he's the "I'm straight, I just like getting head by dudes sometimes" type. Plus I'm comfortable just having a BBC to suck on whenever I'm horny

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