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Swarthy juicy uncut hairy dicks
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I am obsessed with this cock.

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Cause the old one is full already
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i'll start with lewissurv. reminder that beauty is purely subjective
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the british part ruins the fantasy for me also someone in my area keeps trying to catfish as him lmao
this guy would be considered handsome or at the very least cute literally everywhere
i deserve
Have you seen him smile?

I think when boys get a little embarrassed its hot...

Pics, webms, and even stories and experiences would be awesome.

You can post whatever, as long as it contains some sort of humiliation...
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Thats average retard
Brassic, right?

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Pics where a man is taking a selfie with another man's butthole, or where he's taking a selfie with his own.
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He loves his asshole.
So hot, but unfortunately it's AI generated.

Surprisingly hot. I think that's Jordan Vaughn.

It's been a while since we had a thread of guys smoking cigarettes. Looking for reasonably flattering images of any kind of dudes getting naked or doing something fetishy while smoking. Not into cigars (that's a distinctly different vibe), and drugs have their own thread here: javascript:quote('2605076');
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Hot smoking videos from this guy :)

Stroking, dick bouncing:


Piss, outdoors:

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aka the sexiest, cockiest pose
Bonus point for smirking/cocky faces
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So I have a bit of a kink for guys wearing crosses. There's something so hot about a good "Christian" boy peddling his flesh on the internet. Post guys with religious iconography.
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May the lord bless me one day with an innocent cute Christian boy I can corrupt. Amen.
Betting. 3Dgts.
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You like pencil dicks anon?
This one is hot AF. Wish I could fuck a guy wearing this.

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This thread is for images of black and brown bottoms enjoying white cock.

>Previous thread: archiveofsins.com/hm/thread/2555379
>All our past threads: archiveofsins.com/hm/search/subject/bleached
>Discord: discord.com/invite/bJGWBJj
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source on this?
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Japanese gay slotter
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Stoners, junkies, skaters, white trash, hippies, criminals, and homeless guys. Really anyone who has that unkept “scruffy” look to them. Last thread reached the image limit.

Previous thread: >>2514712
191 replies and 85 images omitted. Click here to view.
Love meth junkie rubbercock
Ugh I need a bf like this
The worst part of turning into a tweaked out fag is still kind of hot actually. Maybe I should do one more hit and just jerk all day
He's cool with randos hitting him up?

Anyway... I've thought about this because it seems like they'd be up for anything, but I hooked up with a meth head and I got too uncomfortable.

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Never Ending Black Cock Daddies, post the juiciest have to get your lips around BBC's that make you immediately get hard.
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My fantasy is sucking a big heavy softie like this. Would feel so good getting it hard until he flooded my throat with hot cum. Fuck.
Post yours and/or tag the one ITT you most wanna get fucked by
Jamiaca, Ghana, Nigeria, from what I'm told

Post your favorite Purdue swimmers and/or claim your favorites!
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International student Matheo Mateos
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Tyler Downs and Jordan Rzepka

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More musky bros, pls.

Bonus points for blonds and gingers.

Old thread: >>2638086
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can you describe what the smells like to something accessible to me? (food, plant, herbs, spices)
I'm khhv gay btw.
everything is based on that person's body chemistry/food diet. I find that some latino guys have a peppery smell, like black pepper. Some guys who drink caffeine have a pungent musty smell

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It used to be that there would always be a thread going in here for these hunks, what happened? Let’s get this trend started again! Other college boys in singlets also allowed.
65 replies and 39 images omitted. Click here to view.
He looked so cute and innocent. The fact that he's s vapid OF person ruins it.

Would still jerk it if there are leaks but I ain't paying for that.
Any leaks?
could you be any more of a stupid faggot
no nudies of Will huh? Y'all make me ashamed to be a fag,
You've never ever seen an uncut penis in your life, gorefag. Enjoy your dried up disgusting scar.

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