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It used to be that there would always be a thread going in here for these hunks, what happened? Let’s get this trend started again! Other college boys in singlets also allowed.
I miss all the Latinos
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Get some taste, brother.
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I can get behind that. Keep posting.
Second one bottom row takes testosterone.
His balls are tiny.
How about let's not get this sick shit started again. There's a reason why it's not around anymore.
the second one is my tyype of guy, I love big ears, anyeone have his name or socials?
They all seem to be circumcised. Last guy to the right is proud of being the tiniest.
Dick is dick to me. Cut or uncut I personally like dick.
Fuck you.
Second from the left.
You don't mind that cheese smell? Thr smell is even worse when they shsve their pubes.
tyler brennan (guy with big ears) got baited hes got a nice cock. bonus his brother and dad also:

Love all the bulges.
They knew exactly what they were doing.
Really love wrestling. Tried before and now I want a singlet again so bad.

Feel free to add me to tlgrm: A44bab
Please elaborate, I genuinely don't know what you're talking about.
Pick 1
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As a European, this feels so creepy and gay to me. They really need to be in those uniforms?
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Any one know the name/instagram/onlyfans of the middle one?
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never mind, I found him
Jonah Niesenbaum @jonahniesenbaum
now on the WWE as Cutler James
if that were his cape, he had on a cute matching mask and was wearing a crime fighting utility belt , he'd be really hot
Gayest sport imaginable
I would be so embarrassed
isn't the website with all the pictures deleted?
they're weird looking, except 1st on left, he just looks old, like he's in grade 11 held back 6 or 7 times
pick one, for what, to toss in to a wood chipper?
most of the guys in these icky wrasslin' threads look inbred.
are there any pics of cute wrestlin
guys with wet spots?
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I'm down to buy the team new uniforms, sans the cup. have em silk screened with the team name and logo. yay.
I mean, Greco-Roman wrestling was traditionally done nude; the goal is to have no barriers between the opponents' bodies. As much as I'd love for them to all just wear thongs, a singlet provides some level of modesty
high school traditional greco-roman wrestling would be huge on PPV. especially the jello and boy butter matches.
btw anyone know of a team hiring a fluffer? i've had 10+ years experience and am a member in good standing of the National Fluffer Federation.
>shoes on
tristan duran
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Bro, it's just every Mexican out cutting grass rn. Your taste sucks
he asked for a barefoot one and that’s the only one that went barefoot
he looks inbred. like most of these guys/things.
I appreciate the effort
Who is this and is there more of him?
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dunno, maybe
Perfect. However just need him with his shirt off.
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Will Edmiston, former college wrestler and current OF camwhore at: https://onlyfans.com/weyolo
i'm in love. wonder if he wants to cum live with an awesome cocksucker in l.a., where it's warm in winter, and other than a few random 100o days with comfortable humidity, pretty damn pleasant in summer.
He looked so cute and innocent. The fact that he's s vapid OF person ruins it.

Would still jerk it if there are leaks but I ain't paying for that.
Any leaks?
could you be any more of a stupid faggot
no nudies of Will huh? Y'all make me ashamed to be a fag,
You've never ever seen an uncut penis in your life, gorefag. Enjoy your dried up disgusting scar.

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