This thread is for images of black and brown bottoms enjoying white cock.>Previous thread:>All our past threads:>Discord:
>>2618773SOURCE PLEASE!!!
Another /pol/cunt that can fuck off back to it's cesspit
Another thread to bump
Dom verbal white top fucks black bottom. Amateur. Can we identify anyone involved in this clip, or if there's more, or anything about where it came from? searching for "dick touch that soul" I managed to find this, which is a 35-second clip of the above video posted 2 years ago, so the video's at least 2 years old:
>>2618767>>2618771>>2619686Need sources and names
>>2618818>>2618869Why this seethe?
Why can't I get into the Discord? It says can't accept invitation?
How many black guys do you think like raceplay? How many of them do you think actually believe the degrading things said during raceplay and how many is it just a fetish?
>>2620493It's been heavily edited, the person on the right is Legrand Wolf with a different face. The chastity cage is also edited in for sure
Basic Slaver here. just reposting from the thread prior.>Kylan kiddo ( a versatile twink that really knows what he wants and what he truly wants is to fuck white boy and get bred by white men)>Peter Sinnerpit (an bottom with an exceptional smile to die for. plump, juicy and warm to the touch both inside and out)>panterino( highly exotic bottom from europe, really loves taking white dick)>ceeluvsya/cystique(stomach looks like what would happen davinci made a statue out of Marquina black, truly divine)>marsvalentinxxx(Lips capable of sucking TWO, thats TWO cocks at once, and with an ass like that, its pretty much a three for one deal)>HeliosEmpress/taitealatte (Rotten goods. An exceptionally cute twink and an amateur verse that does not hesitate in flamboyancy, which ends up being his downfall given the fact that he's a weird. but the choice is still yours if you wish to pursue>KaiTaylor/Kai NeoLani (A wise choice for a bottom to use as a means of entertainment. be warned, he many grant a sense of boredom and idleness but i assure you, if you breed him for too long, the worst of the worst may occur. you might end up falling in love with his holes as much as he ends up falling in love with your cock>Tyler Winxx (A Basic bottom with very little to offer, but still cute)>Curlybboy (adorable cocksucking corbin blue looking motherfucker)>lil_bangbang (his master is a man known as besavage8 and through the works of unison, youll realize envy from the passion he shows his master at all times)>Santi Konnor (Retired now, but while he was around, he was a very slick papi out to steal your semen by any possible means)>Rogan Hardy (the Head of Harlem Hookups. if youre white and havent fucked this faggot, then you might be a bottom, cause everyone's fucked this little bitch)
>>2620708>Jordan Jameson ( A Divine Verse that is hell bent on stealing your soul with his hole and your semen with his gaze. Body sculpted by adonis for the singular purpose of invoking carnal desires in all men that become charmed by his beauty and sultry)>Sean Xavier (a delight verse that really is out for your money. With the help of his cock and many other orifices in tow, he is set out to empty both of your pouches without leaving a single gram of weight behind)>Bishop Black ( i woud say that he is versatile but he always ends up taking more than he recieves, so it is up to you about how you wish to devour this delightful dish)>TyWithBruno (a verse couple that flip fuck so frequently that its hard to tell whether or not the lights are on. a truly majestic couple worthy praise)>Chino Blacc (A father that makes an exceptionally meaty cocksleeve to all those that are capable of satiating his vast hunger Penis and Seeds)>Rhyheim Shabazz (a Verse only by technicallity. he's bred more whore than most of you have to even purchase. He is more of a top than most people here but still gets his holes filed from time to time from those that are lucky enough)>Krave Melanin ( A Verse but an exceptional top. this is the man that you wish to introduce to your parents with the purest intent of disappointing them. Truly Built to breed as many wholes neceessary and cant handle
>>2620709>Jacobi_DSP (A New Addition to the public toilet domain. if you wish to get your cock rigorously cleaned, this juicy faggot thug, with the help of his merry band of goon coons, will ensure that your dick cheese is removed and your asshole thoroughly polished. The only thing to truly be wary about is the fact that they'll be robbing you of all your semen by the time they're done with you)>Max Konnor (if you have the cake then he is bound to be your most loyal customer. a true top hell bent on filling the ripest of holes with the deepest of penetrations and the firmest of handling to date)>Rider Rivera (While he was alive, he had only one objective. Pulversiving every bottom that got in his way. and that is what he did. a true top to the bitter end paving the way for as many holes as possible can before his inevitable passing)>massively mode (a fine specimen. a fatherly with an extra hole to hide your cock, car keys, Christmas presents, and so much more. this humble grey-haired giant truly knows his way around a shaft and is more than willing to pamper your every desire to his heart's content and so far, vanilla, and only vanilla, is what he's usually stuffing himself with as you can see)>Grande Simões (what a beast. i dont say this under any racial connotations but what.a.beast. only your curiosity will be your guide on this one)that should be all. please gentlemen, do enjoy yourselves
>>2620708I'll purchase Kai Taylor and Peter Sinnerpitt, thanks
>>2620854another excellent purchase by a customer with excellent taste. may your massive sword find peace with it's new black sheaths.
Best thread.
>>2621017Thanks for joining us
>>2618767I don't know what to make of this thread.I mean, black guys submitting sexually to white guys seems unnatural, right? It's against God's plan.
>>2621371kek. nice pun.
I miss Thug Hunter.
>>2621994Based taste. There was some truly top tier black ass on that site
>>2618767Why are the black guys always so ugly and masculine?Why is it so rare to find porn of masculine hunk or twunk white men topping black twinks or prettyboys? There are plenty of black pretty boys but i never see them getting fucked by whitesAnd thats just professional stuff. Amateur stuff is almost always fat or gross white guys
love when Sean bottoms
>>2621994My head canon is that the black guys on that were gang members being pimped out by their own gang. Likewise for the black on black porn sites
>Sup anon. it's very likely that you mad as fuck right now, but you know how it is. but on real shit though, big apologies for the inconvenience hung dawg, cause unfortunately, this bicycle of yours was too good to pass up, and the looks of it i was right. from the gears, to the frame, to the paint job, all of these specs are the makings of a good bike and I'm pretty sure you paid a pretty penny or a fat three digit chunk of your salary for it. (wouldn't really know, never worked a day at an honest job in my life). So some bad news and good news, got someone already looking to buy this slick ride of yours sadly, so I can't give you back. The Good news, I could hook you up with a different ride that'll make you forget about the first bike to begin with, and don't worry. that ride will be the perfect fit for you. So heavy, durable and comfortable that you'll never wanna leave the house without it. so tell me senpai, we got a deal?how would you respond?
>>2625587I’d love to see his black ass bouncing on my white dick.
>>2626609Who are they?
>>2626928I think the bottom is Peter Connor
Message me whilst I'm still horny.07500 800072.
>>2632271I think the top is Drake Von
i follow this hot russian guy on onlyfans. i recently found out he's fucking a black bottom influencer. used to have a hot white russian boyfriend. i don't know how to feel about it
>>2632789Horny. You should feel horny.
>>2633025his ex was a lot hotter though.
>>2632789What's his name?
>>2627458>>2621962>>2621069>>2620443>>2619852>>2619509hot unfortunately black guys are really ugly, more hot latinos please!
I need a puerto rican bottom bf with a fat hairy ass who loves white guys but also is kinda ghetto and talks like wendy williams pic unrelated but id take that too
>>2633179vladislav vorontsov
>>2633201Latinos are ugly, and manlet stop trying to force them. They will never be the male version of latinas you want them to be. Hobbot women don't matter, hobbit men are atrocious
>>2633762They fit no niche, can rarely be twinks on account most have tiny limbs and built like obese chipmunks while having rough box shaped amerindian features without heavy european or afro latino input. Can't be masculine either while being 5'2" on average lmaoLatinos need either 60% euro ancestry or 60% black ancestry to look like men and not no box shaped aboriginal. Look at the 100% amerindian latinos and compare them to the white & black admixed ones like Ryan Garcia or Farley and you'll see what I mean. They need other blood to look pleasant. It ain't just their faces either, their bodies look child-like their thighs/calves etc aren't as developed as either whites or blacks.Afro latinos & Castizos > Purer Amerindian latinos
>>2633762lol you wish, have fun with your gorillas, I'll keep my handsome latino hobbits (neither of us could pull white men)>>2633769wtf are you yapping about? this retarded race science you've come up doesn't make sense outside your own mind. I love squatamalan men as well as white brazilians, you'd have to pay me to touch a black "twink"
>>2633762>>2633769ThisMost of the "Hot" latinos people post are basically just the rare spanish speaking blacks or whites. Actual mestizos resemble amerimutt and the pure indigenous are just straight up goblins. They wont hear it though cause they were raped into existence by the Spanish and long for their acceptance even if it means putting others down.Forgot to post image**
>>2633769lol no
What's the most common non-white ethnicity that visits this thread?
>>2634233Definitely Latinost. Latino
>>2633952would love to fuck an Amerindian stud deep in the rain forrest, every white man's dream, clapping those dark brown cheeks. I want to be like that Lord Miles guy but for gay sex
>>2634426Need source
>>2625587Fuck the bike, fuck the Nubian King nigger
Captcha: PPTT
>>2620709name of the redhead top?
Found this video today. Hope everyone enjoy!
>>2625587Living in EU white top here and my dream is to have a black bottom can i make it happen if i live in a full white country?
>>2638488If we click you can be my bf but I'll let you fuck me regardless if your dick is big
>>2632789this is one of his blottoms. i wonder what their sex life is like.
>>2618767Rate my black dick
>>2639848>>2632789Depends if they're into race play or not. Hopefully.
I love white cock I'm tempted to hook up.
>>2640447so did you?
>>2620709I desperately need sauce or names
glad to see him bottoming
>>2647551nani the fuck??sauce?
>>2620422Black guy here: Belief is a crapshoot, but as far as being into raceplay, any black american just about has to be into it at least a little if he wants to date interracially at all. (And probably in the UK as well.)
>>2621371Just because it's part of your religion to get fucked by negroes, Moshe, doesn't mean it's part of ours.
I wouldn't get near anything with that bushy haircut. Must have grabbed him right out of the jungle
Holler louder BOY
>>2651740Don't look up the full video. It's nothing but disappointment. White guy is one of those g4p brazilians. He's soft the whole time and it's fake sex.
>>2653954Cade Maddox fucking Adrian Hart, Roman Todd fucking Ty Santana, someone fucking Kai taylor
White cop boner?
The ginger is Riley from Max & Riley (@XxxTwinkcouple and twinkriley)Then there's Jacobi Stennis (justcobipro) and Alexthegreat (mramazingggxxx)
>>2655075fuck thats a monkey lol
>>2646222source on this?
>>2658315Japanese gay slotter
>>2620710Video sauce ?
>>2662515The bottom is Peter Sinnerpitt, not sure of top
>>2660362moar blackness in cage
What's a good source of bottom black content?There used to be lots of dedicated accounts on tumblr befor the porn ban, nowadays I mainly find stuff here and very niche subreddits. It doesn't even need to be straight up sex, even a place where I can find solo pictures would be cool.Asking here because I don't really know where else I should ask.
>>2647551Fuck I need to see him take a load
>>2663124I wouldn't recommend Tumblr for porn in general. Here are some Twitter accounts I'd suggest checking out, though:@xxsubmissoreal0@pornoVERI@LustfulBrownBoy@BrockHungBWC@Blackcalvin_@Kingofpussebois@Anthony28761136Have fun.
Happy Black History Month
anyone got any twinks fucking black muscular dudes? im talking skinny not twunks
>>2664699Sauce in file name
These threads always make my little black cock leak...